Just as the Book of Wisdom was written by a pious Jew reflecting upon the Old Testament, so these little thoughts about Our Lady come from reflections upon all of the Marian apparitions with their messages.


What will history bring forth? A child of beauty or a demonic distortion? What power will form humanity? The cleansing power of the Father or the destructive fires of hell? So many questions still be an answered. So great the consequences weighing in the balance. Only by sending the Woman, does the Father guarantee Jesus’ victory. A lesson all must learn.

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A creation, filled with the Father’s blessings has turned against mankind and now threatens his existence. The Evil One has done this, planting weeds in the garden.  The Father prudently waits, concerned about His children, and willing to accept what humanity does to His creation so He can save the children.

Yet, a time to purify must come. He foresees the circumstances when He must intervene. He has sent the Woman to prepare the world. All of creation must be purified.

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What is lacking? Darkness covers the heavens and man believes that he is no longer seen by the heavenly Father. He acts like children who believe their father does not see, doing foolish things that entangle and destructive acts which ruin.

Soon, they learn new ways of evil, enticed by the momentary delights, saying ‘We are grown now and find adult pleasures.’  Innocence is set aside.  All are caught in a net of their own desires, unable to free themselves. This is the human race which the Father has entrusted to the Woman.

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Who has the Father’s wisdom to guide the world? All are entrapped in a satanic darkness. Decisions are based on the wrong goals and even the best intentions do not embrace a full wisdom. Man is shortsighted and selfish. Few even think of the Father’s plan.

So, he sends the Woman who grasps everything and whose heart is filled with love. He has commissioned her, “Teach my children. Bring them into the light.” How hard she has tried, but her words are silenced. Her voice is muffled. Her messengers are set aside.

Light will come only when she is lifted up and vindicated. Unfortunately, that will come late.

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Human history is a mystery which unfolds each day but mankind does not learn the lessons which it teaches. It is blind to realities and unable to overcome human selfishness that distorts the truth.

So, the Woman comes, revealing truths, making promises and setting forth requests, trying to rescue the human race. Setting aside her lights, the world moves into greater darkness and helplessness while she stands by the wayside, pleading with her children. Seeing her efforts fail, she will leave the wayside and step into history in dramatic ways. Then, all will see, “This is the hour of the Woman.”

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How carefully the heavenly Father watches over His children, foreseeing all the obstacles to their eternal salvation and preparing them for their struggles. Yet, many reject His Wisdom and scorn His help, bringing upon themselves problems of their own making, refusing to accept His word or His help.

The Father finds new answers, new doors and new helps which He places in the Woman’s heart to save a humanity which otherwise would perish. These are the secrets of Mary.

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The Father has placed His creation into human hands saying “Increase and multiply” and “Till the earth.”  He allows man to bring creation to its fullness and to share in His glory.

Now, all is twisted and distorted. The earth is ravaged and its nations are poor. The world turns away from the Father, not acknowledging His power and authority over what He has created. A new day must dawn when all is once more in His hands and all acknowledge Him as the Father of Life.

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The Father will speak a word of Justice over His Creation, a word needed to correct human life. The Woman will speak a word of mercy, so those who love her will survive the trials of Justice. Otherwise, all would be destroyed. Nothing left if some life were not protected. In her heart, is the only place of refuge. All must know these truths before the hour of Justice comes.

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Clashes and turmoil increase. Divisions and hatreds multiply. Murder and fornication. Oppression of the poor. Exultation of the rich. A deeply divided world set upon its own destruction, carrying the seeds of death.

Only heaven can save, intervening to change history’s course, a sudden turning, a wrenching away and a new beginning. All will not come easily or smoothly. Some will be caught in the very center of God’s actions, the ones chosen by the Woman. They will suffer much but bring great blessings to the generations which follow.

