Just as the Book of Wisdom was written by a pious Jew reflecting upon the Old Testament, so these little thoughts about Our Lady come from reflections upon all of the Marian apparitions with their messages.


The great moment of the Woman’s triumph, a victory won by her Son’s blood, lies far in the future. Before that victory comes confusion, darkness, the great battle with satan, the collapse of worldly structures and persecutions.

The Woman has tried to prepare the Church for these moments and even to lead the Church on an easier path to victory, but her words have been set aside. Many have never heard. Others have not responded. She has, however, gathered her little flock who are attentive to her every word. These lights are hidden for now, kept safe in the children’s hearts. Finally, she will send her great messenger whom she has prepared for so long, her priest son. Only when she raises him up will it be the time for the hidden lights to be placed on the lampstand of the Church.

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The structures will collapse and with them the hopes of many who trusted in them. Everything is weakened because the hearts of men are captivated, filled with every impurity which is allowed to permeate the culture and destroy the young.

The heavenly Father can no longer tolerate what man is doing to the world that He created, so He will withdraw His protection and allow all that is evil to collapse under the weight of its own sinfulness.

He has sent the Woman and given her the task of saving His children, gathering them into her heart before these events. Blessed are those who know these secrets and act upon them.

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All must begin now to prepare because the events are so near at hand, no longer able to be postponed. Worldwide events which will change everything, sending some into despair and leading others to belief.

A great divide will appear. No one will remain in the middle. There will be only belief or disbelief. Those who believe now, will know to deepen their faith. Those who do not believe now, will be invited to faith. Blessed is that Church filled with a strong voice guiding many to faith. Only as the events begin will the doors open to allow the Woman to place her priest son on the Chair of Peter.

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When all seems hopeless, the Woman opens a surprising path to freedom, revealed to the little ones but hidden from the wise and learned who trust only in themselves.

These are the great mysteries. The little ones are filled with light, easily able to walk. The wise are clouded in darkness, stumbling at every step. Yet, all can become a little one. That is the secret of Mary.  All who turn to her and call on her become a little one and she guides them. Her promises never fail and her children are never lost.

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All creation is in the Father’s hands but some have rebelled and have left the Father’s house, opening their hearts to unknown evils and hardships. They have attracted others and taken control of much of the universe.  They have diverted history and have sown hatred. They have accepted Satan’s offer to give them control of the nations. They have allowed evils to flourish and even children to be corrupted. They have planted seeds of destruction. Their goal is to control the earth and establish the Kingdom of Darkness.

The children of the Woman believe in her and view all these developments with horror. Yet, they listen to her promise, “In the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph” and they are consoled.

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Who will guide the nations during the events of darkness? Will there be no light at all? This would be Satan’s desire – a total darkness falling upon the whole world.

One light, however, he cannot put out, the light of Jesus enshrined forever in the Woman’s heart where all the saints are gathered.  She has never, in any way, allowed his darkness to enter that sanctuary. There alone is the light of Christ fully protected.

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Many will not be ready when the events begin, because they have not been attentive to the Woman or have not received a clear word of direction. Their numbers will be legion and only a few will be able to grasp the mystery at the last minute. Still, all must trust, believing that if they try to listen to the Woman now, she will speak. They will hear and know what she asks of them.

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The Father waits patiently to release His power upon the earth. However, the setting is not right. The people are not ready.  So, He has sent the Woman to prepare the Church, revealing through her His plans for man’s salvation. Soon, the Father must decide. Can he continue to wait so patiently or must He act immediately. How long can He allow sin to ravage His creation? Feverishly, the Woman seeks alternate routes, looking for those to whom She can reveal the Father’s plan and who will say “yes” to His will.

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Every soul is infinitely important, loved by the Woman and coveted by Satan, the prize of the great warfare, the booty of victory.  Valued beyond all imagination and fought over by legions of angels, good and bad.

Few see this combat, until now hidden from view. Soon, as the events unfold, manifested for every eye to see, every heart will admit “We are the object of the great war between heaven and hell, the much sought price.”

Before that moment, the Woman wants to come and claim you as her own so that you will be locked and sealed in her heart. Do not wait. She is calling you. Hear your name on her lips and run quickly.

