Just as the Book of Wisdom was written by a pious Jew reflecting upon the Old Testament, so these little thoughts about Our Lady come from reflections upon all of the Marian apparitions with their messages.
The sins of the past must be swept away – otherwise, earth will have no future. A cleansing. A new beginning brought about only by the Father’s power. Plans far beyond any human mind which cannot conceive the future nor bring it about.
The Woman toils tirelessly, planning ahead of time to prepare her Church. She knows the future dangers, the great perils and how to make her children ready for the onslaught.
The Woman seals her children, marking them off, setting them apart, and saying “These are mine. They belong to me.”
She protects them but also asks from them total devotion. She guides their steps but demands that they walk only in her light. Why does she do this? They will be her army, her instruments in the war, the great hope of salvation, the intercessors whom the Father must hear.
The world has entered a darkness which it does not understand. It will use means as in the past to scatter the darkness but these powers are elusive. New and greater darkness will envelope the earth, yet normal life will continue.
Then, comes the great darkness when human activity will halt and all humanity will realize that it is lost. Only the Woman will hold light in her heart. Blessed are those who seek it there.
The Woman has confused those guided by the Prince of Darkness so they cannot come together, and unite in a single plan of destruction.
Instead, she has led them down many false roads that have not brought forth the destruction of the universe as they hoped. Now, they cannot move ahead, allowing time for the Woman to place her chosen one on the papal throne.
The evils of China and Russia come together. They are the world’s greatest threat. No longer isolated. Joined in darkness. Ready to act. Seeking supremacy. Only the Woman can confuse them. Lead them to disputes that limit their joined powers.
Who knows all that she does? Only revealed on the Last Day. For now, she acts as a mother, advising her children, keeping them from harm and postponing the day of reckoning.
The time will come when even powerful leaders will lose control of world events. All will wonder when this will end. Escalation will follow escalation. Destruction will pile upon destruction. The whole world will be out of control until the divine intervention of light illumines every conscience.
The Woman foresees all these events and must take extraordinary actions so the Church is prepared to become the Light to the Nations.
Evil is buried in the sins of history, safeguarded in the hearts of those chosen by Satan, waiting, always waiting for the right moment to explode. Such will be this coming year, a year of preparation for 2023, a year when human solutions will fail completely and the world will enter a new darkness.
The Woman carries Jesus, the light of the world, easily seen by all who listen to her words. This light will grow brighter as all human lights are extinguished.
Although the time for the great clash and the moment of divine purifying is not yet here, the protagonists have appeared on the scene. Putin continues to assert Russia’s claims. The West denies these. The struggle will continue until the decisive moment, a moment foreseen and prepared for by the Woman saving her children. All must know these mysteries.
What can impede the forces of evil? Only the Father’s intervention. Yet, the Father delays his actions at the request of the Woman who constantly intercedes for her children. She knows the time. She realizes what will happen. She knows how to prepare. Her pope is not yet in place. Only then will she say to the Father, “I have prepared the Church. It will be the light to the nations amid the darkness.”
How soon will all the events take place? The Father has hidden these mysteries in the Woman’s heart and she reveals them to her chosen messengers. At the same time, she invites all to come into her heart. So, her message has two parts – one hidden and one revealed. Why are so many curious about what is hidden when they do not act upon what has been revealed?
The tanks move back for now. Putin has made his point and not yet ready to risk everything at once. Other attempts will follow with new initiatives to expand Russia. A constant confrontation until Putin sees his opportunity. Then he will act, heedless of the evil he will spew out. The time is not yet for the Woman’s secrets to be fulfilled.
How great are the mountains which stand as monuments to God’s power. Yet, even these are ready to collapse. Such are the great evils which Satan has placed in human history.
Now, the Father’s hidden plans come forth. All are beginning to see what the Woman prophesied so clearly. “Russia will spread its errors.” The contained evil will soon break forth in an unsuspected violence which will sweep Europe.
How deeply into the darkness has the world come? No one knows. All is confusion, minds clouded in darkness, and human history hurtling toward the unknown. Yet, the human race, having rejected God, trusts in its own wisdom.
So, the Father has sent the Woman. “Through you, I will offer the light of my Son. If they reject you, I have no other plans.” She is the Father’s final gift, clothed in her Son’s light. If rejected, only total darkness remains.
The world moves into an unknown future when the security of past years cannot even be remembered. The evil seeds have been planted, allowed to grow and even nourished. The harvest of destruction is inevitable, hidden and unforeseen but suddenly appearing, as if overnight. Only the Woman can offer respite, safety and peace for those who hide in her heart.
Mankind is at the edge. One false step and the world will be plunged into armed conflicts with seemingly no end. The Woman constantly delays these moments, pushing them to the future and gaining more time for conversion.