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When will the Woman’s words go forth to the nations? When will her light be put upon the lampstand? Because Satan has been able to cover over His light and obscure His message, she alone has been able to protect the light of her Son. Her heart remains as the final bastion of truth, a fortress which Satan will never breach. She will deal him his final defeat.

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What can the Father do when mankind, ensnared by the Evil One, has chosen a road that leads to self-destruction? He must intervene at all costs to save the planet for future generations. At first, He chose to reveal His path and invite the Church, the light of the nations, to walk it. He sent the Woman as His Messenger. Her words were recorded, but set aside. Opportunities were squandered. Time was lost. False powers began to dominate human life. Now, all is askew and hope drains out of the human heart.

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The heavenly Father is always saving mankind by daily hidden actions of His Spirit. Now, these actions will become visible, signs for all to see. Because many will not understand, so He sends the Woman to explain and she sends her messengers to carry the word. Even so, people do not listen.  So, the Father must intervene, halting the usual events and the Woman must raise up a special messenger so all can understand. These are the two heavenly gifts.

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Whoever can read the heart of the Father will see His suffering and anguish at His children going astray and destroying human life and creation. A moment comes when He cannot allow free will to follow its own course. He must intervene. First, to change human hearts, and if that fails, to change human events.

The Woman proclaims this urgency, so little time left for human repentance after squandering earlier moments of opportunity. Yet, she will not give up, doing all she can to avoid the Chastisement.

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Always filled with love for His children, the heavenly Father’s heart never hardens. Yet, a time comes when He must cease to delay the needed punishments. Otherwise, human evil will destroy everything, like children who are always fighting. Still, in His mercy, He will provide for the children of peace. For those who abide in love, He will pour out every blessing, already placed in the heart of the Woman.

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Having cast out faith, mankind has only the light of reason as a guide, a weak light that cannot pierce the heavens and see the Father’s plan. A light that often goes astray, pulled by selfishness in the wrong direction. Now, the results are evident. A world unable to see, blinded and walking paths of disaster, not knowing to invoke the Woman.

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Words do not stir the nations. Even apparitions have little effect, except among the devout. Tiny pockets of light are surrounded by darkness and small groups of believers by the multitudes who profess no faith.

The Woman comes to rescue her children. They must not despair. She who loves them will come for each one in the proper time.

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How dramatic will be the effects on earth as the Heavenly Father changes the course of history. He cannot allow the present direction to continue He must intervene to save and to purify. What will remain? Who will survive His purifying fire? The Woman is so needed. She is the saving factor, the hand of His mercy allowing Him to pour out His Justice. Blessed are those who grasp this mystery.

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When the Lord returns, all history will end. The Book of Life will be complete. Until then, each day writes a new chapter, seemingly confused and sometimes disappointing. Some parts remain unredeemed by the Blood of the Lamb because encased in a demonic “No”. But the Woman is mankind’s “Yes”, the response to the Blood of the Lamb. She gathers into her “yes” all who accept her as their Queen.

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Doors of peace will open for the little ones but all must have their eyes opened so they can see and enter these doors. Clear voices will be raised, guiding many to these doors. Others will not believe and try to gain their own safety without success.

All must learn to trust the Woman and believe that the heavenly Father has entrusted to her the safety of all His children in the midst of His purifying actions.

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No one can hold back the coming events because the Father, in His great love, has decreed that they happen. However, the Woman has already begun to rescue her children. However, her words are muffled, set aside, misinterpreted and sometimes, even denied.

So, she must rescue her own words from oblivion and place them on the lips of the most powerful authority in the world, the papacy. She can no longer just send messengers. The pope himself must be the messenger.

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The day of accounting  must always come. Although this action is tempered by the Father’s mercy, everything must be purified and sins must be washed away so the new creation can come forth, giving full glory to the Father.

The Woman will guide her children during these purifying years and all will need her special care. Right now, her heart sorrows because so few see any need to prepare and will be caught unaware.

