Just as the Book of Wisdom was written by a pious Jew reflecting upon the Old Testament, so these little thoughts about Our Lady come from reflections upon all of the Marian apparitions with their messages.
The Woman draws closer than ever to human history. Hidden for many centuries in the Father’s heart, then born to earth and conceiving His Son. Even then, she remained hidden, loved by the apostles and exalted in the Church, yet always silent and in the background. In this new era, she can keep silent no longer, a new moment when she reveals her powers, a new hour of Cana when she guides the course of events.
Such is this modern day, when the Father must purify and man can destroy himself. Suddenly, the Woman appears. Blessed are those who know the mystery and enter her Immaculate Heart.
The path of light is narrow and no one can find it or walk upon it without the Woman. Other approaches, even of good will, cannot avoid the wiles of the Evil One who makes darkness seem like light.
How many are the false roads! How many roads lead to death! Only the road of the Woman leads to life. Few understand this saving mystery.
Who can foresee the future destruction of the earth? Or what will happen when God’s justice marches against the human race? What salvation is possible amid the ruins?
At this moment, all must believe that the Woman holds the Keys to the Kingdom, given to her by the Father. She invites all to know this mystery and be saved through it.
Who can understand the mysteries of human history, where the heavenly Father allows mankind to be free, and filled with weapons of mass destruction, that can destroy the Father’s creation and human life.
A moment will come when the Father must say “No. I cannot allow this to happen.” He must remove the weapons and move human history backward to a more simple age. How He brings this about is through the mystery of the Woman and the Age of Mary.
Soon, the heavenly father will place his purifying hand of justice upon human history. All will see. Few will understand. At the same time, the Father will ask the Woman to place her hand of protection upon the little ones. Both hands will act together with great power, cleansing and protecting. Purifying and guarding. All must experience the Father’s hand. All will experience the Woman’s hand if they believe that her Immaculate Heart is the only refuge.
Because one by one, the lights are extinguished one by one, no one notices the darkness. People get lost without realizing they have gone astray. Nations embrace new evils without any understanding. The whole world moves along a path of destruction with no voice crying out.
The Woman weeps to see her children go astray, having few shepherds to call them back. However, She prepares and waits for the right moment, not wasting her forces until the time of battle. Then, she will act quickly, decisively, with full power and wisdom, saving the Church and exalting it as the Light to the Nations.
No one has answers because the world does not believe in the supernatural but limits itself to what can be conceived by the human mind.
However, human reason fails in the face of evil, unable to explain its source or its purpose, tongue-tied by the realities of evil which it cannot fathom. Only the Woman has the explanation.
Why the constant turmoil? Because from the beginning, Satan planted his evil in the heart of God’s creation. So, weeds and wheat, grow and thrive side by side. How patient is the Father, allowing sin so his own children are not destroyed.
Now, a new era, in which evil must be purged as in the days of Noah. However, how can the children be rescued? The Woman has that task. She must gather them into the new ark, her Immaculate Heart. The whole world must learn the mystery of the Woman because the time is so near.
All the events come together – events of darkness for destruction and events of light for protection. These powers clash. Darkness tries to disrupt light and light attempts to destroy darkness.
Only the Woman, the Seat of Wisdom, understands. She guides her followers to accomplish great tasks, while those who set her aside accomplish nothing. Their wasted efforts are wasted, foiled by the brilliance of Satan, empty cisterns and roads which lead nowhere. Satan fears only the children of the Woman.
The children run away from their heavenly Father, abandoning their only hope of being saved. The Woman calls them back. She searches for them and multiplies those who spread her saving word.
The voices of the secular world are too strong. She cannot be heard until those voices are stilled and the great voice of her priest son resounds throughout the world. That moment will come but only after many other events prepare the way.
No one responds to the heavenly Father’s question. Why is My Son not exalted and why is his Mother, the Woman, not praised? Evasion everywhere. Theology replaces devotion. Clever words and teachings replace the gospel.
Who will bring the Church back to the simplicity of the Father’s revelation? Who will exalt the Church, placing her light again on the mountain top? Who will preach clear words of truth? The Woman’s voice must be heard.
What is hidden will be exposed, no longer allowed to flourish in the secret darkness. Only in this way can officials in high places be destroyed and the mountains turned into plains. Evils must be uprooted so their poison can no longer flow in the bloodstream of society and the Church.
