Just as the Book of Wisdom was written by a pious Jew reflecting upon the Old Testament, so these little thoughts about Our Lady come from reflections upon all of the Marian apparitions with their messages.


Where does this road of darkness in the Ukraine end? Forces are aligned on every side. Threats and proposals are made everywhere. Yet, no one directly confronts Putin. His armies march while neighboring countries watch. His overmatched foe fights bravely, trying to hold off the inevitable. Putin will never turn back. He must vindicate his original decisions, no matter what the cost. The West fools itself, believing that sanctions are the only answer, not realizing that these will not at all deter the flagration of the Ukraine.

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The way is so tiny, and the light is so dim. Yet, all is not darkness in the Ukraine. The people believe and stand firm. The nations are united. Putin is powerful but isolated. Can a figure intervene to bring a conclusion, allowing both countries to survive? Would Putin accept a less than complete victory? So far to go before these questions can be answered. For now, both sides pull with all their strength. The struggle will be a long one, surprisingly not the quick victory Putin sought.

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Every event has its time, not in the inevitable decrees of fate but in the great mystery of human free will, and in the clash of forces, good and evil.

Events are just the surface results of the deeper, hidden struggle between the two Kingdoms. What is playing out in the Ukraine is not some determined drama written by fate, but a living drama written by all who participate. Every human decision, (good or bad, large or small) becomes part of the script. The whole world is attentive to the Ukraine. This is a decisive chapter, still unknown but certainly at the center of history’s story.

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There is a time for everything. Now is the time for the clash of weapons. It need not have been this way, nor at this time or place.  Other places would have been better but the fervent Ukrainians are favorite targets of the Evil One who has never been able to break their spirit or destroy their faith.

Now, he will try once again, using his instrument, Putin, to inflict a fatal blow. The Spirit of the Ukraine, although sorely tested, will survive. The purging will be severe.

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The war will not end in a great victory but in a shattering of stability with ongoing reprisals which will shake nations.

All will be weaker and more ready to collapse. What stands today will be weakened or collapse. Few will retain their strength.  A few will totally cease. All will regroup. Study the new situation and walk a new path.

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The world has passed the point of no return. The Woman’s pleas for conversion have not been followed. What she foresaw must now take place.  She has tried to save the world and enlighten the Church but her words have been placed under the basket.

Her messages will continue and her messengers will remain faithful. Those who have heard, will continue to listen and follow her. All others will be welcomed but now, every other road is closed. Only one remains, the Father’s surprising road, His gift to the Church of the Woman.  Will she be fully embraced or honored in only the usual manner?

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The night descends so quickly. Many not prepared. The Church caught off guard. Now will the sirens ring out. Will the bells toll for the people to come to pray? Or, will life go on as usual? No sense of alarm or awakening to the true evil that covers the globe?

Who knows to turn to the Woman? Who realizes that she long ago spoke of these times when “Russia will spread its errors”. Few believed her. Even now, with all the evidence before their eyes, people still do not flock to the Woman.

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What more signs are needed? Cannot everyone see? Society crumbles beneath the weight of evil. Satan has given his powers to Putin and all those who help him.

Now, he has acted, the first step of defiance followed by the West’s initial response. After this, all will escalate. World leaders, East and West, believe only in power but not in repentance.

Blood will flow, much of it innocent. Arms will multiply. Deaths will mount. An irreversible cycle of violence has begun.

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The doors will be open to every evil. Floods of iniquity will pour out from beneath the earth. All must hide in the Woman’s heart where she will protect her little ones. Any other refuge is not safe and would only be temporary. Let all the world hide there. The Woman has a place for everyone.

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Where will the world turn to regain its stability? All avenues are exhausted, each nation drained of its moral strength. Only to the places of devotion, cultivated and protected by the Woman. These are on high ground, able to survive the floods. All else will be washed away.

Even those parts of the Church which are not placed deeply in her heart will be swept away by the demonic floods or destroyed by the fires of violence. “We will rebuild” will no longer be an option.

Many will ask ‘How did we come to this point?” Others will resist and try to reconstruct things as they were before. The Woman’s children, understanding that human life is forever changed, will seek to dwell in her heart and will rest in her protection.

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The flame is lit. Not the flame of life but the fire of destruction and death. Who will put this out? Quickly, this fire will expand, jumping from the candle into life and human history, and will be welcomed by so many hearts.

Hatred and evil designs will multiply the fire’s power, spreading far beyond anyone’s imagination. Once released, this fire will never again be extinguished. Every effort to control and limit its power will only push the flames in a different direction. Unknowingly, the world has opened the door to the final stage of an era of world history.

