
Darkness fills America as it approaches the elections.   Mary kept the person who is filled with light on the sidelines because America would have rejected him, also.   However, there will be a later time, when the darkness begins to be shattered.   Then I will lift him up to the presidency.   For now, he will continue to serve in uprightness of spirit and in truth.   I will guide his every step.   He will not thirst for the highest office, just as he did not seek his current high position.   He will serve the people faithfully and will be a marker of truth and firmness in the coming years.   It will be only in the final two years of the new term, when all of the darkness has been swept away and America turns to a man of integrity that his political star will rise in the sky.   Until then, I must keep him safe.   For America, the years immediately ahead will be filled with intrigue, darkness, scandals, and financial difficulties of every sort.   Although all result from the foolish decisions made by America, Mary will not abandon her.

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