Yet, few listen or respond. Many opportunities are squandered. So, the darkness will come and the Woman will raise up a voice, who will be her light for her children.
The night comes and no one can hold it back except the Woman who constantly delays that moment when all creation enters into the Father’s purifying action. Some chosen souls stand with her, arms upraised as if holding back His action. The Father allows this period of grace and mercy, so that the little ones can enter into her heart and be rescued like Noah.
Humanity, empowered by its technology, rushes headlong into a total darkness from which there seemingly is no escape. Satan fuels this fire by multiplying enticements and empowering world leaders who have surrendered to him.
Slowly, the Woman gathers her children, seemingly so few in number. These will be the only lights still shining, sustained by her love and inviting the whole world into her saving power.
Humanity has abused the freedom given by the Father and now moves into a moment in history different than any other, with powers to communicate and to destroy.
Who will rein in these powers? Who will set humanity in a different direction, saving the human race from destruction? These are the questions which no one asks except the Woman, who has already chosen those who will lead humanity into a road of light, even though so few will follow.
The Father has established a day when He will place His saving hand upon creation to rescue human history. So many will not understand what is happening and will not know how to respond. On that day, the powers of heaven and earth will tremble. People will grow fearful but the Woman will begin to take her place and to assume her role. All will begin to see that this is the Age of Mary. They will see the Woman chosen by the Father to rescue His children while He restores all of creation.
Why do the nations not understand? Because they do not listen to the Woman who speaks so clearly. Now, they find themselves in dire straits, unable to stem the tide. What to do? Turn to the Woman. Beat a pathway to her door. Seek entrance into her heart. Bring your loved ones. All can still be saved but there is no time to lose. The stakes are high. All is in the balance and few understand this moment of history.
The nations do not come before the Lord. Instead, they go in their own direction, seeking their own interests and clashing, even with those who are friends. The world’s blessings are divided unfairly. The poor and hungry are pushed aside and told to wait. The rich gobble up the resources, forming systems that favor their own needs. All must stop. All must change. If the poor are not invited to the table, the Father will withhold bread from His selfish children.
The many eruptions are signs of the deepest turmoil and warnings of future events. The world rests, not on firm ground, but on a volcano of evil, fires fed by sin and protected by those whom Satan has raised up.
Few options remain. Humanity has walked this road of destruction for such a long time that turning back seems impossible, yet only a complete reversal will save the world. The Woman speaks but her words are not listened to, and many times, cannot even be heard. Little time remains to save the children.
World leaders wander, confused and without light, entrapped by so many demonic forces, unable to break free or to come into the light.
Yet, these same leaders control millions of people and have nuclear weapons in their hands. No one is safe. The whole world endangered. The Woman alone can lead the world to peace but she is set aside.
There is no turning back. The time to take another road has long since passed. Sinful decisions have narrowed the options. Satan rejoices at the present course of human history, believing that no one can foil his plans. He has set his leaders in key positions – especially in Russia and China. He has weakened the West by gross immorality. He has shifted the balances of power. Now, he moves his leaders to those decisions that will soon begin the final Hour.
A time will come when many will be entangled with powers they do not understand and cannot control. Because they did not listen to the Woman, they will be caught in the satanic webs of the Evil One. Now, it is late but the Woman can still rescue them, but with much more difficulty. Many will not be able to respond to her help and will succumb. A few will be set free by the help of others who love them.
The whole world hangs in the balance but few see that the human race is at the edge of a precipice. No one understands the evil forces hoping to plunge earth into hell’s fires. Eyes refuse to see and ears to hear. World leaders are led astray by vain glory and national interests. The Woman must raise up a new voice, faithful to her. One who understands the mysteries.
All must see the war. No one should remain in doubt. Everyone must choose one side or the other, with eternal ramifications. No one can remain on the sidelines. All will be drawn into the fray. Not to choose is to lose and be swept into darkness for the Kingdom of heaven demands a forthright spirit and a will fixed upon the Woman. Otherwise, hell will claim the heart.
Angels tremble as they look on, seeing the growing forces of darkness, already arrayed in battle while the army of the Woman is scattered and unaware.
The Woman needs a voice, a special voice whose heart belongs only to her, whose mind is filled with her light and whose will is totally dedicated to this age of Mary. His focus will not stray from the central truth – the triumph of the Woman’s Immaculate Heart and restoring all things in Christ. He will be a light to the nations, set on the mountain top for all to see, rejected by many, scorned by others but never hidden from view.
What lies ahead is hidden until revealed, an unknown future which many try to predict, not believing that all is in the Father’s hands. Trials and difficulties remain hidden. Darkness and confusion not yet experienced.
