Just as the Book of Wisdom was written by a pious Jew reflecting upon the Old Testament, so these little thoughts about Our Lady come from reflections upon all of the Marian apparitions with their messages.
God’s Hour has both beginning events and culminating moments when the purpose of His Hour has been fulfilled or the opportunity of His Hour has been lost.
All time is the Father’s Hour because He is always at work and Jesus works with Him. All has been revealed to the Woman who cooperated perfectly with God’s Hour while on earth, even though she had to do this in faith, and not in complete light.
By revealing the importance of this present Hour, she helps her children to fulfill the Father’s will.
The great powers placed in creation are meant for the Father’s glory and mankind’s blessings. But these gigantic forces have been turned away, like a mighty river not allowed to flow correctly. Their power to give glory to God now sheds a false glory upon man and their goals of blessing man now destroy him.
Few understand these powers or how they must be directed, a wisdom contained only in Christ Jesus whom the modern world has neglected but whose final messenger is the Woman, the Father’s ultimate prophet before the darkness.
The father holds the whole world in His hands but mankind enjoys free will and can reject the Father’s plan. In doing so, he turns away from God as Satan did and begins to walk a demonic path. Unseen at first but soon coming into view are the destructive forces which disobedience releases.
Yet, the attraction to believe in self and to obey only one’s own will drives men on, even increasing their pace. Then comes the moment of the tragic decision, not seen at the beginning. A wall goes up between the Father and mankind, who is trapped by Satan. Such is modern man. Such is the human plight and such is the Woman’s task – to rescue her children from their own foolishness.
The whole world is enveloped in the fires of evil, planted and spread by powerful forces bent on economic gain and political control. Their agendas correspond to the inner life of the person who seeks security, pleasures and personal autonomy.
Our Lady preaches a different agenda of love, sacrifice and submission to the loving Father. Her followers are few and often discouraged. However, she has prepared a moment of complete revelation of her role and a worldwide invitation to accept her as the Woman.
How great are the powers of hell which will explode from beneath the earth, forces placed into society’s heart which are hidden for now but living and thriving in the darkness.
Suddenly, solid ground will break open and fires released, surprising everyone except those whom the Woman has prepared. How important are the years ahead for the Church. She must listen so the Woman can prepare her for these surprises.
When will the moment of the Father’s justice pour out upon the world? The Woman stands as the source of the Father’s mercy, deliberately chosen to hold back His punishing arm. She reveals her role and asks her children to stand with her and with Jesus, the bulwark, so loved by the Father that He must put away His wrath.
These are the divine mysteries behind all the world events, revealed so that the little ones can heed their call and stand with the Woman. She invites all and has a place for everyone.
The children did not turn to their heavenly Father because His voice seemed so distant. So, He sent His Son, His word, to live among the children so they could hear Jesus’ word. Now, enemies have arisen and they steal Jesus’ word from their hearts. So, the Father sends the Woman, the final preacher whose voice will be heard from the mountaintop. When her word goes forth, it will not separate good and evil. All will remain as usual but she will be the Father’s final messenger.
A call has gone forth. The Father’s Word, trying to rescue all His children from the great darkness. First heard by Noah, then by Abraham and the prophets. Then, in the fullness of time, the Father sent His Word made Flesh. The Father now sends His final messenger – the Woman Clothed With the Sun, carrying her child and proclaiming for all to hear, “He is coming. This time in glory and majesty.” Then she is quiet, holding Him up for all to love and adore.
Why are the foundations so weak? Because sin has dissolved their strength. They remain in place for now but their appearance is deceiving. America has weakened its Constitution and all the offices of President, Senate and House. Even the Supreme Court will be under assault.
The Woman will protect America so the evil forces will not have full sway, but this relief is only temporary. Future assaults will test their firmness. The only strong foundation is national repentance but America has hushed the Church’s voice.
