The time draws near. However, Our Lady’s army is in disarray. What must she do? She speaks everywhere but few listen except for the little ones so beloved by her heart. They carry her flame, hidden but still burning, kept safe within. Someday, she will come for that flame. She will find it burning brightly and place the light on the mountaintop for all the world to see.
Just as the Book of Wisdom was written by a pious Jew reflecting upon the Old Testament, so these little thoughts about Our Lady come from reflections upon all of the Marian apparitions with their messages.
Why the shaking of the nations? Who can understand the deep mysteries of inequity? Evil seeds have been sown in men’s hearts by the Evil One who plots the destruction of all creation.
The time is not right for the Father’s plan to unfold, a plan hidden in the Woman’s heart. Everything in the Ukraine is stalled. Putin’s offensive has not moved as quickly as expected. Meanwhile, the Woman prepares her response in the Father’s time-frame. How soon can the Woman raise her priest son to the Chair of Peter. Only then, can the Father reveal His glory.
The heavenly Father sees the suffering of his children in the Ukraine. They are the first to experience the evils flowing out of Russia. Many more will follow. Satan has opened his door, unleashing evils stored in Russia for years.
This is the great mystery. What is there about Russia which sets it apart? How has Satan been able to claim this nation? Why has it been his instrument in the 20th century? These are mysteries contained in the Woman’s heart and clearly revealed at Fatima. She understands and wants to correctly guide the Church in these fateful years.
What road will the world take? So many will be confused. Some will try to grab power. False leaders will arise, using the people’s fears to gain control. Many voices will be raised but all will fall short. The demonic intelligence will outsmart them and triumph until the Woman comes on the scene.
In this new setting, many will see that they have abandoned the light of faith. However, they will need the Woman’s clear voice, through her priest son, for light and encouragement. Many will respond. Others will go their own way. Some will despair.
The moment comes when Satan has lined up all his evils waiting for them to converge into a total destruction of the universe. Suddenly, the Woman intervenes, using her priest son, the Holy Father, to stand before all the nations as her sacrificial lamb.
The Woman will again experience the cross, this time through the Vicar of her Son. All will see and understand her saving action in foiling Satan’s great design. She will snatch victory from his hands at the very moment when he believed it would be his.
Look and see the destruction which has already happened. Look and see the gathering of stronger weapons. Evil is claiming the Ukraine, even as it bravely defends itself. The country is being destroyed even as it grasps for survival.
Putin will not stop, even if he destroys what he is trying to win. He wants the prize even if he must destroy it first. The West is helpless. Bombs drop. Shots are fired. Death and destruction everywhere. No matter what the conclusion, evil has shown its face and won the day.
The darkness from the Ukraine sweeps across all the continents. The first of many darknesses that will flow from Russia until all is poured out and the forces of evil are spent and consumed.
No other solution exists. All else is a false path to the victory of the Woman. Who will guide and protect her little ones?
The world walks its own road, having turned its back upon the way chosen by the Father. Now, it is lonely and isolated, gradually stripped of God’s light. Human powers are not enough because the darkness is demonic.
The response in the Ukraine has sent evil in another, even more dangerous, direction. For now, an uneasy peace will be somewhat forged but the embers will glow beneath the surface.
Evil has begun to show its face, no longer fearing, believing that open evil will be even more effective. The world does not understand that its sins multiply the very evil it is trying to conquer by means that are totally inadequate. Repentance is needed.
All comes apart, as selfishness grows in human hearts, impregnable yet hidden walls appear, beneath the surface and seen by few. The religious light is extinguished and the fire of truth covered over. Mankind enjoys the darkness, allowing his passions and desires to be fulfilled.
Now the Woman brings the light of Christ in a new way to this darkened world. The Father’s great surprise, known to the little ones but soon manifested throughout the world. Mankind’s final chance to repent.
The clouds gather. The warning signs are everywhere. The world grows helpless. Evil has decided to break forth and claim creation. The Christian voice is silenced. The human heart is closed to faith. Darkness of every kind, spreads. Human powers are fruitless. Man drinks of his own wisdom – a putrified spring that has no power.
