Just as the Book of Wisdom was written by a pious Jew reflecting upon the Old Testament, so these little thoughts about Our Lady come from reflections upon all of the Marian apparitions with their messages.


The Father wants all creation to return to Himself. He sent it forth like a seed to bring forth a harvest when He would gather in where the purpose of human history is fulfilled and all rejoice in them.  But the story has been marred. Tares sown among the wheat. “An enemy has done this.”

The harvest is delayed so the wheat is not pulled up. All will continue. Yet a moment will come which will demand the Father’s intervention to rescue His harvest from the hands of the Evil One.

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What does the Father ask from mankind? To seek His face. To come before Him. To glorify His name. Satan rejected this and turned aside to the false light of his own presence and his own glory – a false shadow, a borrowed light.  Once turned away, his light shone no more.  Only a darkness into which he invites mankind.  A false Kingdom with no hope, no glory, no life, yet chosen by so many.

Now, the Father brings forth His special creation, a Woman clothed with the true sun which is slowly rising, a tiny glow soon to break forth into full glory as her chosen son assumes the papal throne.  Then, all will know that the Age of Mary has begun.

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There must be a day of accounting when those who owe must pay and those who have stored up heavenly wealth receive their reward. That day waits and waits until the Son of Man comes on the clouds.

Other days exist because all the accounting cannot be postponed until the end. Otherwise, creation and history and time would belong to the Evil One. Earth has many days of accounting when the power of the rich is broken and the lowliness of the poor is exalted.  Only when this happens can the eyes of many be opened.  Now, they see only the power and the victories of evil.  When the day of the Woman dawns, all will see her victories and be able to believe.

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The Father holds all creation in his hand but he allows man to choose freely, resulting in a human history filled with sin and violence. No one can change this decision.  Man will always, always be free. Yet the Father does not turn creation’s final purpose over to mankind.  He reserves that for His obedient Son, the Lord of creation. All events will serve His purpose of exalting Jesus.

The Woman trains her children to see and to understand that even in the darkest moments, the Father’s plan is not set aside and she does not abandon them in the great trial.

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The sun rises on a new day only after the night recedes and gives way. Such will be the future of the world which now plunges into the darkest night. Who will guide the Church amid these dark hours? How will she know to walk when so many lights are put out?  These are the Father’s mysteries, hidden in His heart but now revealed.

Even now, the Woman is placing new lights so that some walk in her path.  As the darkness settles, many more will see these as the only lights which Satan cannot extinguish.

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All must see and understand. This era will bring to a close part of the Father’s plan for humanity as He restores creation, purifies the Church and opens the door to the fullness of the Age of Mary.

Only this total perspective must guide the Church.  Otherwise, a thousand distractions will confuse and lead astray. The Church’s first task is to listen to its heavenly mother who searches for her lost child and cries out in the wilderness.  If the Church listens attentively, it will perceive her voice amid the 1000 false voices that would lead her deeper into darkness.

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Absorbed in so many pursuits, the world does not listen to the Father. Even after He sent His Son, the Word made flesh, the world refused to listen and accept His Word.

Now, He has sent the Woman, His final messenger, who proclaims Her Son as the Light of the World, a final chance, a final word and final invitation.  Where does she speak? Everywhere, because this is the ultimate hour. The Father’s last plea and mankind’s last opportunity.

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The Father summons all of mankind to come before Him in a judgment upon its actions. He wants everyone to come- the leaders of nations, the powerful, the rich and those who guide the Church. All must come for this saving moment. Whoever resists will walk in darkness because the Father’s judgment bestows light.

Some who come will resist the light, choosing the darkness that allows them to sin. Others will accept the light, even though the truths it reveals are painful. Some will totally welcome the Father’s light because they seek only the paths of the Lord.  When this judgment of light concludes, the Father will take other steps, but not before offering the light to both the nations and the Church.

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By his many decisions, mankind heads for a place where there is no hope, the center of evil. Each day, he moves more quickly and surrenders vast amounts of his freedoms to gain illusive victories.

When will the worldwide light come, which makes clear to each one his personal darknesses and inviting each to repent? That gift is not far off – the divine illumination. First, the Woman must prepare her Church.