Tomorrow is too late. All must begin today to listen to the Woman. Her plan is not an overnight solution but a journey, a path into light. It is not a journey of one day, nor a path to be walked by one person. Millions must join together. Otherwise, her victory will serve only a faithful few, those who have listened to her voice that was hushed in so many places.
This is the secret – that her word be proclaimed from the highest mountain so all can hear even though some will not heed.
Why the wars, divisions and other evils that plague mankind? They are symptoms of a disease of man’s spirit and these can only be cured by Jesus’ blood which He shed fully and which remains available to all.
The Woman captured all of His blood as she stood at the cross and now she distributes it profusely to all who ask. She who gave Jesus His blood, has gathered it up, conserves it and makes it available to all. This is a mystery of the Age of Mary.
The Woman will take everyone who comes to her by the hand and lead each one on a personal road to holiness. No two people will travel the same road because each path to God is unique, according to the Father’s plan. He has fully revealed this to the Woman who is burdened with the task of guiding every soul to their heavenly destiny.
Proclaim to the nations the saving power of the Father, which extends to every human person and was placed from the beginning in the hands of His Son. Those hands are supported by the Woman, just as she supported His arms stretched out and nailed to the cross.
Now, comes a new moment, a more active role, when the Woman herself holds the light. She does not claim it, or snatch it from her Son’s hands, but the Father says “Go to the whole world and bring to all the light of my Son.” She is the ultimate and final missionary of the Word.
What must occur? What needs to be changed? Who can foresee the gigantic waves of purification which will come from the Father, a necessary cleansing which cannot be avoided if mankind is to survive?
How often has this been postponed, pushed back by the Woman’s intercession? All is a mystery and only revelation casts light on unseen forces.
As lightening illumines the sky and all see at once, so it will be with the Father’s purifying actions. All will see but not all will understand. Those who have listened to the Woman will suffer the same experiences as others for these events will affect the whole world. However, because they understand and know how to seek Mary’s protection, they will not despair. Instead, they will turn to her with greater hope, knowing that she, to whom the Father has entrusted this age, can lead them safely through the trial.
Who understands the divine power contained in the Age of Mary? Or who can grasp the importance of the Father’s will, which has prepared for the calamities of these times bringing forth the Woman. All is hidden, even from the Evil One who gains no entrance into her heart. Hidden yet waiting to be revealed. First, the Church must believe and take the bold steps of faith to proclaim that the Father has decreed that the Age of Mary has dawned and all must hide in her heart.
The world is entering into the night of the greatest confusion with problems never before confronted or solved. A seemingly hopeless midnight with no paths open to escape. All the doors seem barred and all the solutions appear totally useless.
At this moment, false prophets will arise, able to attract many despairing hearts. A tiny voice will begin to speak and as more and more hear his words, hope will spread. The darkness will not be cast out nor the overwhelming confusion be ended, but those who listen will regain all the inner light they need to walk in the new darkness.
When the torrents come, the houses built upon sand will fall and all will see the surprising results. What was thought firm will collapse and what was often overlooked will stand. In this way, the Church will be purified because everyone’s eyes will be opened and her call will be clear.
Whatever the Woman guards, no matter how small and feeble, will remain. Whatever aspect of the Church that has excluded her will collapse. All will see the Age of Mary.
The signs of division appear now but the evils have been planted for decades. Oneness is built upon truth and truth is built upon a goodness which comes only from the Father.
He has tried to fill every part of the world with His goodness by sending Jesus whom the world has rejected. Now, He sends the Woman, first to the Church and through the Church, to the world. The future events will not begin until the Church understands and embraces her.
Small events prepare for the great moments of history. The two Kingdoms, good and evil, grow or decline in power every day. Each day is a victory or a defeat, a growth or a decline. No day is neutral and no moment unimportant.
Today will see the decision to impeach President Trump. The vote will be taken and recorded, yet another mark in history. However, the truly important actions will remain hidden, seen by the Woman who quietly guides her children. They must seek her help and stay in her heart because the moment of the deluge still lies ahead, prepared for by today’s events.