The Woman sorrows. Who calls her? Who invites her to assume her role? Who understands the Father’s plan? All eyes turn elsewhere. Only a few realize the drama and they have no power. They are the little ones. Yet, one day will come, when the brilliance of the Woman will shine through them to the whole Church. Then, the battle will begin. Until then, all is loss and surrender.
What love the Father has for mankind. Yet, He sees the goal – eternal life. All else fades in comparison. Satan, too, sees his goal – to draw all into his infernal fires – a hatred that burns him and increases when he gains a soul, yet he cannot control this hatred.
So, love and hate pour out, two streams which form all of history. The west, stripped of its Christian beliefs, does not understand, proclaiming the deaths in the Ukraine a genocide yet sacrificing its own unborn. Death is death. Killing is killing. The silent, unborn cry out. The Father hears them. The west does not.
Each day the evil planted in Russia brings forth a new harvest. The west has no antidote, only similar methods of war. The war itself is at the crossroads, a great crisis, where decisions are more serious than before. Will anything now cause Putin to stop to turn back. He has nothing more to lose and everything to gain. His roads into the west are forever sealed. He looks Eastward to find friends, totally realigning the world order.
The world does not understand what is happening because it rejects the world of the spirit and believes that all has a natural cause with all problems able to be solved by reason.
The world is totally unprepared for the demonic powers now being made visible in the Ukraine. The leaders will continue to fail, deprived of this supernatural light which would reveal the true causes.
So, poor, useless and even self-defeating decisions are made. Satan walks off with victory after victory, rejoicing to see the dead, the impoverished and the destruction. Who will understand? Who will oppose him? The Woman finds no one on the world scene who has chosen to be her voice.
The walls are too thin to contains the evil. Soon, it will break out in full force, devouring everything in its path. Who will survive? Those whom the Woman will protect. Those who have known to climb into her heart.
Does this include the whole Church or just a select few? Does a mother limit her love or does she embrace all? She excludes no one. All are invited to enter. Even to the last moment, her heart remains open.
The evil spreads – a thin layer at first. Then, thicker and more dense, claiming everyone it touches. Slowly, the world awakens to its dilemma, entrapped and not knowing how to escape to freedom. All efforts fail and fall short. Dismay, followed by discouragement that gives way to total despair.
All the walls are crumbling. All the safeguards prove useless. Suddenly, the world stands alone facing an evil it cannot overcome.
Then, the Woman comes, brought into the limelight by her chosen priest son. She alone offers a door, an exit but still many reject her offer, still wanting a world filled with delights and pleasures.
Can the evil still be contained or is this the moment when all will break open? Satan knows that this is not yet the time. The Ukranian war brings everything to the brink and tempts Putin to ready the sword of his nuclear arms. Yet, he is not in that position. He has other options to gain significant portions of the Ukraine. He will use these first while rattling his nuclear arsenal.
The heavenly Father will never cease to seek out His children. He has given this task to the Woman. She appears. She invites. Her words go forth. She multiples her signs. So little response to such a generous outpouring.
Now, the dangers grow, the world is entering a perilous state. Satan has unsheathed his Russian sword whose force has been blunted by Ukranian resistance.
Putin will not stop. He seeks other, and greater swords. He has no fear of using them because the west stands in the sidelines. The Ukraine is but his first chapter.
All leads to a moment when Satan’s forces unite, a moment for which he dreams and plans, a total coalescing (coming together) to wreak the greatest possible destruction and to destroy all hope.
Only the Woman stands in his way, at the center of all history. Refusing to budge or surrender, she asks her children to have faith and to join her in the very center of this demonic war.
How much time remains before the Father must act? Who knows the time and the events? All must act now, while still light. Few will find their way in the darkness. The invitation goes forth. The Woman speaks her words in every heart – to repent, to turn, to come and to abide in her heart.
How the world needs yet another voice. A human voice attuned to the Woman, speaking her word with greatest clarity. When this voice goes forth, all will know that the Woman has given all that she has. His will be the final warning before the Father acts.
Who can foresee all that will happen? Putin’s evil has been blocked, so he moves elsewhere, always seeking a prize, the forbidden fruit of plunder. His intellect is guided by the Kingdom of Darkness. He himself is a mere pawn, dangerous because powerful.