Finally, the righteous must assume places of power so that the Father’s protection can ensure a truthful Church and a just society. The Father will bring about a purified Church led by the Woman’s chosen priest son.
Because many are lost, unable to find their way, walking paths of darkness and destruction, what is crooked must be made straight.
First, what is evil must be torn down and false ways destroyed so the people are set free. Then, new ways must appear, illumined by great lights so all can see and choose the Father’s path.
The final gift will be a renewed Church, bathed in the Woman’s wisdom, grasping fully the Father’s plan and proclaiming these new paths to the whole world. All will see. All will be invited. All must then choose the path of the Woman.
The Father has decreed earth’s purification. However, when and how this is accomplished depends on the hardheartedness and stubbornness of the human race and upon the power of the Woman, who wants the purification tempered with the greatest thoughtfulness and mercy.
Even though the Woman always tries to reconcile and encourage, the human race remains free to spurn her offers and to reject an easier path to purification.
The weight of sin grows greater every day and the structures will soon collapse, unable to carry the false burdens imposed by selfishness.
The collapse has already begun. Human life is squeezed. The fields narrow. Options are removed. What was, is no longer. Life is choked. Yet, few understand the causes.
How can a country intent on killing its unborn continue to live? Only for the sake of the chosen ones does the Father postpone His actions.
Even so, the Father is misunderstood, as if he takes no note of sin or withdraws from the issue altogether. Not at all. The blood of every unborn who is slain will be repaid.
When does the road end? When does the Father’s mercy and patience stop, giving place to his justice? How long can the Woman hold back the chastisements?
Many pray and fast and the Father listens to the Woman. He cannot set aside Her words and petitions. She has power over the Father’s heart. Yet, even this must give way because the world’s sins cry out for purification.
What will be left? What will the purified world look like? Does mankind still have time to repent? Can the Church respond as it should? These questions remain. No answers as yet.
Still, traces of the future already emerge, able to be seen by those who believe. First, the Woman will play an extraordinary role, far beyond her present powers. Second, the signs and wonders will go beyond anything experienced so far. Third, the whole world will receive her invitation. Fourth, the Catholic Church will assume the greatest importance. The rest lies in the hearts of every person.
The moment has not yet come when the Woman pours out the fullness of her gifts, when she literally opens the doors of heaven and allows the divine fire to purify everyone.
Now, she tries to prepare, to teach and to reveal. Yet, few even know her messages and many set them aside for another day.
She must raise up a voice, the greatest and most powerful voice, who will prepare the whole world for the Woman’s greatest actions.
Why this continuous uproar among the nations? One rises and then another. Battles are won and lost. Victories followed by defeats. A constant turmoil because of the war within each heart and each group.
Who can quell human selfishness, so God’s children love one another? This is the Woman’s task which she is now fulfilling until the world finds rest in her heart.
Why is earth in constant turmoil? Why does one nation rise against another? Why must weapons be stockpiled? Something evil lies at the heart of man, a power he finds already planted within, which is awakened by violence built into human history.
Enmity between nations is buried dynamite, ready to explode. Who can make peace among the nations? Only the Woman’s Son, now set aside by those who do not believe and who choose a secular world. They refuse to acknowledge that the violent passions that lead to wars can only be removed by the Woman’s Son.
A day will come, when Satan will use a confrontation, seemingly unimportant. This will open the skies to the destructive fire. No one can foresee this moment and no one can safeguard against this moment because all will come without warning, too late for other nations to interfere.
The Father waits so patiently, allowing his creatures full freedom, seeing all their evils and patiently giving them time to repent.
Where are the preachers? Who calls the world to repentance? What voices are raised? The Woman speaks this message but few listen, caught up in the pleasures of each moment.
So, the Woman must act. History will stop. She will speak and place her priest son on the Chair of Peter so all the world hears the message of repentance.
The nations seek solutions in vain because they try to overcome the intellect of Satan by human reason. They know not to turn to the Woman who would gladly guide and enlighten them. Instead, they brush her aside and follow not her lights.
All will change. She will not allow herself to be marginalized. Her messengers wait to reveal her secrets and her priest son abides in her heart until she brings him forth.
Like the final strains of the music, so the world comes to the end of an era. T he great impulse of Christianity and the power flowing from belief in God’s Son have given way to secular forces.
Yet, a new wave appears on the horizon, seen by those whose eyes seek heavenly life. The Woman arises, the Father’s gift for the final victory. Who will experience her power? Who will preach her to the nations? All is ready. The messengers are prepared. Soon, so very soon, she will come and all shall see even though all will not believe.
