Just as the Book of Wisdom was written by a pious Jew reflecting upon the Old Testament, so these little thoughts about Our Lady come from reflections upon all of the Marian apparitions with their messages.
Before the world is destroyed, the Father must act to remove nuclear powers from human control. He can only accomplish this by removing and destroying much that man has created. His actions will not be understood. He is preserving humanity, not destroying it, saving the world, not annihilating it.
Prophets must arise to explain, and in this moment, the Church will truly become the Light of the world, guided first by the Woman’s priest son and then by others who walk in His light.
See what lies ahead. The foundations are shaking. Peace has abandoned Europe. Putin marches, halted only by brave Ukranians. He is limited for now but plotting future destruction, and hoping to regain all that was lost.
The poor have been neglected. They have no table to enjoy food. If the rich were to take care of the poor, peace would return.
Satan has covered over the path to life, deceiving the whole world by his pleasures. He has bathed all the nations in his darkness and has blinded all to the way to salvation. Soon, all will hang in the balance. The whole world will be in his hands with the light of Christ obscured.
Seeing his plans and understanding his ways, the Woman has forged another road of light, accessible to all who understand this mystery of the Father’s choice.
Each person holds a part of human history in their hands but only the Father holds all of history. He allows the human person to defy Him and to walk sinful paths. He tolerates violence and wars and so many evils.
A moment comes, however, when He must intervene. He acts quickly and decisively, directly and often painfully, purifying, chastising, crushing the evil and startling the world. Even so, many do not see. So, this time, He sends the Woman to prepare the world, to comfort her children, and to strengthen those who are fearful.
All can see the beginning traces of the future, the obscure outline provided by present events. The Russian evil has begun to spill over, checked for now by Ukranian resistance.
Many unused weapons, limited goals, and for now, a united West. Yet, Russia has its own allies, working together for world domination, unchecked by any moral values, perfect instruments in Satan’s hands.
Will the Father just allow human history to take its course, totally determined by the human will, or will He intervene, stopping the process and take history into His own hands?
Even with free will, history has always been in His hands. However, in some moments, His actions become evident to all; extraordinary feats which manifest His power and cause every knee to bend. Such is the future. Soon. So very soon all will see His divine actions.
When the doors of these mysteries open, the world and the Church will begin a new era. Enough will be left for mankind to survive but in ways totally new. These mysteries will also offer the Church an opportunity for new life, never seen before. Only the Woman can prepare the Church for these days since great Wisdom is needed.
When the great moment of destruction changes the course of history, few will be prepared. Careers will be destroyed and false hopes seen as illusions. Society will be in shambles and darkness will cover the world.
Faith will be tested and many will forsake God. Only the believers, anchored in the Woman’s heart, will not be overwhelmed. She will raise up a new pope who will bind them together so the Church survives.
The future is hidden in mystery except for those to whom God chooses to reveal. He has chosen the Woman and shown her everything. She sorrows over what she sees and acts to change what will happen.
She is effective – pushing back the sufferings and changing events, but she needs an army, followers to join in her mission. To these, she reveals her secrets and shows them her ways. They walk in freedom, avoiding all of Satan’s pitfalls and able to save others.
The Woman is a light, piercing deeply into the darkness, revealing the demon’s presence and power. Long ago, she said that Russia must be converted before spreading its errors. No one listened. Now, all can see for themselves.
What lies ahead? Do we continue to set aside the Woman’s light and walk in darkness? When will the Church see? When will it hear? When will it become the light needed for the nations? When it listens to the Woman.
Can anyone see what is happening? Satan closes all the doors of safety and all the paths of light. Quickly, the human race is trapped in dangers and darkness, with leaders blinded by power and nations controlled by passions.
Who is free? Who accepts the light? Just the few, solid in faith. The Woman will not abandon them but will find a place in her heart for them.
When all her children are enclosed in her Ark, heaven will release the purifying flood waters.
The hour remains unknown when Satan will begin his final onslaught, ready to commit all his forces, believing that the Church will belong to him. He has prepared so well, waiting for his servants to exercise power and for the moment when others have relaxed their watchfulness.
That hour awaits the whole world. All will share in the battle. The prize is complete dominion of Church and the world.
The human race has been ensnared, caught in many traps and unable to free itself, made helpless by evil forces which were accepted so willingly. Every day, the human race says “yes” to evil, plunging deeper into a darkness, unable and unwilling to search for light.
Only the Father’s gift can save. He sent His son, Jesus, but the world has rejected that light. He now sends the Woman, who carries the full light of Jesus in her heart, ready to scatter the darkness and begin a new reign of her Son. Blessed are those who believe these truths.