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How does the Woman save her children? What does she do to help those who live in her heart? First, she keeps their feet away from the paths of evil so that Satan cannot entrap them in his fires. Second, she places peace and confidence in them so that Satan cannot shake them by his fears. Third, she brings them into the light so they see the Father’s plan, even if this includes their martyrdom. Finally, she gives them others, companions on the journey, who comfort and are comforted by them.

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The world and the Church are heading into a darkness which cannot be avoided, the result of centuries of sin, of compromise, of violent decisions and of total neglect of the poor. As in the days of Noah, purification will also mean death and destruction on a wide scale, a future prophesied often by the Woman to her messengers, who have been set aside as prophets of doom.

Heaven’s gifts are also set aside and mankind stands alone to face the inevitable.  This is the present situation. Yet, the Woman moves ahead, undaunted by the lack of response, saving all who turn to her. She weeps, seeing that she could save so many more.

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Her warning goes forth and her voice is raised. Messages are given but few listen and believe. The Woman raises up even more messengers, unwilling to surrender the world and history to the Evil One. Even so, his conquests multiply and darkness covers so many nations.

Yet, many divine lights are firmly rooted. Some burn quite brightly and ignite other fires. Satan realizes that the Woman is dangerous to his plans and that she knows how to protect the children who listen.

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A fire goes forth from the Father, which seeks to enter every heart. Some are opened to this new life from their earliest years. Others discover it much later. Some never know or receive this fire. Others, stirred by the Evil One, are enemies of this fire, refusing to receive and blocking its path, holding back its warmth and light. An age of Darkness and Death.

A new coldness envelopes the earth where evil flourishes and those with this new life are set aside, despised and even killed. But no one can stop their blood from creating a new river of life.

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The Woman’s Task is to gather the world into the holiness of Jesus. She goes forth, proclaiming the gospel message and inviting all to come and to enter her heart. Safely held there by her love, souls are transported into the light which they would never find by themselves.  They are placed in the divine fire which by their own efforts, they would never attain. The Woman is the Father’s gift to all who, left alone, would not hear the message or be able to respond.

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Those with great power make serious decisions affecting the direction of human history. Then, others are carried along, adding their own sinful decisions. A tide is created which carries along the willing and the unwilling, the powerful and the poor. Who can divert this stream and change its direction away from darkness toward the light? What steps are needed? Who will be the instruments of the Woman? All must place themselves in her hands so she can use them for her great plans.

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Only satanic darkness lies ahead. The Evil One has planned all of history to lead into hell’s fires, preceded by a darkness in which all despair. Satan has carefully studied those who believe in Jesus and is constantly neutralizing the power of their faith, weakening the unity of the Church, already torn apart by the historical divisions.

As he separates and detaches people from their pastors, priests from their bishops and bishops from the pope, he will unleash great internal confusions as well as external persecutions.  Many will believe that he has destroyed the Catholic Church. At that very moment, the Holy father will exalt the Woman. He and others will suffer greatly but his daring actions will begin the triumph of her Immaculate Heart.

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Our Lady will call those whom she chooses. She will form their hearts by the rosary and their minds by study and enlightenment. She will tell them what to do by inner inspirations and advice given by others. She will join them with others and assign their tasks.  In this way, she will form the believers, united by one conviction and dedicated to one purpose. They all will be convinced that this is the Age of Mary and will devote all their energies to bringing about the worldwide consecration of Russia.  When that is accomplished, they will support one another amid the fierce persecutions which will be unleashed.

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As Satan puts his plans into place, the Woman disrupts everything, always pushing back the time to protect her children and give them new opportunities to listen to her voice.

Yet, many waste this time, not seeing it for what it is, a special opportunity to enter the safety of her heart before the floods begin.  Someday, these waters will be released. Some will gain safety at the last minute but many will not know where to look.

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Like lightening that strikes quickly, such will be the problems descending upon the earth.  Some will accept the lightening and scatter to their homes. Others will ignore it, feeling they are safe.

What is this lightening? Who can discern its meaning? Who can offer guidance? Who will gather into safety?  The lightening is this moment in history. The Woman discerns its meaning, offers guidance and leads to safety before the storms appear. Blessed are those who cling to her.

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The world heads into a darkness never before experienced, a new kind of darkness for which it is totally unprepared. No political leaders and no governments will have the answers.  All will be enveloped, caught in Satan’s snares which he has fashioned for centuries.