Will he remain or will he be cast aside for another? The evil lies in Russia itself, a race chosen by Satan, a kidnapped people whose leaders have used its resources to distort history. When will the world be set free from the Red Menance, which has also captured the hearts of China, North Korea and Syria? The evil is widespread and peace in the Ukraine will not touch this storehouse of evil.
The Father has His plan. He has asked the Woman to place her saving hand upon all of her children. In this way, He can chastise but with justice and mercy. For over a century, the Woman has revealed these mysteries, yet few hear her words.
The Father has held back His chastisements, constantly delaying them and giving the Woman a greater opportunity to gather her children.
Time and again, He delays and He will continue to delay, even though the mountain of sins grows even higher. The Woman, however, sees that her time is limited. The wisdom of the Father cries out “No more delays”. Still, He listens to the Woman’s pleas, as at Cana. She will have one more opportunity, the greatest of all, a pope whom she has already chosen.
The walls are crumbling. Those walls of protection which were to safeguard and protect. Soon, all will be vulnerable to attack. This will trigger an arms race of the greatest magnitude. All think now of self-protection, of having to stave off a possible foe. Money will flow to armaments and the poor will suffer the consequences.
Much has changed so quickly. Suddenly the Russian troops abandon Kviv. The city is safe but other parts continue to burn. Putin will not give up. He shifts but does not change. Evil has claimed his heart, while Satan fills his intellect.
Others wait in the wings. Those whom Satan has prepared ahead of time for future onslaughts. In these, human armaments will not suffice. Nor will armies hold back the destruction. New ways to destroy Europe will assume control.
At that point, the Virgin will intervene to raise her priest son to the papacy so that all will enjoy the light of Christ.
Is the future decided? Written out and unable to be changed? What is the destiny, the conclusion of this war? It will lead to another, a greater conflict involving more nations. For now, the hostilities are limited but the straw for the fire waits to be ignited. This is Satan’s plan, able to be foiled only by the Woman. Without her, all is decided, unable to be changed. She is the Father’s door to Her Son’s divine mercy.
Now the reality sets in. Neither side can conquer the other. Where to go from here? A slow and deadly attrition. A new reality. Russian troops everywhere but not in control. The Ukranians have kept their freedom at a terrible price while the west allowed them to fight on their own. How the West will rue the day when such a decision was made. Putin now knows how far they will come and the freedom they give him to act. This decision not to help will lead to greater evils and more boldness.
The ocean of destruction has broken though and now devastates a part of Europe. Yet, all should see that this ocean can no longer be contained. A Europe without faith has destroyed all its walls and has accepted widespread evils.
Even now, the resistance to this invasion is tepid, allowing the war to continue even with the Ukraine’s brave and valiant response. Looking back, the world leaders will see their serious blunders. A faith-filled Europe would have reacted differently.
The Woman weeps over the Ukraine, because her beloved children suffer at the hands of a demon-led dictator. Such is the cosmic battle. Evil must be poured out and its effects absorbed by the good, for whom the Woman holds the greatest rewards. Not an easy path but the same as her Son walked and all must follow.
Greater evils will follow. Satan is not finished in using Putin as his instrument. For now, she will dampen down the conflict but the fire of hatred still burns strongly in Putin’s heart. The next time, his goals will extend to all Europe and beyond, especially as he secures his friendship with China, North Korea and others.
The ground opens up. Mankind finds that he has no foundations. All is shaking in the Ukraine. For now, a reprieve. A quick preview. A warning of what will happen. Where is the repentance? Who turns back to the Lord? “Our might and our sanctions saved us” they will say when really it was the Woman who won the reprieve.
Will this time be used well or will all return to normal, where God is put aside? Only some see the Ukraine crisis for what it truly is, a preview of Russian violence that will be unleashed against Europe.
The Woman places seeds of light in the hearts of those who believe . At special moments, these lights break forth so that families and nations are not overcome by darkness. However, many enemies of light try to extinguish these flames and push the light to the sidelines to limit their power.
The Woman will not surrender. When these lights are totally accepted, the world can overcome the darkness. Even against the greatest odds she will raise her priest son to the Chair of Peter. When her light is placed upon that lampstand, all of her lights planted throughout the world will come forth. The darkness will grow stronger but everyone will have a chance to walk with the Woman.