Only the warmth of the Father’s love can save, yet the world sets aside His love, and chooses a destructive path. He sends the Woman. She does not say “turn back” for hearts are too stubborn to hear those words.
Instead, she says “Walk my path.” No need to retrace the past. The path is here, easy to find and to follow. No matter how deeply into darkness Satan leads the human race, she will always be present, offering her road to all who are lost.
How dangerous has this road of humanity suddenly become. The future is not secure. The nuclear arms are set in place. Will Putin push the button? All is called into question. O Europe, where is the stability you claimed a short time ago? Your secular foundations are shaking, and you have rejected your religious beliefs.
Do you not see? The Woman is calling you back into her arms. Why did you forsake her, the Notre Dame, when she kept you safe and brought you through the world Wars? In your new crisis, will you hear her voice calling you back or will you stubbornly say “We are secular. Religion has no place in our constitution?”
The human race, under the weight of its sinfulness, sinks lower and lower, burdened by guilt and robbed of holy desires. Words are not enough. The human heart is far too burdened, and society has lost all desire for holiness. The Woman will raise up a new voice but only after much turmoil. Only then, when so much is in ruins, will mankind be ready to listen.
Satan has not yet unleashed his great fires that would consume all creation. The Woman frustrates his plans by raising up those who oppose him. Political leaders have no power over him and often cooperate with his designs. The little ones have the power to hold back wars and to turn the tide at the last minute. The Woman teaches them how to intercede and reveals her heart to them. Hidden and unknown, they control all of history. This is the Father’s plan.
Suddenly, into a darkened world, a surprising light will shine, seen by all but rejected by many. Blessed are those who value and walk by this light, which will never fail them. Those who reject this light will succumb to the darkness. Even those with great powers and resources will be lost. False guides will rise up. The Woman will provide a special voice to challenge those who would lead the people astray. All this will play out on the world stage, before the eyes of all. No hidden corner or some unknown place. The stakes are too high.
When darkness covers the earth, the Woman will shine a new light, bright enough for all to walk through great darkness. Many will reject this light because it demands sacrifices. Others will be confused, not knowing to follow or not. A few will see the light as heaven’s gift and will give thanks.
At the same moment, the Woman will raise up her chosen priest son. He will speak clearly, explaining the light as heaven’s gift and encouraging all to follow it. His arguments will be strong and clear. Many, even within the Church, will oppose him but the Woman herself will vindicate his witness.
How great are the gifts coming from the Woman’s heart, able to quench the fires of hatred and to set the world on the path of peace. These gifts fall to the ground, not received, unknown and not welcomed.
Meanwhile, the satanic fires find many open hearts. They are sought out, desired, looked for and quickly accepted. Once tasted, they stupefy and capture by offering easy solutions and destroying God’s commands. The woman must act quickly to reverse this flow before it is too late.
The world has wandered away from belief, losing the light which comes from faith. Guided only by natural light, mankind has stumbled onto a road of destruction, totally unable to halt the complete ruin of the world planned by Satan.
The Father must intervene, stripping man of his powers and returning history to its beginning days. The Woman brings her heart and all who dwell there will be saved. The world is like a nation at war not knowing the outcome.
Who can be saved? How does this take place? Where is the Church? What is its role? Where is its light? How strong is its voice?
These are mysteries, not seen by many and understood by few. The full revelation will come in the near future but not until the Woman has lifted up her priest son who will place her on the lampstand.
Each day, the human race is plunged into greater darkness, unable to break the chains and ignorant of the evil forces that now guide history. The light of Christ has been cast out as useless. The rational man has assumed control, unaware of and helpless before Satan’s power.
The Woman stands to the side, doing what she can, and gathering her little army. The odds look so great and the forces seem unequal. Satan mistakenly believes he will triumph but, in the end, the Woman’s Immaculate Heart will win the victory. All must be done in faith.
There is no turning back. The human race plunges ahead into an unknown future over which it has no control. The important decisions have already been made, some by past generations.
The modern world, especially Europe, has chosen a secular culture casting out the Son of God and worshipping at the altar of money, power, pleasure and selfishness. No more exalting of the religious hero or extolling the deeds of saints. All is secular. Holy voices have been stilled. Divine lights extinguished. Human freedoms exalted. “We are gods.”. Yes, but gods soon to be cast off your thrones by future events.