The Woman must walk alone because her child, the Church, is not ready or willing to accompany her.  First, she must bring about, within the Church, those events which will place the Church firmly in her heart. Only then, can this child of her love become her perfect instrument. After that, the flames will continue, but the Church, the Woman’s Ark of the Covenant will be ready for all who wish to enter.

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As the first shot is fired, who know how the events will unfold? War always takes on a life of its own, surprising everyone by its violence and extent. Lives are uprooted. Family members killed or wounded. Who can recover from such shocks? Who can restore a shaken society?

The Woman realizes the stakes and seeks adorers who plead before the Father for Mercy – to find some other way to purify humanity?

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As the darkness multiplies, the Woman will come closer and closer, bringing a surprising light seen by all who accept her role. The Father has established this light because Satan has learned to cover over all the other lights.

Suddenly, when Satan thinks he has covered the earth with his darkness, this new light will arise, unable to be covered over and totally unprepared for.

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The skies will open. The bombs will drop. The hostilities will begin. The Woman will sorrow over her children. The West will react. No one will know where this road leads, how far it goes or where it will end.

The world has entered a new stage, an unknown future for which the heavenly Father has prepared the Woman.

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Now the moment has come. The evil forces are lined up, ready to strike. No wall protects the Ukraine. No NATO country can come to its aid. Such is the dilemma facing the West. Putin needs only to choose his place of attack, to move quickly and to consolidate. He will then swallow another part of this poor country.

Sanctions will be imposed but not in their full force. Putin will use what he has gained as a foothold to claim more and more until he has all that he wants. When the Ukraine phase is over, he will look for other lands to subjugate. His final years will be very dangerous.

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The mighty river of Putin’s evil now flows in various directions, affecting so many nations and causing disruptions and feuds. Seeds of mistrust among allies and a joining together with him of his friends. He tests the unity of NATO and divides them by his negotiations. He plants seeds of doubt in so many hearts. All is weak and Putin has revealed the cracks.

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All see the black clouds but no one, even Putin, know exactly what they hold. How much destruction will they rain down? How much will be changed after their evil has descended? And when this storm is over, what does the future hold?

The Woman has warned the Church, and has raised her voice on so many occasions. Will these events be seen for what they truly are – the beginning fulfillment of her warnings and a renewed call to study what she has taught? or will they be considered natural events, flowing from the usual conflicts always found in human history?  Humanity, devoid of the Woman’s wisdom, will never see, will always misjudge and then stumble into greater darkness and destruction. She alone carries the light needed to guide the world during the coming destructive darkness.

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The Ukraine crisis contains every evil that could explode into a nuclear conflagration, but the Woman will contain this evil, even though lives will be lost and Russia will gain some of its goal.

The world has not listened to her words at Fatima nor taken her warnings seriously. Even now, she is still shunted aside. She must wait in the shadows until the great events begin and her chosen one leads the Church. Only then will she be given her rightful place.

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What is still lacking? Why no explosion? A new fire must be lit. An element still missing because the Woman has not allowed that person to rise to power whose heart is controlled totally by the Evil One.

She holds him back. Restrains all his efforts to gain control. He is the most powerful of Satan’s commanders but others contend for that position, destroying one another and limiting their effectiveness.

This leader must choose another path by ingratiating himself and slowly rising to prestige and power.  A complex plan, trying to circumvent the Woman. But she herself will never give up the key to the divine Kingdom, nor will she abandon the role given her by the heavenly Father. However, her children can easily be deceived. They must listen to her and do all that she asks. This will be the secret of the priest whom she seeks to lift up to the papacy. He is TOTUS TUUS.

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Why the violence, the hatred, the divisions, the turmoil, the unrest and even the threats of wars? The force of hatred grasps many hearts while the power of love is limited to a few.

This continual war has so many casualties, as people and institutions turn away from the light. Whole continents are clothed in darkness. The Woman sighs over her lost children and must act quickly to save the Church.

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Putin tries to arrange everything according to his plan and his timing. He tries to gather his friends into a united front.  Although China and Iran back him they do not fully agree with his approach. So, he must move ahead slowly. How badly the United States has reacted. Pushing a problem to the edge of the cliff and risking nuclear war over a local issue.

The Woman is active, always shifting the ground so that both sides feel insecure and unable to move ahead. How long can she maintain this stalemate? Really, the problem will change and take in new aspects before the final confrontation.

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The world does not grasp at all what lies ahead. Everything remains hidden and so many are unprepared. The Woman has spoken and has promised to speak even more. However, her words are thrown away as worthy only of the wastebasket when they should be enshrined on every heart.