Who can foresee all that will happen? No one can be sure. All must react to Putin. No one can limit or deter his evil.
Even though he has not gained his Ukranian goals, he remains in power. This experience will cause him to examine his approach, to regroup his forces and to plan for his next step which will not be limited to the Ukraine.
Why is the world filled with such evils? Why the wars? Why the turmoil? Why the widespread destruction? Peace does not triumph because Jesus has not won His victory over people’s hearts. Instead, they reject the King of Peace, push Him aside, and then they cry out, “Why do we not have peace?” O foolish humanity, your true King comes to you and you reject Him, not seeing that, without Him, wars and destruction will dominate your histories. Failures will destroy all your plans and death, not life, will reign.
The Demonic evil pours into the Ukraine, saturating its soil with the blood of Russians and Ukranians. Can this evil be contained or will it pour out? Even worse, will the evil break open, sending fire in so many different directions.
The Consecration of Russia/Ukraine will soften the blow but the evil of this war cannot be contained or eliminated.
The future is filled with unknown darknesses. Satanic plans to enslave the world, to chain it with hell’s powers and to place in positions of power those committed to hell’s goals. This is not easy however places of fervor resist the demonic. Yet, even these places of light can be overcome and put the world into total darkness.
The Woman has tried to prepare the Church, and even now speaks to her chosen messengers. Although much time and so many opportunities have been lost. Yet, even a late turning to her will have great results.
Satan gathers his forces for the great explosion. No world leader even understands Satan’s plans and how he wants to use Putin. The Ukranians, with all their military weaknesses, have been instruments of the Woman who thwarts evil intents.
Even though this stage is incomplete, world events will move into a different stage and into a new direction. Satan cannot wait. He must be satisfied with incomplete results in the Ukraine because he has greater plans to use Putin to destroy the earth.
Where is the end? How can the present travail ever conclude? No conclusion exists. All the world is involved in the Ukranian conflict which sends out new roots every day. With the sanctions, each country must choose a side. Putin will have divided the whole world, with many surprises of those who support him.
He has tapped into the deep rivers of anti-western feelings. These have flowed beneath the surface but now come forth in public commitments, forcing a public alignment of nations – good or evil. Never has the world witnessed such a public declaration.
Like a volcano ready to explode, the Satanic evil buried in Russia is ready to pout out its flames. How deep are these evils! How pent up and held back for so long – the blood shed by Lenin and Stalin, and the errors spread by atheistic communism.
The Russian evils have been deeply planted and now come forth in an overflowing harvest. It is too late. Too late to contain them. They will pour out, one evil after another with each one being greater. They will wash up upon every shore and begin new fires until all feel hopeless.
Let your eyes be open. See what is happening. Earth is being despoiled. Lives are ruined. Economies are suffering. All adjust to the new reality, yet not knowing what the future holds. All lies in the balance, able to be tipped in any direction. World leaders are helpless, taking actions that cannot prevent the bloodshed.
The Woman waits in the wings, wanting to be called on to the scene. The pope will invoke her, and the Catholic world with him. She will enter the fray and calm some fires, but she waits for the whole Church to be fully enlightened about her role and her powers. All will come about only as her secrets are foretold and come about.
All the Russian forces close in, as if defeat is inevitable, but the Woman will rescue the Ukraine and not betray it into Russian hands. Its freedom will remain intact but this story will stand in condemnation of the west which did not confront when force would have forestalled an invasion. This is just the beginning chapter followed by greater surprises in countries that do not have the strength of the Ukraine.
No one can see the darkness ahead, hidden in Satan’s mind and slowly revealed as the events unfold. World leaders attempt to cope, to respond and to defend, but their meager intellects and powers cannot match Satan who has plotted all these years.
However, he does not have in place all that he needs for his Final Solution – the destruction of all creation and bringing about the end of human history before Jesus, the King, returns in glory. Only the Woman opposes him, clothed with the sun which destroys his darkness. Until the Woman is placed on the lampstand, the world and its leaders will continue to stumble in the darkness.
Putin’s Ukraine evil will continue and escalate but never fully gain what he desires because Satan has other plans of destruction.