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There must be an accounting so the Father can purify the earth. All the sins must be brought to the table. Either man repents and confesses or the Father Himself will bring the charges, calling mankind into His presence, silencing His voice and making him listen, like a judge beginning a trial.

Who will be mankind’s advocate? Who will plead for mercy? Who will state his case? The Woman has this task which she can easily fulfill for those who hide in her heart.

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A moment will come, a certain point in time, when both kingdoms will clash. Satan wants to choose that moment so that all the odds would favor him. The Woman has constantly foiled his plans, sometimes at the very last moment.

However, mankind cannot continue to live as it does, entangled in every evil and requiring the Woman’s extraordinary interventions.  They must accept the light coming from her messages, find the true road and enter her heart.

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Who can see? Who can understand? All is mystery – the unfolding of the story of two Kingdoms locked in a combat which will end only when time finishes and the Lord of Lord reigns. Until then, victories and defeats, salvation and damnation.  The great mysteries which capture man, each playing their part, freely chosen as to which Kingdom they serve, each destined by the Father for an important moment, their time on earth, and each guided by the Woman.  She is the secret, the door to the heart of Jesus where victory is gained.

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The Father has decreed, “No more the spread of evil. Its waters already cover the earth.” He has sent the Woman as His messenger, calling her Church into the Ark of her Immaculate Heart.  Yet, even her own children do not hear her voice. She speaks louder and louder. She recruits more messengers and makes greater promises. Still, the evil rivers flow. More succumb every day.  Caught and trapped, unaware of her messages.

When will her voice boom out?  When will her light be put upon the mountain? When will the whole Church proclaim the Woman? Only at that moment, will she assume the role chosen for her by the Father.

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The world does not listen to the Father. Nor will it pay heed to the Son whom He has sent until the false lights are destroyed and mankind is humbled by the collapse of society.  Even then, arrogance will claim some hearts which refuse to repent. Others will lose all hope and enter the darkness of despair.

At this moment, the Woman will offer her children another alternative – to trust in her powers to protect, to rescue and to save like the Ark of Noah until the destroying floods have purified.

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Although many try to destroy the Church, no one will strip the Church of its power and dignity as the Bride of Jesus.  The Lord has chosen her and placed all His hopes in her as His holy bride, sacred to His heart.

How this virgin daughter has wandered over the centuries, yet always called back and purified. Will the Lord of Lords reject now what He has loved for centuries, or will He prepare a new mountaintop from which her light will shine greater than ever before?  All must believe this mystery so they can enjoy the Lord’s greatest victory which He is bringing about through the Woman.

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How the Father wants to bless the world. Earth is His special creation, where He has sent His only Son. But the inhabitants of earth have stolen His prize possession and have banished His Son.  They walk a path of sin and refuse to listen to His voice calling them back.

Now, He has sent the Woman who proclaims the future mysteries. Her voice is limited, heard only by a few. Who will open the scroll? Who will release the Father’s power upon His creation?  All creation waits for the mysteries to unfold.

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The Church is called to the center of Christ’s heart. No more delays. No more delays at the edge. The time is too urgent and the crisis too severe.

The Church’s wounds will heal only if the heart is strong and the blood flows freely.  All must go to the source, the center, the heart of Jesus.

How will the Church find its way? Only the Woman knows the path. Without her, the Church will never find Jesus’ heart and its wounds will never heal.

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Where does the road lead? What lies hidden, and will be seen only as the months go on? Darkness fills the air. Leaders choose paths that have no stability, and form a society built on party platforms. Rapid change with no direction, and a world choosing its own path.

The Father has been set aside and His Son rejected. The foundations built by faith removed in the name of freedom.  Who can save the world? In His mercy, the Father has sent the Woman. She is not the way, but is the Father’s special light so mankind can find the Way.

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What awaits America? The country has chosen a path of great darkness. She is entangled in her vices and unable to free herself. Faith is abandoned for the momentary pleasures. God’s ways become darkened and obscure because so many true lights are no more. Leaders are removed because of their beliefs, replaced by others who are lifted up because they compromise. No savior is on the horizon. No one to stir and direct hearts.  All will lie fallow until a Church voice recalls America to its greatness.