Although all can see that the future is not bright, few have any idea of the great crisis which lies ahead because few understand the Kingdoms of light and darkness or the battle they wage for control of human history. All will see these battles clearly as human history is drawn into unknown darkness and finds itself hopeless in the face of demonic powers.
The woman’s voice goes forth to a world hurtling into an unknown darkness from which it will never escape, trapped forever, having rejected Christ’s light and enveloped in an unconquerable evil. How many will be caught up in Satan’s inferno prepared for every human person? Only those whom the Woman gathers will escape.
Satan tries to move human history to create a one world order with control centralized in the hands of a few. He waits for that moment to raise up his special anti-Christ, whose voice is heard and whose will is accomplished everywhere.
The Woman constantly foils his plans, rejecting world leaders whom Satan controls, destroying his many plots. Most important, she stirs freedom within her children. They see and resist governments who exploit crises to extend their power and control. The battle is daily and too many of the Woman’s children do not see this darkness and do not act against it.
The world moves quickly to the military confrontations which will mark the coming era. What appears as lasting peace covers over the hidden aspirations of Putin and the constant desires of China to gain world recognition.
Now, both see their goals on the horizon. They cannot believe the deterioration of their enemies or the rapid decline of the West. They will take advantage of every opening. Foreseeing all these events, the Woman has spoken out but her words are set aside. So, she must raise up her important messengers.
The Woman holds back the conflict, always delaying Satan’s actions and asking the Father for more time to prepare her children. Yet, a time will come when her powers must allow history to move forward.
Then she will turn her powers to new goals – to protecting her children and forcing Satan’s army to move in a different direction. The evil must be emptied out but her children can be kept safe. These are the mysteries of the Age of Mary.
Why do the nations not see the Father’s light or hear the Father’s voice? Because a darkness fills the world and a noise floods the airwaves. Modern man is confused by the new world opened by technology. Man lives on the surface of his existence, never having time or quiet for his deeper desires that reach out for the Father.
So, the Woman comes to stir these inner fibers and to assure every person that the road to the Father is the only safe road amid the darkness.
How soon will this hidden war be seen felt by all? How soon will it disrupt the buying and selling, the marrying and giving in marriage? How soon will everyone become aware? The great events are not far away. The war, now hidden, will break out. Believing that his efforts are about to succeed totally, Satan will increase his boldness. He will manifest his power openly to terrify mankind so he can reclaim the world.
The sun rises. A new day begins but what will that new day hold for mankind? Each day is covered with a new darkness, new demons released and new victories won by the Kingdom of Evil.
So many unaware that their houses are about to collapse, the very lives they cherish so much. Let them call upon the Woman, right now – only she can save them from the sunrise which carries total darkness.
Only an accounting settles the matter. When all are called to give their accounting the heavenly Father can decide what to do. Until then, the forces run free and make their own decisions. However, the day of accounting is different. All become subject to a higher power who has authority and power.
When will earth’s day of accounting come? When will the Father decide to exercise his dominion over all creation? Jesus says that only the Father knows the day and the hour. Blessed are those children whom the Woman has prepared for the day of the Father’s decision to seek an accounting.
Satan’s fires of destruction, contained and limited by Jesus’ death and resurrection, have found new life, invited to return and to claim human life by this historic level of evil, a problem beginning with the division of the churches and now reaching record proportions.
This fire always looks for new domains of power and conquest, feeding upon all that should be sanctified and given back to the Father. Now, Satan is poised to claim the whole world, believing that he has come to an irreversible moment of conquest. Seeing that he faces no opposing army, he grows bold and will cast his fire into formerly protected hearts. All because so few know the secrets of the Age of Mary.
All is hidden in mystery, waiting to be revealed at the proper time – good and evil, light and darkness, victory and defeat – all have their moment.
Yet, much more is happening than just a turning of the clock. Something new comes forth. Not recognized at first, its powers kept hidden until it is too late. A gift which man should never have accepted, like the fruit presented to Eve.
Who can reverse this power? Who can overcome the one who led them astray? The Woman has that power and enjoys that role but few see the darkness or the Woman’s role given by the Father.
A moment comes when the two advancing armies confront each other, with neither ready to surrender any ground. Conflict ensues. Blood is shed on both sides until a victory is declared.
So it is with Satan and he Woman. That moment has not yet arrived but Satan will not retreat, confident in his growing army. The Woman knows that her troops are not gathering, lulled to sleep and deaf to her messages. Only in the end, the bitter end, will her Immaculate Heart triumph. Before that, her army will suffer many losses. Blessed will be those who do not surrender or lose faith in her.
When the waves beat upon the shore, they quickly recede because the Father has given them limits. So it is with all creation, an order written into nature by the loving Father.