What lies in the future? How will the events unfold? Filled with Divine Wisdom, The Woman sees totally. Satan sees only partially and often erroneously. He makes mistakes and the Woman allows him to destroy his own work and ruin his own followers.
Such has been many events in the past and so it will be in the future. Blessed are those who seek the light coming from the Woman. They will conquer.
The Woman has used her special children to foil and delay the Evil One. She has caused the deaths of some of Satan’s instruments and would do much more if her children would gather with her.
She calls, but few come. She warns but few listen. She must raise up an authoritative voice which reaches to the world’s ends so everyone hears and understands. That is why she must delay Satan’s attacks.
The world, rebelling against the Father, sows the seeds of its own destruction. Satan’s plans go far beyond wars, which destroy only parts of the world. He wants all creation to be embraced by his destructive fires.
This is his goal and he moves his instruments into place. These people are hidden and unknown. However, the woman recognizes everything and plots her own plans to thwart him.
The Woman always foils Satan’s attempts to hasten the moment. Delays are her gift to her children. Many times she has used her special children to push back what seemed inevitable.
Satan is anxious and does not want to wait. Until the Woman raises up her special messengers and they lead the Church into a new light, the time is pushed back again and again. Few can grasp how many times and in how many ways, the chosen souls have saved earth from destruction.
Satan’s wardrums can be heard in the distance. When will he decide for an open battle with the Woman? She postpones and postpones, constantly foiling all his attempts to draw her into the Final Battle. The Woman postpones this conflict for the sake of the little ones, giving them a full opportunity to enter the Ark of her heart.
When will the moment of total conflict begin? For now, battles break out in parts of the world, seen by all. Also, hidden battles take place in the hearts of many and in quiet ways. Yet, the troops are drawn up. Satan believes he can win, especially as he sees his great numbers and those in high places who have succumbed to his enticements.
The Woman’s troops are few, scattered and walking in limited light. She surrenders much ground, not having enough followers to hold the line. Losses everywhere. Many surrenders. Yet, the Woman does all with wisdom, protecting those who hide in her heart until the moment of triumph.
A power lies hidden beneath the ocean, soon to erupt. This power is not demonic nor of human origins but comes from the Father who gave creation over to the human race but reserved to Himself the power to correct, erase and purify man’s sins.
These sins now mount to heaven, like the tower of Babel, a city built by man which must be destroyed so goodness can flower again.
As in the days of Noah, the Father has decreed the purification of mankind. Who is saved and how each person is affected depends so much upon the Catholic Church, the great instrument of the Woman which she will not set aside.
She moves forward, always revealing her plans and giving promises. Nothing will deter her but she desperately needs messengers to bring her words to every part of the world.
Who will offer true light in the new darkness? Former lights will have no power. In this new darkness, fears will multiply and many false prophets will arise, pretending to bring God’s light.
Only the Woman will shine forth a light which the darkness will not understand and cannot conquer. A mysterious power available to all her children.
The world’s wisdom entraps, and leads the human race into demonic snares, too often confronted only by violence which creates greater traps.
Only the Woman can lead the world to freedom where the path is smooth and free from deceit. Because her way is narrow and seen only by faith, she must raise up the Catholic Church as the Light to the Nations. The Church herself must be enlightened. The Woman must bring this about because all human efforts will fail.
A time of darkness will come when only heaven can provide the needed light. However, many will not know how to receive this light and will falsely try to use the powerless lights of earth.
At this point, the Woman will raise up the Church and reveal many powers kept hidden until then. She will send her messengers to the whole world, announcing these new pathways of light. Those who listen will have enough light to survive.
Satan’s great chasm is beginning to appear by which he hopes to claim whole nations and cast fears into the hearts of all.
In this way, the world will readily accept the false leaders whom he raises up, leaders whom the world would have easily rejected in normal times.
Standing on the other side will be the Woman and her little army of believers, offering to the whole world the only safe path to avoid falling into all of Satan’s chasms opened throughout the world.
A path of light has opened up. However, many will still choose the darkness, claiming a woman has a right to an abortion. But now, others will breathe the fresh air of life and many states will move quickly. Finally, the rule of law has been restored.
The divisions will widen and harden. There will be no compromise until the final moment of a total clash which shatters the unity of America. This results from truth and light contained in the decision to protect the unborn.