Just as the Father said, “This is my Beloved Son”, so Jesus has said, “Behold your mother.” But who has heard His words or accepted the Woman? As a result, she stands at the cross with only a few followers, abandoned by many who do not realize that Jesus has placed all His treasures in her heart.
A moment will come when a pope echoes Jesus’ words, explaining to the world the mysteries and powers which they contain. This will be a second Fullness of Time. The Woman will arrive in the middle of world darkness, bringing all the light of Jesus’ Transfiguration and saying “This is My Beloved Son, Listen to Him.”
All the walls will be breached. Evils unknown to mankind will pour out. All hopes crushed. Confusion and darkness will be everywhere except for the light of Jesus coming from the heart of the Woman, seen only by those who believe but able to be seen by others who are open to belief.
Who will tell them? Who will reveal the secret of the Woman hidden for all ages, and meant only to be revealed in this Age of Mary? The Church, but only a Church which has embraced this mystery and offers it as the saving light for this new age of darkness.
The Evil One shines false lights that lead only to his path. He has raised up his leaders in every field, given them his wisdom and allowed them to shine these lights. The world blindly walks his road of destruction and stocks arms for greater devastation.
Meanwhile, one tiny path of truth remains, never to be ruined or obscured, safeguarded by the Woman and found by those who follow her.
No one can imagine the future of the world except those to whom the Woman has revealed it. They have revealed the Woman’s role and the task given her by the Father to prepare the world for Jesus’ second coming. A page of sacred history is about to turn and the final chapter begin, a time when all must be attentive to the Woman. But who listens?
The Father must bring the Church to that point where it is ready to be the Light of the World. Only then can He begin to purify the world and set it free from Satanic darkness. Without a Church prepared by the Woman, all the future events would only destroy and tear down.
The Woman has placed her lights, has given her words and has encouraged her children. However, none of these lights have received their proper place because their value has not been grasped. Soon, she will raise up her priest son to whom she has explained all these mysteries.
The walls are crumbling and society’s structures are tottering. All the effects of sinful decisions are buried in history’s past but maintain their power in the present. Only repentance and purification can strengthen what is falling. Only a turning to the Father can reverse the path away from darkness.
Yet, who preaches this word? Only the Woman’s voice is raised from on high but she is forgotten by most and rejected by those who should exalt her.
The Father has a plan, the way He wants history to unfold with Jesus at the center and Mary at His side. The centuries since Jesus’ death have been years filled with obedience and disobedience. Yet the Father’s plan cannot be set aside and every effort to do so has failed.
But now, mankind holds gigantic powers of communication and of destruction, controlling what people learn and able to wipe mankind off the earth. The present crisis, therefore, is not just a repetition of previous moments. The human race will soon face a new moment, when all human minds can be controlled by evil. For such a moment, the Father has prepared the Woman, just as in the fullness of time, He prepared her for that first moment.
The Father asks us to believe that He still guides human history and that in spite of man’s perversity, He will bring the story of earth to His conclusion. All must believe that the Father still holds the world in His hands and He will never abandon His creation.
The walls of traditional piety cannot withstand the new oceans of evil which batter them every day. So, the Father has built a new wall, constructed centuries ago but now revealed to His holy ones – the wall of Mary’s heart which opens wide to all her children but closes tightly to every evil.
Would anyone reject this new wall or fail to see how vital it is in the modern world? All who reject Mary’s heart, no matter where they might be stationed in the Church, will not survive. All who enter will be blessed. The secrets of the Woman are to be revealed.
Each person must experience a personal call away from darkness and into the light. Otherwise, they have only the world’s false lights to guide them. But who will call them? And after they respond, who will teach them the way? The Church is indispensable, established as a beacon of light upon the mountain.
Yet, the Church herself has fallen into a new darkness and its light is dimmed. It is not enough for the Woman to reveal her teachings. She must take the Church into her heart, scatter all darkness, purify it, infuse her own light and then set it again on the mountain. All will see her accomplish this, done in full daylight and publicly announced. Only then will the full battle begin.