Now, the fires of hell that have been released by men’s sins threatens everything. What seems like natural disturbances are rooted in the Kingdom of Darkness which will claim God’s creation as its own. Who will stand in his path? Who will block his plans? The Woman’s army which she tries to gather to stand as a bulwark. So few hear the call to arms, paying no attention to her trumpet calls. So, Satan marches, despoiling the earth.
The whole world should await the glory of the Father’s Kingdom. Instead, it seeks the present, earthly blessings which quickly pass. In this way, Satan has led the world down a false path, away from God’s glory and into his destruction.
Who can turn the world back? What voice is strong enough to be heard above the tumult? What light can shine out in this darkness? All is insufficient and powerless against the Satanic confusion. The Woman must seek out new means so the Father’s word can be heard.
All presume that human life will continue. Has that not been the pattern of history? Yet, mankind contains the power to alter totally the path of history. A step desired so much by the Evil One.
The Woman carries true love in her heart which the Word made Flesh placed while dwelling within her. These powers are meant to be poured out at this precarious moment. Instead, they remain locked up because so few believe and can receive.
A moment will come when the Woman’s choice for the papacy assumes his role and reveals to all the secrets of the Age of Mary. Then, the Woman can pour out the riches of her heart in unbelievable signs and wonders.
When the Father said “Let us make man in our own image and likeness”, he gave his powers to human creatures allowing them to judge and to decide. Human history began, sinless in the beginning but quickly turning to darkness until the Father sent His Son as light of the world, inviting everyone to walk in this new light. Now, Satan has covered over the light and kept it hidden from many. So the Father sends the Woman to uncover the light and let it shine upon the whole world so all can again choose what is good.
Every day, the divine power shapes human history by guiding and inspiring those persons who act according to the Father’s will. However, others, guided by satanic impulses, also shape history in ways that death prevails.
Through the Woman, the Father has multiplied the powers of Jesus. However, His plan has been thwarted and the scope of His intervening through the Woman has not touched history as He planned.
So, the time grows much shorter. His options grow fewer. Before acting directly, He gives the Woman more time. He offers her greater powers and invites her to intervene wherever she wishes. These will be the future years, the world’s final chance.
Every day, the divine power shapes human history by guiding and inspiring those persons who act according to the Father’s will. However, others, guided by satanic impulses, also shape history in ways that death prevails.
Through the Woman, the Father has multiplied the powers of Jesus. However, His plan has been thwarted and the scope of His intervening through the Woman has not touched history as He planned.
So, the time grows much shorter. His options grow fewer. Before acting directly, He gives the Woman more time. He offers her greater powers and invites her to intervene wherever she wishes. These will be the future years, the world’s final chance.
The day ends. The night begins. The human race understands the times and the seasons. Soon will come a night which no one understands. The darkest night of human history, the demonic night planned for centuries, constantly delayed by the blood of Jesus, but now ready to be brought forth. Who can save the human race? The Father has given this time over to the Woman, the mother of Jesus. All who understand will call upon her.
The Father will not turn back from His plan to purify creation. As in the days of Noah, the whole earth has turned away from Him and now lives in a universal uncleaness that can be purged only by His saving action. He hesitates because of the Little Ones. He waits, hoping that the Church can bring the world to repentance. He sends the Woman, allowing her the opportunity to call the nations to repentance. Yet, all these actions have not deterred the world from its chosen path.
Before He purifies, He will provide the Woman with more time, give her greater powers and allow her a worldwide scope of activity. She will claim the Church as her own, taking to herself the power to choose and to raise up a pope according to her own heart.
Who cannot hear the far away rumblings of war? And of destruction? They cannot be dismissed as mere dreams or fears. These warnings are rooted in the hearts of evil people with worldwide plans for their own exultation, placed there by the Evil One who also fulfills and brings to completion.
Only the Woman has slowed the process, delayed the fulfillment and pushed back the time. If she were joined by more of her children, she would have destroyed all of his evil. Instead, she must be satisfied with saving her little ones.
Many who scoff will see their world come to ruin, washed away in the floods. All that they trusted in suddenly collapsing before their eyes. Where do they turn? The Woman awaits them but they will find it difficult to go to her since they have not walked her road of light. Yet, even some of those who have always walked in darkness will receive special helps to guide them in the new darkness.
The Father wants to gather the nations into the new Jerusalem. However, many have been captured by darkness and others by the twilight. Is there not one nation that could be a light? If so, the Father would bless that nation, increase its light and place that nation at the top of the mountain.
However, no such nation exists. All walk by false lights. So, the Woman must create a new nation with citizens everywhere. These she will lift up at the great moment when darkness seems to have conquered all.