Only the Woman will stand outside, never enticed by him or deceived by his wisdom. She alone will be the Father’s guiding light, chosen for this moment to exalt her Son.

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The children must listen to the Woman. She sees the coming storms, the great collapses, and the violence which will surprisingly break forth coming from hell’s fires. She also knows the narrow path to safety but this demands children who listen carefully and obey her every word.

How can she accomplish this? Only through the Church’s voice that echoes her own, a Church which has renounced the false wisdom of those who have rejected her.

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The satanic fires were lit from the very beginning of human history, were allowed to burn for centuries and are now coming to their fullness. These fires were  fought by useless weapons, ignored by many as fictional and encouraged by those who dabbled in their powers.

Now, a divine separation is taking place. The Woman calls her children out of these fires and into her heart where the fires cannot enter. Creation will be purified and her children kept safe.

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The Father gave His Son as a gift to the world. Then, He sent His Holy Spirit. Now He gives the Woman, His final gift, completing all that He has given.

Drawn into the mystery of the Trinity, she accepted her role. She would become the way her Son would enter into history and the way He will come a second time to claim His total victory.  All who understand this mystery know to draw close to the Woman.

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All must wait. All must be still. Waiting for divine direction. These times are too filled with dangers and so many are the paths of darkness. The Woman alone shines forth Jesus, the world’s light. She alone conceived Him, nursed Him and remained faithful.

Now, the Father calls her forth, a second fullness of time, when the earth has rejected her Son and plunges into darkness. Suddenly, she appears on that road of darkness, offering a new and surprising path of light, narrow but easy to walk for those who choose to be her children. Reject her and only darkness remains. Refuse to follow her, and no other path of light exists.

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What will stop the flow of history which carries more and more into a demonic darkness? Can voices halt a stream? Can those standing on its banks change its course? Can those who have surrendered to its power and are carried along? All are powerless. Leaders rise and fall. One generation gives place to another, powerless to reverse, to halt, or to change the direction of Satan’s powerful river.

Only the Woman can bring about what is needed and she sees all the possible solutions, which the Father has held back for so long. Now, she prepares for all that must happen. Blessed are those who listen to her words.

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Every day the sins of the world multiply and the cries of God’s children for mercy come before the Father. He weighs them in a balance, so pleased by those who cry out and intercede, especially the martyred and the persecuted.  These have a special place in His heart.

Yet, He must deal with the sinners and their effects upon His creation, the destruction and the corruption of good which they leave behind. On every issue, the Woman has her say, bringing before the Father the petitions of her heart, always pleading for the sinner and asking for more time for those who have not repented.

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How great is the Father’s love for His children, a boundless ocean able to fill every heart and to carry all the children to their divine call.  Who understands this ocean?  Who submits themselves to its powers? Who is simple enough, like a child, to totally trust the heavenly Father? These ae the Woman’s secrets which she will gladly share with all who enter her heart.

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All must follow the Woman. She alone carries the light of the world in her womb and in her heart. In her womb, as Jesus’ mother. In her heart, as His disciple. He has made His dwelling in her so that His light is not lost and confusion cannot set in.  She alone is His mother, a privilege given to none other. As His disciple, she grasps firmly His light. No one can snatch Jesus from her. Now, comes her moment when the Father brings her forth in the great times of darkness.

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What is hidden will be revealed for all to see the Father’s plan, how He will save the world through the Woman. She forces herself into the Church’s consciousness to assume her rightful place. She knows the Father’s plan and the place He has assigned to her. She has said “yes” and brought forth His Son.  Now, she must place His light upon the lampstand so He can never again be set aside. A total reversal of the modern world, bringing all to proclaim that Jesus is Lord. Long and deep must be the conflicts until this triumph is gained.

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The Father’s gift to the Church will come suddenly and surprisingly, (through the Woman whom He has chosen). Once accepted fully by the Church, the gift will remain forever, a constant light which can never be set aside, a reminder to all the world of the great mystery of Nazareth and of the cross.

The Woman will stand in the very center of the Church until the end of time, no longer to be set aside or pushed to the margins. People will remain free to reject her but their rejection will have to be public, full and deeply personal.  A new era will begin.