Now begins the new year, its future unknown but about to be revealed. There will be the same forces, good and evil, contending for human hearts and vying for the power to form human culture that leads so many astray.
Both good and evil have their secret plans, their human instruments, and their goals. Neither good or evil will accomplish everything. By year’s end, there will be no clear victor, yet one will be stronger and the other weaker. Still, the Woman is marginalized and few understand the Age of Mary.
The year ends but history flows like a stream, difficult to say where the old ceases and the new begins. Yet, new forces, good and evil, will come forth changing the stream and even its direction. The Father sees what will happen in 2021, a human race moving further away from His plan, a Church buried more in darkness and people more confused by events.
Yet, in all of this, the Woman works quietly in the hearts of her followers and quickly preparing for the great events that she has prophesied. Meanwhile, her chosen son grows in wisdom, age and grace, prepared by her for the fullness of his ministry.
Is there a path of light? If so, who will point it out and who will follow his words and find the road? The Church is the great voice which the Evil One tries to silence.
For centuries, he has used the Church’s enemies without success. So, he has turned to the Church’s members and to its leaders. In these years, he draws them into his darkness. But the Woman has her own plan, kept secret from the Evil One, to raise up a voice that is so deeply hidden and protected in her heart, that even the Evil One cannot destroy him.
Everything has been broken – the Father’s plan, the unity of man with the Father, and the oneness of man with his neighbor. This same brokenness divides the inner person. Who will unite? Who will bring together? For this purpose, the Father has sent Jesus, to draw all men to Himself. Since this light has been rejected, the Father sends the Woman. In the middle of her light stands Jesus, seen now through a Mother’s eyes. The Woman’s gift to her children.
The Father writes the story of human history with His Son as the new Adam. Each person freely accepts or rejects this story, choosing to accept their role or reject the Father’s will. Those who accept are caught up in the power of the Father’s Spirit, who forms their hearts and blesses their choices. Those who reject the Father’s plan, place themselves outside of the Spirit’s help, until a moment comes when they see and accept. The Woman is the new Eve begging mankind to eat of the new fruit of the tree of the cross.
There is no inevitability in human events because the Father has made each human person free and able to respond in different ways. There are also the pleadings of His holy ones and the great prayer of the Woman who has the task of holding back the Father’s arm of Justice. And there is the Lamb Who was slain, His blood pleading for Divine Mercy. All combine to shield man from Divine Justice and offer to him a saving path of repentance.
All the forces of good and evil lie beneath the surface, waiting for the moment when they will appear and shape history. The Woman understands all that will happen. So, she acts, trying to prolong the time and push back the evil forces. She sees all too clearly the perilous future of the Church and the loss of faith which will result. She prepares the voices which will warn and, more important, the voices that will guide when the events break forth.
The Father has a path to peace, which the Woman has been revealing, while at the same time, warning the world of destruction if not followed. The result has been a century filled with wars and a new century in which the greatest of all wars is possible. The future of humanity hangs by a thread and rejecting the Woman’s plan destroys the final hope for world peace.
The Father is doing something new. Never heard of or even conceived. Who does not see this? He is exalting His Son. The Woman lifts up her child, higher than ever and proclaims, “My Son is the light that you have cast out and the hope that you have rejected, but I will lift him above your clouds and He will shine again upon all the nations. Only after His light has destroyed all your darknesses will the human race be free.”
What has happened to the Father’s plan that began with Adam and came to the fullness of time in His Son, Jesus? So many other forces seem to have captured humanity’s heart and determined its history. The Father’s plan is a living seed, indestructible. In winter, the seed waits for the Spring, hidden as if non-existent, but then blossoming forth into a harvest for all to see and enjoy. Blessed are those who, during the winter, hold on to that seed by faith. Empty are those who cast off the seed as if it has become worthless.