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Nothing will be spared because all must be purified. The whole world has been bathed in idolatry.  The worship of false gods.  Some have plunged into the demonic, and suffer even greater evils.  Even the little ones have been tainted with evil and must be purged.  All the purifying will happen in different degrees according to the evils which must be purged.

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There is a time for every action of God.  Mankind does not control human history, nor can he destroy the final victory of the Father.

However, many can perish along the way and not participate in the victory banquet. They succumb to the demonic darkness and are excluded from eternal life.  The Woman seeks them out, trying to bring them into her heart where dwell all the victors.

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The events will happen as the Father has planned but their effects depend upon the response of each person. The Woman has tried to prepare the Church but her voice is muted and her words set aside. Her children walk in a darkness, sensing her presence but not hearing her voice or profiting from her interventions.

She cannot tolerate this state of affairs. Therefore, she has chosen her priest son, instructed him in her secrets, and prepared his way. Nothing will stop her from lifting him up, for he is the cornerstone of her task given by the Father.

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Human history involves material creation, man’s free will, demonic destruction and the heavenly Father’s divine interventions. All combine to bring about a human history which unfolds every single day, always moving to its culmination when Jesus, the Lord of Glory, comes again.

At this moment, the Father intervenes through the Woman, the chosen mother of His Son.  He has hidden her until now, waiting for this special moment when His gifts placed in her heart are released to save the world. This is the secret of the Age of Mary.

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The saving power of the Father must descend upon the world. Otherwise, the infernal fires which spring up from below, will have no enemy to limit their destructive powers.

The Father sends His saving power in the Woman’s heart, a gift held back until these modern times when nuclear weapons can destroy the earth. Even though she has held back this nuclear destruction, her full role is so limited because few even know about the Woman. Who will be her prophet? What voice will sing her praises? He will pay a great price.

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Few understand that Satan’s darkness covers the world events. The shakings of nature, the wars, the civil unrest, the spread of arms and the uprooting of peoples. All these and more flow from his infernal fires which sin has invited.

Calls for repentance go unheeded. Blindness everywhere. Human solutions which have no power. Even the Church is immersed in issues which it cannot control.

Who hears the Woman’s voice? Who hears her words and listens to her counsels? Who believes her promises? Who understands her great powers, given by the Father when He sent His Son? A day will come when all the world will see the Woman Clothed With the Sun. Even then, many will not believe but the little ones will flock to this miracle and be saved.

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The Father has freely given to man the power to choose and to decide the path of history. So many choices have been made in the darkness of false lights. What seemed to be wisdom, was not wisdom at all. Even the Church has sometimes set aside the light of the gospel for these false lights.

The Father has only one choice. He must extinguish all the false lights and allow darkness to come upon history. This is the only way to prepare the world for the gift of light, hidden for now in the Woman’s heart, which she will bring forth at the very moment of the greatest darkness. All is being prepared, far away from the eyes of the world or the seeing of the powerful.

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Why all the disturbances upon the face of the earth (the storms, tornadoes, earthquakes)? Why all the unrest (the wars), why the instability of the economic system, why the powerful growth of nations dedicated to darkness (Russia, China, Iran). Because they have extinguished the light of Jesus, established centuries ago in the hearts of His disciples.

But the Father has His secret plan, another light, a greater light of Jesus hidden for centuries in the heart of the Woman, seen clearly by the Church as Immaculate, where the light is fully preserved without human stain, burning brightly with the purest of oil, a lamp made ready by the Spirit himself to welcome the bridegroom. Only those who carry this light can go out safely and securely.

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The sun of truth should illuminate the darkness. However, mankind enjoys the obscurity of night and its own secret sins. What will free man’s hearts so he can hear the woman’s voice? Her words themselves break through the night. She is the woman clothed with the Sun which needs only to rise like the dawn. The Father has already given the Woman to His Church which alone can place her  on the lampstand.  She waits until she is invited and welcomed.