The world scene changes constantly, gigantic shifts and new alliances, surprising developments and unforeseen crises. All is confused now. Peace is shattered. Foundations once firm break open. A pride had set in. A belief that man could bring about peace. Now the dreams are broken, illusions that captivated with false promises.
The Woman waited patiently, knowing that the human race was chasing a fantasy. She waits for mankind to return to her, but they hear no voice to guide them. Soon, she will raise up that voice, filled with clarity and marked off as her beloved son.
The world does not understand this new satanic darkness, foolishly filled with worldly wisdom, and fully cooperating with his plans. Greed, avarice, lies, impurity are the roads into this darkness.
The Woman preaches repentance. “Turn back” she says “because you are plunging headlong into powerful storms that will destroy.” No sense of urgency exists. All continues.
The Woman foresees all the events and plans how to save her children. Few listen. Life continues on. Her warnings set aside. No one prepares. Voices are raised. Like false messengers saying “all is peace” when there is no peace.
The Woman must send greater signs and raise up clearer voices. Even when the world refuses to listen, she will speak, never abandoning her children, relentless in her pursuit of those who would perish.
All of human history moves to the moment of the great confrontation when Satan claims that everything belongs to him, both the world and the Church.
He has owned the world, and its riches, from the beginning fall but owning the Church has eluded him. Now, compromise within the Church threatens and the moment of the anti-Christ appears. The moment approaches for the great confrontation within the Church.
World history enters a new, unknown darkness of its own making. Enticed by the Evil One and led astray, mankind has chosen roads of darkness. All is unknown, strange, different and unable to be understood. Evil forces combine to form greater evils while civil leaders thirst for powers that will devastate the earth.
The Woman stands to the side, anxious to help, but not understood or invoked, even by the Church. Soon, she will bring her priest son onto the world stage and he, in turn, will bring the Woman into the prominence desired by the Father.
Only a world protected by the Woman can survive the demonic attacks. She understands his ways and knows how to lead her children to safety.
Whoever forsakes her turns away from their only hope. Those who embrace her will be saved. The coming events will confuse all those who do not seek her wisdom.
The nations will tremble as they see the purifying action of the Father. They will have no power to rescue themselves and, without faith, will not know where to turn. The age of reason will collapse, along with the technology created it. The human race will return to a primitive state, stripped of its abilities to transform human life or to destroy the universe.
A new human order will emerge from this purifying action, a much smaller human population more ready to accept a living God. The Woman will guarantee that all is not destroyed, that a remnant, as with Noah, will survive.
No one can fathom this mystery of iniquity nor understand all its evil powers. Human solutions multiply problems because Satan knows ahead of time the human response.
The Woman, however, confuses him. He cannot learn her strategy and is always foiled by her actions. The little ones understand this. They listen to and follow the Woman who always saves them.
What will turn back the wrath of God? What will hold off his judgments? He has given this power to the Woman, delighting that she, a creature, can destroy the Evil One. Who understands this mystery, hidden for centuries but now revealed? Who understands her powers, her prerogatives or the help she offers to the Church?
Who can penetrate these mysteries? Only divine light can reveal the future events. Warnings have been given but human life does not change and mankind moves deeper into this mystery of iniquity that engulfs the whole world.
In each part of the world, the iniquity takes different forms but the goal remains the same – total darkness, hopelessness and despair. Only the Woman offers light and so many do not know her mystery.
The Father must act and the Woman must protect so the little ones are not destroyed. This has been the Father’s plan from the beginning but only now is taking place. So many scourges of nature and so many violations of justice! Satan’s hand is everywhere because the Woman’s protection has been rejected.
Not too late. Her message can still be lived. Her heart remains open – at least for a little while more.
The Father asks that the nations turn toward Him and follow His path. Instead, they rush headlong on the road to self-destruction, forsaking His saving power. So, He calls forth the Woman who points out the true road, gives light to see and hope to walk.
Yet, she also is set aside, as of no importance, even though she is the Father’s saving light. Few understand and obey. Only when all seems lost will many respond but it will be late. Some will be saved and others will be lost. No time to delay.
People do not believe until they see. Even then, they walk away incredulous, an unbelieving generation with hardened hearts. Even the greatest signs and wonders do not penetrate because the world clings to its pleasures. The gentle words of the Woman, spoken quietly and with great love, do not penetrate.
Satan removes lights so the road seems so much more narrow. A new guide is needed. The Woman, presented by the Father, is His gift in the middle of darkness. No matter what Satan does, he can never put out this light, cover it over or destroy its power.