The Father saves the world, moment by moment. Every moment contains His saving power and all must be cherished. People foolishly look to some grand moment of salvation when the Father will intervene in some surprising, miraculous way. Indeed, such moments happen for which all must give thanks.
Yet, many miss the Father’s action at this very moment, and in all the moments of every single day, the thousand little moments when He comes to save. The Woman awakens us to these graces, knowing that we must grasp our salvation today. At this very moment, the Father is saving you.
The Woman acts because her lights must go forth. She wastes no time, placing her fires in many hearts and keeping their flames alive by her breathe of hope. She will never allow the winds of despair to put them out, nor the wisdom of this world to set them aside. That is why she must raise up another of her sons for that generation which never knew or has forgotten the greatness of Pope John Paul II.
The night will come quickly brought about by unforeseen events which seemingly have no solution. Those who trust in their own powers will be confounded. Those without faith will have no light. Those who felt themselves to be strong will see that they have trusted in faltering foundations. Only those little ones who have trusted the Woman and called upon her will have the strength to overcome. They will become the light to the nations, the Woman’s instruments in saving the world.
Even though the Father has sent His only Son, the world falls short, unable to respond to the Light, helpless even to believe or receive. So, the Holy Spirit floods the Woman’s heart with life-giving grace which she distributes freely to all who know her secrets. Suddenly, the dead come to life, the blind see and the deaf can hear. All are now able to accept the Light of the World as their Savior. These are the secrets of Mary.
Before the Father acts to purify the world, the Woman proclaims the message, the new John the Baptist for the 21st century. She will continue to speak through her chosen prophets, not prophets of doom but of hope. Her words will light up the only path to peace. No other road will exist. So, two great needs. The Church must spread her words to the four corners of the world and people must believe. Blessed are those who become the Woman’s messengers of hope.
The Father pours forth His streams of light. If they are accepted, the light remains and multiplies. Such is the Woman’s heart which has fully accepted Jesus, the light of the world, and totally received all the personal light meant for her. Who can understand this light so despised by the Evil One and so ready to be shared with all her children? These are the deep mysteries which the Spirit is revealing to His Church – the Age of the Woman.
Man is helpless, unable to save himself from the evils that dominate the hearts of so many and from the evils introduced by sin. Jesus will bring about a new heaven and a new earth but only by a suffering path which few will understand. The Woman shares in His plans, bringing a hope and a tenderness, encouraging all her children to obedience, “Do whatever he tells you.”
The Father has revealed all these truths but mankind has set faith aside and is now stripped of light, deprived of heaven’s help, unable to forge even a human unity, and hopelessly wandering from one evil to the next. How will mankind ever cope with future darkness? The Father will raise up the Woman who still carries the light of Jesus in her womb and the fire of the Spirit in her heart.
The Father waits patiently, hoping that warnings and little trials will lead humanity to turn back in repentance. Yet, this repentance does not take place. Instead, there is a steady stream of new diversions and an ever increasing mountain of iniquity.
The wrong people control the sources of public opinion and evil voices shout down any attempts to call humanity back to the Father.
What can He do? Patiently wait, while sending the Woman. However, the decisive moment must come when His patient waiting no longer bears fruit and He uses the Woman to announce those events which will forever change the world.
The Father keeps the doors of mercy open to His children, always hoping that just one more can be saved.
The Woman understands His heart because the Father has revealed his mysteries to her. He fills her with an urgency which causes her intense suffering and sends her to every part of the world to impart her message, “The Father wants you to return. He will welcome you and prepare a feast for you. But do not delay. The time is very short and soon Satan will block the path home”.
The Woman chose America as her own, wanting this nation to be a light set upon the mountain to guide the whole world. She blessed this nation with untold resources and gradually extended its boundaries from ocean to ocean, so she could nourish its spirit and bestow her light.
Now, America turns more and more away from her light and no longer hears the Father’s voice. Entangled in the briars of confusion and enslaved by the thorns of passion, wounded and blinded, America cannot fulfill the Father’s call until the Woman heals its wounds and gives salve to its eyes.