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What lies ahead when so much of society is claimed by the Evil One? Left alone, he would easily conquer all and end human life before Jesus would return in glory. The cross would be no victory at all and Christ would have no Kingdom to hand over to the Father.

For this moment of crisis, the Father has raised up the Woman, sent her to earth to gain her messengers, given her powers so her Son is exalted. He will use her to snatch victory from the grasp of Satan who must surrender to her all that he has captured.

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The Father must draw His children away and hide them in the Woman’s heart. Only then can His wrath flare up to cleanse creation.  The Woman must call her children aside, not revealing the reason but asking them to believe and to come.

She has given these instructions to her messengers, but they have not been proclaimed because the Church does not understand the Woman or the Age of Mary. So, she will raise up to the Chair of Peter her chosen priest.  He will bring light to the nations. Many will misjudge him but the Woman will vindicate his ministry.

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How many illusions. People engrossed in what passes quickly, forgetting their heavenly home and forsaking the path which leads to eternal happiness.

How few are those who have not succumbed to the earth’s attractions or allowed themselves to be ruined by the world’s demands. Now, more is demanded. Those who believe must join the Woman in intercession, pleading for the whole world and not be discouraged when it seems as if their prayers are not answered.  They are the Woman’s chosen instruments to save the world from total destruction.

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Other pursuits must be set aside. The Woman has proclaimed an urgency.  The time is short. The crisis overwhelming. No time for distractions.  The Church must proclaim a fast. Call an assembly. Come in penitential garments before the King of Kings. The Woman will be there to welcome all and assign their place.

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All moves forward to that ultimate moment when all things are restored in Christ before He gives a purified creation over to His Father.

This will be a journey of faith amid darkness, confusion and destruction.  Who can believe that human history will culminate in the victory of the Lamb? This is the faith of the saints, a faith which the Woman wants to pour out upon the Church so its Lord finds her watching when He returns. Come Lord Jesus.

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Satan threatens to destroy the ocean of life which the Father has placed in the heart of His creation. For centuries, he has used countless instruments, crushing and destroying parts of the Father’s work. Now, those whom he controls possess gigantic destructive forces, able to obliterate entire parts of the world. He urges them on. Creates moments of opportunity.  Removes the safeguards and all creation moves to the brink of unknown evils. Only the Woman holds him back. He cannot understand her powers nor fathom the mysteries which the Father has placed in her heart.

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Nothing is more important than the coming hour, when the Father will totally transform humanity and all creation.  Who can understand? Who can see this second hour of Noah, when only life in the Ark will be safe? What man builds will be destroyed; what God saves will be preserved.

These are the secrets of Mary and her heart is Jesus’ Ark, prepared in great hiddenness and only now revealed. All can enter. Her heart has no limits. Soon, however, the doors must close so the Father can release the cleansing floods of heaven.

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No more delays. The Father has already jeopardized His creation by holding back His Divine Justice. The time was not used well. His mercy was set aside and the Woman was not given her rightful place. Her prophets and messengers spoke out but their words came to ears unwilling to listen.

So, the stage is set. Yet, even here, the Woman pleads for more time, having her final messengers ready to proclaim her role and to open a surprising door.

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What awaits the world? The Woman gladly reveals the future to those whom she has chosen. They carry her secrets in their hearts, waiting for those special moments when they will reveal everything, step by step, to a world which has banished her Son and tried to extinguish His light.

What a moment that will be! She will ask no one’s permission. Obtain no one’s consent. She will act, decisively and on a worldwide scale. The time of listening, obeying, and acting on her word will be over. The Father will take the whole world into His hands of justice and lead it where He wants it to be.

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All lies hidden. Victory or defeat? Light or darkness? Questions still to be answered. An urgency which few understand. A spiritual battle fought in the cities and the streets. Going on before our eyes but totally overlooked and misunderstood.

Evils flourish while virtues are mocked. Defeat seems certain unless the Woman turns the tide. For this moment, the Trinity created her.