The United States will be like a nation in birth pangs, but the Supreme Court decision guarantees that the result will be living child, not a stillborn. Blessed are those who have fought for the truth.
Why are the nations in turmoil? Evil surfaces and causes destruction. Weapons are used but really, repentance is needed.
Few understand these mysteries which the Woman has been revealing for years to her holy ones. Her wisdom is cast aside. Her requests denied. Her promises not believed. She is the Woman, chosen by the Father but spurned by the father’s children. Someday, the whole world will listen but it will be late, after much unneeded destruction.
The Woman will not wait until all is lost. She will act quickly upon her church. Just when many would see only confusion and destruction, she will galvanize her followers by raising up her chosen priest son. Catholics will rejoice. Having feared that all was lost, they will rejoice to have the Woman’s chosen one as their leader. This gift will fit together with all her other actions. None of her blessings will be lost.
When the Ukraine war is over, Europe will be changed forever. Never again will its doors be open to Russia. New alliances will form as Russia looks to other allies. This shift will be permanent, a new aligning of the nations which will be more dangerous. Having completed his satanic work, Putin will move off the scene and Satan will bring forth the person he has chosen and formed for years – even more cunning and more evil than Putin, ready to devastate earth.
Who will have light in the coming darkness? Many will believe that they see the way, but their human light will just add to the darkness.
In the great darkness, the Woman will have greater powers, fulfilling all her promises. Yet, the way of light is narrow, seen only by those who listen to her. Therefore, she will raise up a human voice, powerful and clear. Even so, some will reject her light.
The darkness comes slowly. When light turns into twilight, all know that midnight is not far behind, the darkest of all hours. Yet, no one fears because soon the sun will rise on a new day.
That certainty is not present in world events because man has power to change history. Such is the present moment. All agree that the light is receding, that twilight has come but no one knows if there will be a permanent midnight, or if the coming midnight will surrender to the rising sun of a new day. All is uncertain.
When the structures begin to collapse, all will ask “How will this end?” The Woman’s children, however, will place their trust in her. They will hide in her heart and tell others of their secret.
At this time, the Woman will present external signs to the whole world. Yet, even this will not be enough. Out of total obscurity, she will call her priest son, raise him to the Chair of Peter and declare “I have done this as a sign to all that I have not abandoned my Church.” This external action will release many inner lights by which everyone can walk, even amid Satan’s darkness.
All will be new. The Woman will receive new prerogatives, new powers and a new place in the unfolding mystery of Jesus’ redeeming action.
The Church has already seen the first glimpses of her new role at all her apparition sites but this fullness is still covered and hidden. All will be unveiled, step by step. Without her, nothing would be salvaged.
The Woman chooses whom she wants because the Father grants her this freedom. She knows Satan’s wiles and those whom he will choose. So, she chooses her special children accordingly. The world does not see her wisdom, nor does the Church. She keeps her choices secret until the final moment, allowing others to have power and authority until her hour arrives. Then, she sweeps them away, puts down the mighty and exalts her chosen one. Such it will be when her hour arrives.
The world hurtles into the unknown darkness because of endless entanglements planted in human history by the Evil One.
Only the Woman can save human history. She will reveal her plan, but many will not listen and will be swept away. Others will pause and give her a hearing. At this moment, the Church must have a clear voice to persuade those in doubt. All the events have a timetable and the Woman has foiled Satan’s efforts to move up this hour. Everything will happen exactly when she has determined.
The Woman will not allow the Church to be destroyed by the human spirit which makes decisions according to what is seen and heard. Therefore, she speaks often, revealing her thoughts and teachings which so often contradict the world.
A clash results, because she leads the Church on the right road.
All must enter the Woman’s heart, where there is safety, and survival. All else will be swept away. She is the ultimate sanctuary, the Father’s final gift, the repository for his Son, Jesus.
The world tramples on Him, denounces Him, and reviles Him, even more than at Calvary. So many see Jesus as the ultimate obstacle between themselves and the complete freedom of license. However, they have overlooked the Woman, where He first found refuge and now dwells in total safety.
Why the violence? Why the war? Too many evils planted in human hearts, too much anger planted in human memories and too much pride, envy and covetousness in the minds of the powerful.
The world is a powder keg with every nation armed because of fear. When the violence erupts, it will be like an unending chain, one explosion leading to another. Greater weapons will cause destruction, an unending spiral quieted only by the sacrificial death of the Woman’s chosen son whom she has offered to the Father.