Who will prepare the Church for coming deluge? Many can be saved by knowing what is happening and what to do. This light must spread to the whole world, so everyone can be saved. So few envision the coming darkness and the need for the Woman’s light. The voices already raised up are feeble and hardly heard above the din of daily life.
Just as the Book of Wisdom was written by a pious Jew reflecting upon the Old Testament, so these little thoughts about Our Lady come from reflections upon all of the Marian apparitions with their messages.
To pour out His love upon the earth, the Father created the heart of Jesus, a fit container of His fire. But where would Jesus, who had come to cast fire on the earth, be able to pour out that love? The Spirit had already prepared a heart worthy to receive and, from the first moment of His conception, Jesus continually poured His love into the heart of Mary. She perfectly received, treasured and preserved it for herself, the Church and all her children. Now, her heart overflows with that divine love but she must find hearts ready to receive. These are the secrets of the Age of Mary.
In this Cana hour, the Woman is requesting from the heavenly Father that He look upon the plight of humanity. She does not dictate to the Father what He is to do. She merely places before His eyes the needs of her children. Then, she tells her children “Do whatever He asks of you.” The Father is ready to act, but unlike the waiters, many children do not obey the Woman. That will change when she raises up her priest son who will remind the Church to “Do whatever the Woman tells you.”
What is happening? A casting out of darkness. Little victories which bring light. The Woman accomplishing all that is possible, taking advantage of every heart that opens to her in faith.
With the Woman, all is never lost. What can be saved will be saved. No need to be swept away in the deluge when she provides an ark.
The Father’s gifts are always wrapped in the mystery of the present moment. Only faith sees the gift and removes the covering so God’s power can bless the world.
The Father has sent the Woman, clothed with the Sun, His gift for this moment of history. She comes. She is present. She offers her own heart as the saving Ark. Yet many do not enter, endangering their eternal salvation. They are unprepared for the flood waters which so soon must be released.
That moment will soon arrive when the purifying action of the Father will pour out upon the whole world. It will begin in one region but all of earth will eventually be caught up in its power, each part experiencing this fire differently.
This purifying action will happen over many years, according to the Father’s wisdom. The Woman, if she is invoked with faith, will save her children, giving them faith to persevere, hope so they do not despair, and wisdom so they know what to do.
The fullness of the Father’s mystery will soon be revealed when the Woman enters fully onto the world scene by her signs and wonders. Still, many will not believe because no one has told them and the great mystery is still covered over. This mystery must be revealed, explained and understood so the Father’s plan for the Woman will have its full power in rescuing the world from the satanic onslaught which has already begun.
The hour is so near. No one understands. No one prepares. As in the days of Noah, the daily cares capture the heart.
Yet, the Woman offers the ark of her own Immaculate Heart. No need to build a new ark because the Spirit has constructed the perfect Ark, far greater than Noah’s, ready to resist the greatest floods in human history.
All must be told the good news. The Woman’s heart is open to all, ready to save all who go in. All must believe and enter.
Man has rebelled and broken the bonds of life which united him with God Who alone controls the breath of life. All else is death.
To save the world, the Father sent His Son who proclaimed, “I am the Life” but now, the world rejects Jesus. So, the Father empowers the Woman to evangelize and to call the world back to the fountain of living water, her Son, Jesus.
Quickly the structures will fall and human wisdom will collapse. What will remain? Only what the Woman has built. Her fortresses will stand firm, planted throughout the world and in every society. Even those parts of Church life not built upon her words will perish. Many will ask, “Why did we not hear her voice?” Yet, there must be no time wasted on regrets because the woman will gather all her children. Her task would have been easier if all had listened from the beginning.
The world thinks it walks in light when really, it is walking in darkness, entering into valleys of doom, captured by the Evil One who will remain hidden until it is too late.
The Woman invites the Church to her true path but few hear her voice. Whom can she send? When and how will he come upon the scene? How will his ministry be accepted? All the answers lie in the heart of the Woman who has chosen him, prepares him and waits for the right moment to call him forth. Meanwhile the ordinary lights must suffice.
Because evil forces are uniting, great divisions are appearing in society. Also, the good come together, but not with the intensity or the strength of evil. As a result, darkness covers society which cannot resist the united powers of evil. So, it seems that evil is everywhere. Because evil is more united, its powers are more pervasive and its victories more pronounced.
When will the good unite? When will the Woman have her army which is so important? No voice is present to call the good together or to give them a true plan of action.