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Human efforts and plans have no power to reverse the powerful tides of history which have been released by sin. Decisions have been made, unchecked by religious beliefs and formed totally by a secular spirit. Even now, the rich and powerful plot to protect their own privileges, pouring new evils into the stream of life.

The Woman stands outside, given powers by the heavenly Father, but set aside by all, even the Church, which does not grasp how she would make it the Light of the Nations if only it rested in her heart.

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Until the events begin, human history will continue as usual, days filled with good and evil. Yet, much will change even before the events. People will see the widening gap between those who have and want more and those who have not and are helpless.  They will see also events of nature and levels of human evils which are new.

These are warning signs to all who live on earth. However, to some in the Church, the Woman will give greater understanding of what is happening. These will be Our Lady’s prophets, preparing those who will listen. Then, Our Lady’s greatest gift – a pope who will restore all her treasures to the Church by opening wide the doors of her heart.

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The time of fulfillment is at hand. All the signs point to this moment of the Great War between the Woman and the Evil One which will result in his being cast out and a time of peace come upon the earth. This victory is not easily won or brought about by human wisdom. Only the Woman holds the Keys of triumph, able to open the door to this new era of history. These are the mysteries of the Age of Mary.

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History unfolds every moment, guided by the Father but shaped by human decisions. However, at certain moments, the Father must take history to Himself and bring about world-changing events which totally send human history in a different direction. When this direction has been set, the Father once again places history into human hands.

Amid all this, in the center of history, stands the mystery of Jesus, the beginning and the end, the final culmination of earth’s purpose. Only the Woman knows this mystery fully and labors in birth pangs to bring it about.

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All must begin now to prepare. The Woman has proclaimed the urgency. The signs of a complete shaking of humanity are everywhere.

The Father does not abandon His children, but He must reclaim His creation by casting out the Evil One and ruining his strongholds – all the laws, the structures, the institutions which Satan has made his own. Partial solutions have been of no avail. Delays have not resulted in repentance. Too much and too many have already been surrendered into Satan’s grasp. Only what the Woman hides in her heart can be saved.

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Jesus is coming to claim the Church, His Kingdom on earth, but she must be a spotless bride awaiting the bridegroom’s return, washed in the blood of the Lamb and covered with the beauty of the Spirit.

This requires time and devotion. This is why Jesus must wait, constantly delaying His coming because His bride is not ready, unpurified and at times, not even awaiting the bridegroom. So much must change.

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Upheavals everywhere as hell’s fires erupt, destroying God’s creation and taking back the victory won by Jesus. All becomes more apparent as man moves ahead into the modern era built, not with faith in Jesus, but upon trust in man’s powers.

So many are confused by all these events and still do not see their source nor the task given to the Woman by the Father to save her children.

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The Father holds all the world in His hands but He allows much of human history to be written by human beings to whom He has given free will. All is not perfect but when the creature freely serves Him, the forces of evil cannot claim new territory nor destroy what has been built. Only what the Woman protects will be rescued.

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So many do not see, even though the signs are everywhere of a world in a moment of transition. For decades, mankind has lived on the edge of complete collapse, protected only by being spread out over so many continents. Now, all of that is in jeopardy. The rich understand and plot their own safety, but even this will not save them.

Only the Woman holds in her heart the world’s future salvation and existence, a task given her by heaven and which she faithfully fulfills. Blessed are those who hear her voice.

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The Woman leads her children to the riches of Jesus where she clothes them in every virtue and calms them with all peace. Prepared by the Woman, they know not to wander, experiencing a divine attraction to remain always close to her. Filled with light, they easily avoid the dungeons of darkness which entrap so many others. Finally, by their light they invite others to be children of light, sons and daughters of the Woman.

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The great moment of darkness awaits the whole world. All the living will experience it. The Woman will rescue her children only if they listen to her, trained ahead of time to hear her voice.

