
Mankind has acquired weapons of such massive destruction, that the future of the world must be taken from his hands for a period of time so that he does not totally destroy creation.   This is the period of the secrets which Mary has revealed in many places, but uniquely at Fatima and Medjugorje. These mysteries are the highest mountains receiving the greatest light. Although they are still licked and sealed, soon their gifts will unfold in human history.
Intimately joined to these secrets is the Church, with the Holy Father, bishops, priests, religious and laity.   All will have an important role.   The interventions will be divine but the acceptance of the graces must happen in human hearts, which Mary must prepare by her teachings.   For this purpose, she has intervened in extraordinary ways as a sign of extraordinary divine actions.   John the Baptist prepared Israel for Jesus’ coming.    This is now the Woman’s worldwide task.

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