Mankind rejects the Father, banishing Him from His own creation and losing the blessings of His presence. So, the Father has sent His Son, but the world banishes Him. Now, the Father sends the Woman, His final attempt to open men’s hearts so He can come and dwell among them.
This is truly the final hour of Cana – the great mystery which unfolds but must be explained and preached. Otherwise, mankind will still banish the Father from His own creation.
Amid so many strange voices, lies and errors, mankind cannot hear the Father’s voice saying, “This is my Beloved Son.” Therefore, Jesus is put aside, neglected, and even ridiculed.
So, the Woman must raise her voice and also say “This is my beloved son.” She must cry out, at the top of her voice and from the highest mountain, “Listen to Him”. Slowly her voice will grow more powerful, offering those people their only chance to be saved amid the coming darkness.
The heavenly Father will not hold back His blessings but, also He will not change His plan. He has established this Age of Mary, in which all the graces of Jesus flow through her hands. Now is the time to revealing this mystery because these graces are becoming more powerful and more abundant. The world, but especially the Church, must know this mystery. Otherwise, the Church will not have sufficient faith in what the Father is ready to do.
A fire burns in the Woman’s heart, placed there by the Holy Spirit of the Father, first bringing forth the Word Made Flesh and now, bringing forth every child of the Father. Mary’s heart is sealed so that Satan, darkness or evil cannot enter. Only her children have access but many cannot find this door because the mystery is veiled.
So, she waits, hoping that soon someone will remove this veil so the whole world can enter her heart.
How is the Father trying to save His children? Did He not reveal His plans to His prophets and did they not speak in His name?
Now, He has sent the Woman, the authoritative voice whose words are clear. For such a long time, she has been speaking to those she has chosen. A moment will come when the words cease and the events begin. Many will ask, “Why did we not listen to the Woman?”
The walls are crumbling more quickly than anyone imagined. Soon, few defenses will remain. The Church will be despoiled and her riches carried away. Like the widow. Jerusalem mourning her children.
Yet, within the Church, secret life will remain, placed there by Jesus, a life which Satan can never destroy. Suddenly, for all to witness, the Woman will bring forth her priest son who will gather the millions of seeds of life which the Woman has secretly planted. These will blossom, many made fruitful by the shedding of their blood, fulfilling the prophecy of the Woman bringing forth her child. (Rev C 12:4-5). This is the Cana Hour.
The Woman knows the path to life and wants to reveal that way to the whole world. She will use every possible means, but she needs human instruments to whom she will entrust them with her words. If they carry her words and enlighten the Church, then all make their own decision – to listen to her words or to reject them.
Evil gathers its forces more quickly, claims new victims with each victory and destroys the fortresses of protection built by previous generations.
Yet, the Woman cannot proceed on to the battlefield because her children are not aware of the need to unite and fight.
So great is the dilemma! For the Woman to go forth would be in vain, yet for her to wait is to cede these victories to the evil One. Still, it is better to wait, trusting in the ultimate victory after many losses.
The days of mercy are wasted. The times to return to the Father are squandered because no one hears the voice of the Woman, who knows the times and tries to share their urgency. Many believe that human life will continue as it always has, unaware that one age is closing and another beginning. All must become faithful servants watching for the Woman’s Coming.
The hour of the world’s salvation and purification cannot be set aside. So much depends upon man’s accepting the Woman’s help. Up to now, her words have been set aside, leading to wars that should never have happened and deaths that should never have taken place.
Satan holds Nations in his hands and only the Woman can steal them back, a role given to her by the Father. All will become clear in the time ahead but, for now, the Evil One marches forth and finds no other army to oppose him. America is his goal, a diamond for his crown.
Evil has spread to the very roots of nations. What can the Father do? Is he willing to uproot whole nations? Destroy and wipe out their very memory? Has He no other solution? Can He not conceive another way to refashion the nations?
These are mysteries, hidden in the Woman’s heart which she will bring forth soon.
When floods come, it is too late to save belongings. There is only time to flee. Such will be the many difficulties faced by the world. All that is treasured will perish. All that is built up will be torn down.
The floods will be economic and social. Those who put faith in human structures will despair. Even the little ones will be caught up in the destruction, but they will believe in the Woman. Her actions will keep them safe even while the Father purifies the Earth.
The Woman can save her little ones because they know her voice and they obey her words. Others, however, are deprived of her light because her words have not been proclaimed from the housetops. All will change. After the darkness comes, many will want her light. Then, all that she has prepared for the Church will begin.