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What path lies ahead? Can there be a turn in the road away from darkness and into light? Only if that light shines with a new brilliance and appears all over the world. Will the Father give such a gift? And, after the original light, who will guide and lead along this path of light? These are the Woman’s tasks which she has totally accepted and fulfills, preparing her messengers for the great day when the events begin, when the powers of darkness are forced to recede and all can freely choose the glorious freedom of being God’s child.

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The Woman must lead her children to safety. For each, she has a hiding place. When she places them where she wants, they must stay there, content with their surroundings. They must exercise faith and know “The Woman has brought me here. This is a sacred place and I must not leave it until she comes for me. For she alone knows the times and the seasons, revealed to her by the Father so she can protect the little ones.

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The Father’s love is like an immense ocean whose waves beat constantly upon the shores of human history but the world has no interest in this fullness.  Turning its back upon the ocean, its eyes are fixed on cities built by man. The Woman pleads for all to turn their eyes and hearts to this ocean, but only a few follow her wisdom. She climbs the mountain of apparitions and sends her messengers, but their words are seen as one among many.

She must find another voice and raise him up in a startling way so that from the very beginning he is clearly marked. This is the priest sent by the Woman, needed only because no one listened to her other messengers.

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So many smoldering fires, waiting to erupt, kept still only by the intercession of the Woman who stands constantly with her Son before the Father.

So many fires have been extinguished or lessened because of her. So many others have been postponed, and not allowed to surface and destroy.  In her God-given mission, she cries out for help, needing others at her side who would also raise their hands in pleading with the Father.

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Each one must accept the role which the Woman has chosen for them. Each believer has a destiny, a call to be close to her and to go out from her to gather the nations. These calls and tasks have always existed ever since Jesus said “Behold your son” and “Behold your mother”, but in these days, the Age of Mary they have become urgent.

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Knowing the storms that lie ahead, the Woman unites her children to herself with the tightest of bonds.  She asks a complete surrender so everyone is safe and the Evil One cannot ply them away.

Such will be the events flowing soon from the Father’s hands, meant to purify and to attract but many who have rejected the Woman’s words will be lost, unable to find their way into the safety of her heart.

How important these days and the short time that remains before the events begin.

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Even though the Woman has labored so much, confusion is everywhere. Few are prepared and most are scattered. Yet, the voices of Medjugorje go forth, trying to teach the world, casting its light on the whole world.

Yet critics arise, trying to find fault. The Woman keeps the visionaries safe, appearing daily to some until the revelations are complete. Then, the gift filled to the brim will open for all. Even though so many will be totally unprepared, the Woman can wait no longer.

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The devout soul who knows the secrets of the Woman will always hold her hand. In times of darkness. Like other souls, they will not see but fear will not entrap them because, even in the darkest night, they will experience the Woman’s hand. Other devout souls, when experiencing the darkness, will not enjoy such a help because they do not understand the mysteries. Because of their efforts, they will overcome the darkness but only with great difficulties.

The truly devout soul, even in the light, will never let go of the Woman’s hand, realizing that darkness can descend at any moment and holding her hand is their only salvation.

 A great victory awaits all who join in the struggle, and who align themselves at the Woman’s side where the victory will take place. Only there will the victory take place. She alone has been given the task of preparing the Church for Jesus’ coming, of gathering the Little Ones, of keeping them safe amid all the coming events.

How can they not grow fearful? How even avoid despair amid what will happen? At her side, she protects all who gather with her.

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All the world waits, not knowing what lies ahead, fulfilling the daily tasks and forming the world in a human image, far different from the Father’s plan. Voices cry out but these are stifled. The cries of the poor are set aside. So many are concerned just to eke out a living to survive. A call will come from the Woman, an urgent voice which must be heard. And while the world continues on its path, those who heed the Woman’s call will walk a different path and be saved. So urgent is her voice! She calls now, asking on one’s permission to speak out. Her authority comes from the Father.

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The events to purify the Church and to cleanse the world must begin soon. The Father cannot wait or else many will be consumed by evil and unable to respond to His call. He has appointed the Woman for this task of preparing the world. She has raised up her messengers and will raise up even more. Each will have a field to harvest, each in their own land and culture. Some will act in many cultures and her select few will go to the whole world. Such are the Medujogorje visionaries. They are missionaries to the whole world, preparing for and announcing events that will change the world.