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The drama of human history as conceived by the Father is unfolding but altered by Satan’s Kingdom of Darkness. The Father’s plan is a force, a power within history which must be accepted and acted upon to shape the world. The Woman knows His plan and dedicates her whole being to bring it about. She is opposed by Satan and obeyed by her little ones. Through them, she will conquer.

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As the darkness spreads, the road of light narrows, always protected by the Woman but much more difficult to find by her children.

Although she appears and sends forth her messengers, their faithful voices are muted and lost in the cacophony of the Church. Her messages are accepted but accorded no special value. Time is lost. People lose their way, unable to hear her voice.  All this must end quickly. She must raise up the one whose heart knows nothing else except her word.

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The Father sees his creation bathed in a new darkness and corrupted by new evils. He knows the causes and those who have brought this about. In His mercy, He has not wiped them off the face of the earth.  Yet, a moment will come when He can no longer tolerate their evil. When He must intervene to save creation. That moment comes ever closer. The Woman is always pleading for her children, gathering them, hiding them, and preparing them. For others, she also plans how to save them.

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Why this tumult among the nations? The human race has invited the demonic Kingdom of darkness into human history, accepting his powers and yielding to his allurements. Now, he controls gigantic portions of the human race and he knows how to spread his Kingdom using the leaders whom he possesses. The Woman is his great enemy. However, her army is small because few listen.

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The Ukraine conflict is out of human hands. Even though human persons seemingly make the decisions, the true powers from the Kingdom of Light and the Kingdom of Darkness, locked in an eternal battle, fight over which will possess the earth.

For this time, their focus is on the Ukraine, but when this is settled, the battle will shift elsewhere to more important centers.

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Round and round go the events, the discussions, the decisions and the hesitations. Satan looks for his openings but the Woman frustrates all his advances because she loves the Ukranian people who have suffered so much.

Now, the crisis must come to a point of decision. No longer the waiting or the putting off. The troops must move forward or withdraw. Even though they have been so close for such a long time, the Woman will limit their effectiveness.

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The forces are lining up. The leaders have no idea of the powers of darkness which control their decisions, nor do they know how to exit from this confrontation in which a wrong step means great perils. Yet no one can see a different path. The Woman has warned her children about Russia. Now, they see her words coming true as Putin grows strong.

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The die is cast. Putin has made his decision. He has passed the point of no return and will launch his attack, carefully planned and quickly carried out. Then, he will wait for the sanctions. Knowing that the West is divided, he will juggle his priorities and adjust his strategy to prepare for future actions. All will not happen at once. The Ukraine dilemma will be protracted with no simple solution. A test of wills and of wits, so Russia can regain its previous stature. The people remain helpless.

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Although Satan has planted so many evils, he will not reap his full harvest because the Woman protects the Ukraine and will limit both the bloodshed and the amount of territory involved.

All of this is a warning from the Father to repent. The sins of the West cry out to Him for Divine Justice. The Woman pleads for Mercy. The world knows little about these hidden forces.

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The Woman will guide the events in the Ukraine because the situation is too dangerous. The Father cannot leave these decisions in human hands even though it will seem as if the normal decision-making process has been followed.

Instead, there will be a distraction, a new thought, a different way to go. Putin will follow this, leaving behind his primary plans which would have led to so much bloodshed. The Woman has postponed for now the final hours.

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The explosion is near at hand, not the full, powerful explosion that the Woman has foiled but the smaller explosion, the next step, not the final destination chosen by Satan. Only the prayers of her little ones have mitigated this disaster which will be limited to a part of Europe.

The West will react but their own sins limit their powers against this satanic onslaught. Their military prominence, to which they look with confidence will shrink as Russia and China form their alliance.

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Putin feels that he is at the center of history, ushering in the great moment of Russian domination. He has made his new friends – China and others. He feels they are behind him in his disdain for the West. But these alliances are not as strong as he believes. So, when he moves, he will be surprised that he finds himself alone and must curtail some of his voracious desires.

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No one can foresee the future darkness because no one realizes how many powerful seeds of evil have been planted in human hearts. These seeds bring forth a fertile harvest of widescale corruption, which is unable to respond to the dark decisions made by world leaders, and unable to rise up against the tyranny of evil that dominates society. As a result, gigantic evils are tolerated and not cast out. The culture remains unpurged, destroying especially the young. The Father must act upon this present generation to save future generations from the evils which are stealing souls from the Woman’s heart.

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Why the delays? Why is the Father’s purifying actions constantly pushed back? Why does Jesus’ heart accept all the sins of mankind? The Father chose the Woman to be the mother of His Son.  He has made her the new Eve, the mother of life. He placed His Son in the hands of His own creature.  This is the mystery playing out before our eyes. She, not Eve, is the mother of all the living. Having chosen her for this task, the Father also gives her power over His own heart. Even the Trinity listens to her pleas.