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Satan has a fire which will not allow anything to remain and the heavenly Father has a fire to purify His creation. Whose fire will it be and to what purpose? To destroy or to cleanse? What will be the result? Damnation or Salvation?  These questions are on the table – waiting to be answered as human history unfolds.

The Woman knows her task. She sees.  She understands all the factors. For this moment, she has received powers, prerogatives and titles which many do not understand.  They are to awaken the Church to the Father’s plan so that His fires and not Satan’s come forth.

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Who has the wisdom to govern the world? Yet, Satan has stirred many people to seek that position, knowing that in today’s world, such a power can be attained.

So far, the Woman has frustrated his plans, not allowing a one world order or the structure to bring it about. Still, the control of all the nations, and the total subjection to one whom Satan would raise up, remains his ultimate goal.

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Satan has discovered many means to cover over God’s lights and turn minds away so they see only earthly goals. Such is the modern world.  Its eyes upon its technology and its heart set on what that technology can provide.

So, a fresh light must pierce this darkness, a new light coming from the Woman’s heart, placed there by the Spirit when He came upon her, a surprising gift of the Word made Flesh, the complete fulfillment of His task to be the light of the world. This gift has been hidden until now so Satan could not cover it over.

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Satan leads clouded minds into a greater darkness to use them as his instruments. The Woman leads all her children into the light to be her army.  A division is taking place. A separating. However, some do not want to follow Satan or the Woman. “Let us be secular, not involved in the war.” How foolish. If they do not follow the Woman, they will be easy prey for the Evil One.  A war is raging and those who claim to be neutral will be swept up, unprepared for the events.

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No human mind can grasp the power and extent of all these evils. They penetrate everywhere and have been allowed to flourish, nourished by man’s selfish desires.

When the Woman calls for repentance, these evils raise their voices in protest, so that they have no enemies and are never attacked.  So, Satan rejoices and moves ahead more quickly.

Who will call Mary’s soldiers to action? Who will give them light? She, herself, has already taken these steps. She will raise up human voices to carry her message. These are well prepared and ready to come forth.

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Many try to foresee the future for their own gains. The Woman sees the future only to help her children.  Although her words clash with earthly wisdom, the world has the technology to drown out her message and cover over her light.

What will she do? She must destroy their technology and reduce them to a silence to prepare for Her next actions.

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All is confusion. People search for goals that pass away, and live with their eyes on earth. The Woman wants to lift up our gaze, placing our hearts on heavenly promises, so we turn away from the daily selfishness that entraps the human spirit.

The temptations are too great. Earth is wired to the electronic. Image after image. Hours wasted before a screen. Modern man will be entrapped until all his technology is torn apart and the world returns to its original simplicity.

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Who can tell how far along this road of destruction the world has already traveled? What are the signs that would say how much farther until the road ends? No one can answer.

However, the Woman speaks of an urgency, of her holding back the Father’s Arm of justice, and of the need to repent, to pray and to fast. She warns. She teaches. She encourages. Who listens and acts?

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The heart of the Church, like Peter, cries out to Jesus, “Lord, save me.” So grave and perilous are the waves, that only divine intervention can rescue us.

Why does the Lord delay? Why does He not respond immediately, like He did to Peter? Peter was encircled by waves because he obeyed Jesus. The Church experiences the turmoil because it has not obeyed. The rescue cannot happen until the Church’s heart realizes that it must obey the woman and heed her words. Then, the Lord will lift up His Church and calm the storm.

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Can the human race turn back from this road? Who can rein in the forces which have been unleashed? No one asks these questions, thus allowing great evils to grow and to take control.

Both the Church, the light of the Nations, and the gospel message are set aside. The modern world, not willing to hear, has banished their voice from the marketplace. The world chooses its road unaccompanied by the light of faith.

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Before the Father allows the chastisements, He must prepare His flock, a task He has given to the Woman. Yet, her efforts have met great challenges within the Church. Her words are cast aside. Her warnings go unheeded. Her role is accepted only in a limited way. Her light does not shine everywhere nor are her privileges understood.