When the cease-fire happens, Putin will wait, gather his forces, regroup his resources, strengthen his alliances with China, Syria and Iran, seek other nations who agree with his policies and try to group them together for self-defense and strengthening. When this re-grouping occurs, he will lash out again, this time with greater force and a larger horizon. The world leaders do not understand that Satan uses him, helps him, protects him and strengthens his resources. Only the Woman can conquer.
Why the turmoil? Why the violence? Can you not see? The seeds of evil, planted for so many centuries, now bring forth their harvest. One world war followed by another did not purge the evil but planted new seeds which have brought forth the Ukraine war as a first fruit. Others will follow until the world is confused and beaten down, unable to control conflicts made greater by retaliation.
Peace comes only through the Woman who offers her own heart as a refuge of peace. There the fires of war are quenched, unable to survive in her total love for the human race.
Evil penetrates everywhere. However, whenever confronted by the Woman’s light, evil must surrender its prey, backing off and moving in another direction. When will the people learn these lessons of the Age of Mary, revealed by the Woman herself and explained so well by those whom she has raised up (St. Louis de Montfort). What evils must come forth and what plunder must they capture before everyone believes and acts?
History never stands still. Event follows event and opens up to the future. Paths are chosen. Decisions are made. However only one road to salvation exists. Repentance. A going back to the fork in the road and choosing the road of light.
Now, it is too late. Mankind has moved so deeply into its own freely-chosen darkness that it cannot find its way back to the light. So, the Father has sent the Woman. She carries the light in her heart, and seeks out all of her children. It is too late for her to lead the world back into the light, but she can gather all into the surprising, special light contained in her heart. This is the mystery of the Woman which the Church must reveal to the whole world.
Until man falls to his knees, fire will fall from the sky, a destructive force that will destroy the towers of Babel constructed for the rich and by the rich. The poor must be sought out and led by the hand to the banquet, given their proper place and nourished with the food of life. Let justice be done to all and the fires of hell will be quenched.
The Father’s judgments will thunder across the skies, easily seen but totally misunderstood. Men will attribute this war to Putin, as if he stands alone on a mountain top. They refuse to see that the mountain is composed of man’s evil deeds and that Putin has reached that height only because these evils multiply every day.
Putin is the lightning rod which catches and transmits hell’s thunder bolts, prepared now for centuries. Especially in this past century, mankind has multiplied evil by two world wars, a nuclear arms race, unbridled capitalism, a shunning of the poor, a manipulation of world markets, and the worldwide access to internet evils. Putin is but the first of Satan’s evil followers who will ascend this mountain. Each worse than the former.
The night is descending and these are the twilight hours. Some light still available for those ready to hear the Woman’s voice and follow her instructions.
She alone knows the path of light because, even in the darkness of losing the child Jesus, she sought and found him in the temple. So it will be for all who come to her. Even in the darkness, they will not lose their way.
The world still slumbers, unaware of the forces ready to destroy civilization, splitting the nations, fostering divisions and causing untold destruction and casualties.
All see and lament this destruction, not realizing that the full evils lay hidden, not yet coming to the surface.
The Woman goes everywhere, calling to her children, “Do not fear. I am with you. Some in the Ukraine I will gather quickly to myself. Others I will come to, abide with, strengthen and protect. I must keep them on earth for they have tasks to fulfill.”
The explosions continue. The night falls and darkness multiplies. NATO’s hands are tied by selfish interests. America fails to respond to the Ukrainian pleas. Putin feasts upon Ukrainian blood, leading the whole world into its greatest darkness.
Who sees? Who understands? The Woman’s voice is quieted, not listened to, or hardly seen as important. The Church speaks out in generalities, because she herself has not fully accepted the Woman or the Age of Mary. All will be shrouded in darkness until the Church accepts the Father’s plan to exalt the Woman.
The storm has broken. The rain of destruction falls upon the Ukraine. No one acts. All stand on the sidelines hoping that sanctions will stop the conflict. Yet all the evidence contradicts that belief. Deaths mount. Cities are captured or destroyed. More sanctions. More talk. The Ukrainians fight valiantly, beaten severely by their more powerful neighbor while the world watches. All fear Putin. All fear his nuclear power. Have they not learned from history? When he has devoured the Ukraine, what will he do next? A time of consolidation. Then, another victim country.