
The Woman must lead the Church into this mystery of Divine Illumination. She will give a warning, a clear message three days before this heavenly light enters every human heart.   Even more, she will prepare all who listen and act upon her words.
This enlightenment is both a gift and a trial, because what the light reveals is so extraordinary and so overwhelming.   Those who gather with others in faith will be the safest.    Their prayers will protect them from the evil one and their encouragement will provide the needed strength.

When Mary’s word goes forth that the day of Divine Illumination is to occur everything except acts of charity must be abandoned.   Those three days are holy and setting aside everything is a mark of faith and respect.   Then, Mary will show everyone what to do, enlightening each one how to join with others and be united in prayer.   The three days before the enlightenment will determine the effect of the gift itself.

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