The Woman moves slowly, one step at a time, but she builds a true and sure foundation. Some, who do not belong to her, must be removed for others who are her true children. All can be used by her if they are sincere of heart and seek only the Woman’s victory. She sees the heart and chooses according to the heart, so that her foundation is strong.
The future is clouded in mystery. Who can foretell the events? Does all lie in human hands? Will not the Father control earth’s destiny?
He will use the Woman, His instrument fashioned for this moment. No need to know the future or to speculate on coming events. The Woman will take your hand and guide you in the darkness.
The way of life is narrow. Often difficult to see. Yet, if many walk it, others can follow. Now, few walk that road and darkness covers it over. Few, very few, find their way. At times, a lonely voice cries out and some are rescued. At other times, the messenger is quiet and no one follows. All must change. Too many souls heading to perdition. Steps must be taken soon.
Each day, the world moves more quickly to its own destruction. Nations outdo other equal nations in the arms race. The poor multiply. The destitute increase. Darkness covers the minds of leaders. People grow blind to the divine commands. All spins out of order. An earth plunged into demonic darkness.
No hope. No rescue. No salvation. Satan has cleverly closed and hidden all the doors. Only the Woman remains, chosen by God as the mother of His Son. She is the Father’s weapon against Satan from the beginning. Will the Church understand this mystery in time to save the nations?
The Father has decided. Earth must be purified. Yet, he seeks those who intercede, who can turn back His anger. The Woman pleads. The Father hears and postpones the divine judgment. Yet, a moment of purifying must come. Delay allows evil to flourish but, for the sake of the elect, the time is pushed back. Who understands these mysteries? Who acknowledges the role of the Woman? The Father looks for those who heed the Woman’s cry.
The Woman cries out to her children “Walk with me. Turn aside from the other paths”. Only a few hear her words. Even fewer follow them because they seem like a tiny whisper, easily dismissed.
But what if her voice grows stronger and rings out from the mountaintops? What if her words capture the media’s attention and all the world realizes what is happening? Many more will respond. “Come, the Church we rejected has become our only light.”
The world faces the darkness which attracts and draws the human race into total destruction. The Father must intervene. He has chosen the Woman, as a voice that warns the world and as a Mother who gathers her children. She is the messenger to the modern world. Those who set aside her voice must face the darkness alone. Those who listen will also face the darkness but guided by her light.
Although the father holds all of history in his hands, he allows man’s free will to form the events, hoping that His will is done. He allows sinful decisions to destroy what He intends and He allows powerful leaders to pull entire nations away from Him.
At the same time, He never surrenders His control, knowing that He will raise up faithful people who will bring about His plan. Such is the Woman, chosen from all eternity as the Mother of the Church, bringing forth children of light. May the Church understand. Only the Woman can bring forth children of the Father.
The heavenly Father draws a line of justice but the Woman, to whom He has entrusted His mercy, is allowed to erase the line and extend the time for repentance. However, a time will come when even the Woman can no longer hold back the chastisements. She has spoken and explained and warned. She has even revealed the mysteries to her chosen messengers but her words have been set aside. A day will come when her chosen priest son sets her words as a light on the mountaintop.
What options does the Heavenly Father have? Mankind is stubborn, fixed in its path of evil, obstinate, and unwilling to change or to heed His call to repentance.
He his sent His Son. Now, He sends the Woman. She is His final voice, the last opportunity, the modern John the Baptist. The evil ways are ingrained. No force seems able to change them. Purification is the only remedy unless the Woman can bring the world to repentance. Soon, so very soon, she will act. All will see for themselves what has been spoken.
The heavens will open and the divine fire of the Father’s purging hand will fall upon the earth. Few will recognize this. All will be confused. What is happening to creation? Is this the end?
No, this is just the purging moment to rescue human life from total destruction. Heaven’s fire will prevent hell’s fire, a fire of life instead of death. And the Woman will stand at the center, rescuing her children. She is already on the scene, but few perceive.
The waves pound the shores, yet they keep the limits set by the Father. One day, they will overflow the land, a symbol of the Kingdom of Darkness which has broken out of the limits set by the crucified Jesus.
Except for the Woman’s power, the earth will return to the darkness of that time before Christ. She, alone, will offer a place of refuge amid the storm.
How close to that moment of the total clash between the two Kingdoms, a moment chosen by the Father, the perfect moment, when the most good will be accomplished at the lowest possible sacrifice.
Yet, many will suffer. The world will experience total confusion, stripped of the powers it has worked so hard to attain. All creation will be laid low by the Father’s purifying hand. Only what remains safely in the Woman’s Immaculate Heart will live and flourish.