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What is hidden will soon be revealed and all will see the power and influence of the Woman. This is the Father’s plan which began long ago and is just now coming to full fruition.

In a totally new moment, the Woman will take center stage as the modern John the Baptist preparing the Church for Jesus’ coming. Who can grasp these mysteries, or even believe that they exist?  However, the dangerous and explosive state of the world cries out for an extraordinary divine intervention.

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The world builds walls to protect its selfish interests, claiming as its own what is really a gift from the Father.  Isolated and alone, choosing to rely on its own powers, the world is an easy prey for the Evil One.

The Woman, seeing the world’s foolish choices, offers another road that would lead back to the Father and foil satan’s traps. However, the din of secular desires drowns out her voice. What can the Father do? He must silence mankind and force it to listen.  When that moment arrives, the Woman will raise up her messenger, prepared for decades in her womb and brought forth by a new birth.

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The Church must believe that the Woman will lead her through the coming darkness into the greatest glory of her existence.  So many look back, speaking of a golden age.  Yet, history was meant to continue and the Woman’s role to multiply.

This greater strengthening did not happen.  The Church turned away from its Marian strength and listened to its cultured theologians who have led the Church into a desert of rational thinking, devoid of the rain of devotion to the Woman. When will the Church once again welcome her heavenly downpour and be refreshed for the battle?

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The world has forgotten the Father who created everything. It has taken all history into its own hands, transforming a world of life into a world of death, an easy prey for the evil One.

He waits, preparing every day for the moment when all the world will be vulnerable to complete destruction. He readies his closest friends, Russia and China, arms them and protects their leaders.

The Woman has tried to enlighten the world but her warnings are set aside, as if their time has passed.

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The world must awaken to the Father’s mercy and come before Him to receive His blessings.  Then, all will change and the earth be purified without His chastising hand.

The Woman dreams of this moment when she can gather all her children, and the nations to bring them in joy and thanksgiving before the Father’s Throne. Can this still happen? Would it be possible for the whole world to bend the knee before her Son? The Woman is in travail to bring this about.

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The world rushes into an unknown future which holds unimagined perils and a darkness that will threaten human existence, like the swine herd which plunged headlong over the cliff.

The Woman’s voice speaks while there is still time, “Turn away. I will lead you in another direction.” Her saving words, though, are drowned out by the din of daily duties. Her call set aside, as in the days of Noah. Yet, she presses on, always finding new ways so earth will hear her message, knowing the future moment when total silence will rule the earth, God’s silence forcing the world to hear the Woman speak.

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The Father stretched out His hand to bless the world, but many did not want His blessings. So, He sent His Son, but many rejected His Son.  Now, as a final opportunity, He sends the mother of His Son, who experienced the world’s rejection at the foot of the cross. Her heart is wounded like her Son’s, open and bleeding, a stream going forth that reaches to the earth’s end and seeks out all those who have rejected the Father and His Son, giving the whole world a final chance to say “yes”.

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The heavenly Father must shake the heavens and the earth so that the powerful began to fear. Even then, some will cling to their obstinacy and refuse to repent. These He will sweep away and all will see that no one can oppose Him.

Then, He will bring forth the Woman, whom He Himself chose as the mother of His Son.  She will gather the repentant, those families and societies who have accepted this initial grace of repentance. Then the war will begin.

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Only the Woman holds the world together, commissioned by the Father to preserve the earth for Jesus’ coming. Otherwise, Satan would have destroyed everything before the time when Jesus will send His angels to the Nations. Her task is to protect and to save, to preserve by enlightening, and to reveal hidden paths of safety. Her children must believe so they do not huddle in fear but walk in a light which the Woman will give to the Church, through the Holy Father whom she herself has chosen and prepared.

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As no one can control the oceans except the heavenly Father, so no one can control the events that are happening.  Who understands the depths of the oceans, the hidden forces that lay beneath the surface? So, who understands the human heart, the darkness of the intellects which want to control the world or Satan’s power, released more and more with each passing day?

Human life has become one gigantic tumultuous ocean, with almost no islands of security remaining.  All swept into the global economy. No nation able to build a secure wall or a firm foundation.

Satan has deceived humanity into taking the first steps on a road away from the Father. Now the pace quickens, the Father no longer able to be seen.  So, He has sent the Woman to find His children.

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