A voice must arise – full, powerful, authoritative, clear, constant and uncompromising. Only this can scatter the darkness and free the Woman’s words from the chains that have bound them. All must happen soon, before the Chastisement.

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From the depth of her Immaculate Heart, the Woman cries out to the whole world. She can no longer contain the pain she feels as she sees the world plunge itself into every darkness.

All is lost except for the little flock that gathers in her heart. This is not the Father’s will. All should come. All should dwell in her light. For now, the darkness will prevail until the great events purify.

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Each day, Satan captures the hearts of many, by bringing forth new doors of evil. People enter because their hearts are empty, thirsty for a living water but finding poison instead.

Once trapped, they continually drink, not knowing the great fountains which flow from the Woman’s heart. Why are these foundations still sealed? Why not flowing freely? Because so many have refused to believe her promises and have looked to other springs to save the world. One will come to whom the Woman has revealed all her mysteries.

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The Father sees a line of demarcation, some souls to the right and some to the left. Some ready for His Kingdom. The others destined to be left out. He also sees some going back and forth, moving from one side to the other – some repenting. Others deciding to walk away, even though called and invited. He sees the powerful darkness entrapping many and the light of his Church, so weak and gathering in just a few.

All must change. The darkness must be dispelled and the light set upon the mountain. This will happen only after some years and much turmoil will this happen.

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Why the clamor? Why the strident voices? All proclaiming false truths and providing light which is really darkness.  All are instruments of Satan who sees the Woman coming on the scene.

Confusion is his primary defense so that his Kingdom is not overturned.  But she is coming, the queen who carries the Keys of the Kingdom in her hands. She will place those keys in the hands of her chosen one.  He will proclaim her, not holding back. Not fearing to offend those who might not understand. Her hour is at hand.

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The destructive storms will come but a Church anchored in the heart of the Woman will survive.  This eternal wisdom has proven true for centuries but the future storms will be the greatest and the Church will come to that moment when so many will doubt its future.  Then, surprisingly and decisively, the Woman will intervene using her human instruments whom she has prepared so well for this very moment.  They know who they are and they wait in faith for her to call them onto the world’s stage.

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The world is shrouded in a darkness which it does not understand. So, it moves along believing that it makes progress in light. Instead, heading into a night which will totally confuse all the world leaders who have brought the nations to this moment.

“Repent” is a word they do not want to hear. “Turn back” is a direction in which they do not want to go. “Listen to the Father” is advice which they believe would remove their powers.  So, using human wisdom, they entangle themselves and their nations. They could easily rejoice in a road of light if they would only listen to the Woman.

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How can the Father purify the world and still protect the little ones who have always loved Him? The secret is the Woman. She has the task and the power to keep them safe, to comfort them in the coming chastisement, to keep them faithful and to bring them to eternal glory.

Even now, they already feel her presence. Even now, she enlightens them and gives hope. Let them testify about the Woman.  They understand that this is the Age of Mary.

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Purifying humanity must come. No one can put it off forever. The time and the circumstances can vary.  If man repents, the chastisement will find him watching and ready to receive. Without repentance, all will be caught unaware and not prepared.

Many words have gone forth, calling mankind to this repentance. However, these warnings have not been placed like a light on the mountain nor have they been totally heeded by those who know them. No voice has been raised to highlight their importance. The world lives in a valley of darkness, enjoying its self-proclaimed freedoms and not realizing the need of divine purification.

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Who can open the door of the Father’s blessings and who can prepare the world to receive these gifts? For now, the door is closed because few intercede and the world does not seek these blessings.  The Woman knows the blessings and knows how much the world needs them. Her task is clear. To raise the world’s eyes up to the Father so they see His blessings and prepare for them.

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See what happens before your very eyes. A society turning completely to the darkness, allowing itself to be led by false prophets, voices which cleverly point out a new path, free from any obligations to the Father. Independent children setting their own path, devoid of the great wisdom revealed in God’s word.

Who will lead them? What new voice must be raised up.  A Woman’s voice, gentle and pleading, her children going astray, her church divided, the world in turmoil. All the waits to see if the world continues on its path, with none seeing until too late.

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