The flame is lit. Not the flame of life but the fire of destruction and death. Who will put this out? Quickly, this fire will expand, jumping from the candle into life and human history, and will be welcomed by so many hearts.
Hatred and evil designs will multiply the fire’s power, spreading far beyond anyone’s imagination. Once released, this fire will never again be extinguished. Every effort to control and limit its power will only push the flames in a different direction. Unknowingly, the world has opened the door to the final stage of an era of world history.
The Woman must walk alone because her child, the Church, is not ready or willing to accompany her. First, she must bring about, within the Church, those events which will place the Church firmly in her heart. Only then, can this child of her love become her perfect instrument. After that, the flames will continue, but the Church, the Woman’s Ark of the Covenant will be ready for all who wish to enter.