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Putin has gone too far. He cannot turn back without grasping some part of the Ukraine. This will appease the Russian people who have sacrificed so much.

The West is helpless militarily. Putin ’s army and technology are too strong. All will happen quickly. The final result depends on many factors.

Putin wants no alignment with Western Europe, but a constant confrontation that he believes he can win because of his superior military and the fragile union of Europe and the United States.

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The great darkness of war lies ahead and only the Woman can pull the human race in a different direction. All signs lead to an invasion in the Ukraine, yet she can divert the Russian troops to a much lesser goal that would defuse this crisis and save many lives. Yet, few invoke her or know that she wants to intervene.

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The world leaders see only the surface – Putin’s threats and actions. They fail to see the depths – the sins of the West that feed the Kingdom of Darkness, allowing its powers to expand everywhere. The leaders call for negotiations when they should cry out for repentance and intercession.

The West has lost its spiritual roots, forgotten its past and has lost all concept of sin. Leaders and people will walk in darkness until the Father acts and the Woman exalts the Church as the light of the nations.

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When the Father visits earth, everyone will tremble. No one will understand. Many will raise their voices, false lights in the darkness. Then, a new voice will break forth, prepared for years by the Woman, exalted by her to the highest chair, a true light in the darkness and firmly established in the Catholic Church.

Only then, will the world see the glory of the Bride of Christ and thank Jesus for the Church which alone will prevail over the gates of hell.

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The sins of the past must be swept away – otherwise, earth will have no future. A cleansing. A new beginning brought about only by the Father’s power. Plans far beyond any human mind which cannot conceive the future nor bring it about.

The Woman toils tirelessly, planning ahead of time to prepare her Church. She knows the future dangers, the great perils and how to make her children ready for the onslaught.

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The Woman seals her children, marking them off, setting them apart, and saying “These are mine. They belong to me.”

She protects them but also asks from them total devotion. She guides their steps but demands that they walk only in her light. Why does she do this? They will be her army, her instruments in the war, the great hope of salvation, the intercessors whom the Father must hear.

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The world has entered a darkness which it does not understand. It will use means as in the past to scatter the darkness but these powers are elusive. New and greater darkness will envelope the earth, yet normal life will continue.

Then, comes the great darkness when human activity will halt and all humanity will realize that it is lost. Only the Woman will hold light in her heart. Blessed are those who seek it there.

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The Woman has confused those guided by the Prince of Darkness so they cannot come together, and unite in a single plan of destruction.

Instead, she has led them down many false roads that have not brought forth the destruction of the universe as they hoped. Now, they cannot move ahead, allowing time for the Woman to place her chosen one on the papal throne.

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The evils of China and Russia come together. They are the world’s greatest threat. No longer isolated. Joined in darkness. Ready to act. Seeking supremacy. Only the Woman can confuse them. Lead them to disputes that limit their joined powers.

Who knows all that she does? Only revealed on the Last Day. For now, she acts as a mother, advising her children, keeping them from harm and postponing the day of reckoning.

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The time will come when even powerful leaders will lose control of world events. All will wonder when this will end. Escalation will follow escalation. Destruction will pile upon destruction. The whole world will be out of control until the divine intervention of light illumines every conscience.

The Woman foresees all these events and must take extraordinary actions so the Church is prepared to become the Light to the Nations.

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Evil is buried in the sins of history, safeguarded in the hearts of those chosen by Satan, waiting, always waiting for the right moment to explode. Such will be this coming year, a year of preparation for 2023, a year when human solutions will fail completely and the world will enter a new darkness.

The Woman carries Jesus, the light of the world, easily seen by all who listen to her words. This light will grow brighter as all human lights are extinguished.

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Although the time for the great clash and the moment of divine purifying is not yet here, the protagonists have appeared on the scene. Putin continues to assert Russia’s claims. The West denies these.  The struggle will continue until the decisive moment, a moment foreseen and prepared for by the Woman saving her children. All must know these mysteries.

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What can impede the forces of evil? Only the Father’s intervention. Yet, the Father delays his actions at the request of the Woman who constantly intercedes for her children. She knows the time. She realizes what will happen. She knows how to prepare. Her pope is not yet in place. Only then will she say to the Father, “I have prepared the Church. It will be the light to the nations amid the darkness.”

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How soon will all the events take place? The Father has hidden these mysteries in the Woman’s heart and she reveals them to her chosen messengers. At the same time, she invites all to come into her heart. So, her message has two parts – one hidden and one revealed. Why are so many curious about what is hidden when they do not act upon what has been revealed?

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