Therefore, these years of preparing are so important. She speaks in her apparitions and in the quiet of her children’s hearts. Her voice goes out to all the world and, in the person of her priest son, she will speak most clearly from the Church. Multiple are the opportunities to hear her voice and be saved in the great darkness.

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The Father will bring the world to a moment of silence, when every human voice is stilled, quieted as all human activity stops. In that sacred moment, every heart will come into His light, not hearing voices but seeing clearly, the great moment of repentance.

Never again will humanity be the same. A great division. Those rejecting the light will be cast into a greater darkness of their own creation. Those accepting the light, will be drawn into the Kingdom. Only after this moment, will God’s people be ready for the events.

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The Father is calling all the nations before Him in judgment. But before that dreadful day, He sends the Woman, a final gift of His mercy. He has given her every power and prerogative to call the nations to repentance.

She goes forth, spreading the word by signs and appearances. She teaches and encourages. She says that there is still time to find refuge in her heart. Even she does not know the exact time but she knows her mission and how to fulfill it.

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Satan tries to put the final parts of his plan in place but the Woman constantly foils him, bringing down those whom he has put in high places and destroying those who would carry out his evils. Although taking place behind the scenes, from time to time, this destruction of satanic strongholds becomes evident.

Our Lady must continually take these actions to save humanity and the Church which are not at all prepared for Satan’s destructive activity and often have cooperated with his ideas by setting aside the Woman’s messengers. So, she must foil his plots until the right moment when, in the midst of confusion, despair and darkness she can lift up her chosen messenger who will place her light on the Church’s lampstand – the beloved son of the Woman.

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The Father has always held His creation in the caring palm of His hand. Now, He has placed human history into His Mother’s heart. Should this seem strange and extraordinary? Did He not already place His only begotten Son within her?

Is Jesus not the purpose of all creation – its King and Lord? Did she not bring him to the fullness of birth? So, She is the Father’s chosen instrument to bring all creation to the feet of Jesus.

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There is a time to repent, a time when the Father can salvage a person’s life, when it is not too late. There is also a point of no return, when all of God’s graces cannot break through the walls. The person is hardened in sin or the society is steeped in darkness.

For this reason, the Father has sent the Woman and decreed the Age of Mary.  Anyone who believes and clings to her has not entered into that moment when all is useless.

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Can all the lights go out and the world be plunged into darkness? Never, because the Woman’s heart is a sealed garden where every light is kept safe from Satan.

Yet, a moment will come when it seems as if no light remains because the Chair of Peter has been darkened and the Church, the light of the nations, is itself cast into darkness. Only after all realize that seemingly no light remains, will the Woman bring forth her priest son and place him on the Chair of Peter, a faint light, frail and seemingly so small, but in her hands a light powerful enough to cast out all the darkness.

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Darkness enters even the Church. Seeds of confusion and division. How can the Church be a light to the nations? The Woman must act, quickly and decisively, arranging everything before the full darkness comes.

Many will wonder what is happening. Why the disorder and disarray? Only so she can suddenly sweep away those whose hearts are deceived and place her priest son on the Chair of Peter.

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Nothing will remain standing which opposes the will of the heavenly Father. The purification will be complete, coming directly from the heavenly throne and bringing about a new moment in human history.

The Woman will be exalted, her heart finally triumphant but her sorrow will not be assuaged as she remembers all of those who have been lost. She will remember the Church and its failures. She will remember those who opposed her and those who set her aside. She will recall all that could have been saved but were not.

She will then turn her gaze to the future and rejoice in what the heavenly Father has accomplished even while she sorrows that the price need not have been so high.

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The doors of the Woman’s heart lie wide open for now, inviting all to enter. No one is excluded. The invitation is universal. However, the time is limited by the future events. When these begin, people will act from fear, trapped in a darkness which they do not understand. Many lights will go out and they will not be able to see the way. Most of all, anxieties will claim their hearts and they will forget the promises of the Woman and the safety she could provide.

Now is the time to enter her heart and be safe. The future carries no guarantees.

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