The word must go forth, especially to the young and to those devoted to the Woman. The time is very short. Your efforts must increase. Pray and work while it is still light. The Woman will multiply your efforts and make them fruitful. If one person does not respond, then go to another. If you find willing hearts, stay there until the full seed is planted and secure. Only then, can you move on. Remember – to save one soul is to save your own.
How cleverly has the enemy gathered his troops. They march confidently to victory seeing that the Woman’s efforts have brought forth little fruit. Her army is small, disorganized and has no leader. Her children do not realize what is happening. When the events begin, they will not see or know how to respond, caught unawares and suffering losses. Defeat will seem inevitable (satan’s strategy) and despair will fill their hearts.
In this darkness, they will cry out for light. In this moment of desperation, the Church’s heart will open and the Woman will take her place.
The Heavenly Father uses all the world events to fashion the Kingdom of His Divine Son and to exalt Him as Lord. It cannot be destroyed or turned away. This powerful Kingdom will come in fullness at the appointed hour.
The Father will bring forth the Woman so this new birth of His Kingdom will happen as quickly and as easily as possible. This is the mystery of the Age of Mary.
The Woman has her angels, the ministering spirits who serve their Queen. She also contends with the evil spirits who have declared war upon her and all her children.
These evil spirits have no hope. Even the Woman’s love cannot reconcile them. She can only protect her children from these spirits who are free to ravage the earth until the final victory.
This is man’s plight and why only the Hour of the Woman will gain the needed victory. Until then, the battle continues. Blessed are they who know the secrets of the Age of Mary.
All the events will serve the Father’s purpose, even those that deviate from His divine will. This is the great mystery. Even when man sins, the Father can still fulfill His eternal plan.
Now, all the future events will lead to a special moment in history when the Hour of the Woman comes to a fullness. All decisions will be assumed into that coming hour.
The future explosions will come suddenly and destroy everything in their path. Only the Woman’s children will be prepared because they have her teachings and follow her wishes. This gift is for everyone, but many see no need to believe. The explosions will find them unprepared.
The events will begin according to the secret wisdom of the Father who sees all He must bring forth. In everything, He will have His human instruments, those who understand His plans and help others to know what is happening so they can respond.
All of this divine intervention will take place over a period of time, a very important period called the Hour of the Woman. Those who choose her as their heavenly Mother will enjoy both a wisdom to understand and a hope not to despair.
A crashing moment comes after times of neglect and abuse. However, that moment sometimes comes from an action taken by an enemy, when it is too late to respond. Destruction takes place and people lose what could have been saved and rescued. The Woman’s great sorrow is to foresee so many future crashing moments because no one listens to her.
The whole world faces a curtain waiting to open, and is unable to see what lies behind this curtain. When the curtain parts, the world will see itself on the edge of an abyss, facing the possibility of a total collapse of world structures. At this time the evil present in Russia will emerge and, what was considered finished, namely atheistic Communism, will rise up in all of its strength, no longer isolated but a participant in the world market.
Who will gather the children, calm their fears and explain what is happening? Who will show them the correct path to walk? The Woman has this task and her children must learn her voice, become acquainted with her ways and, above all, trust her completely. Her embrace comes slowly and must be learned daily.
This is the hour of the Cana mystery. If the Church understands this Hour and the mysteries it contains, it will be flooded with light, knowing what to do and the road to walk. Otherwise, the Church, meant to be the Light of the Nations, will itself walk in darkness.
The Father must purify the earth, but He wants to protect His children so they cannot be harmed. He has chosen the Woman to prepare them for the Father’s gift. How can they be prepared, unless they hear? How can they hear unless her message resounds? She will use a voice, not weak and lowly, but clothed with power and authority.
Who is prepared for the Father’s great gift of the Woman? What hearts are fully opened? What intellects have received the light of this great mystery?2000 years ago, very few grasped the mystery of the Father’s Son. Now, the Father is trying to reveal the mystery of the Woman Clothed with the Sun. Few listen or understand.
For the Woman to assume her role, the Father must raise up a voice, like John the Baptist, to proclaim her coming. Like John, he will be just a voice, coming on the scene and then quickly passing away. Even so, all will hear his voice and lament his passing.
Who will sound the alarm? What voice will be raised from the housetops? Who will speak words loud and clear enough to redirect the nations – yes, all the nations – for none walks the right path or follows the true light. All have strayed.
Until all is silent, very few will return. Only when all is hushed, will a voice cry out in the new desert.
How many messengers must the Father send so that man listens. He has sent the prophets. Then, He sent His only Son. All are rejected. Finally, He sends the Woman. Her voice echoes her Son’s. She speaks no new message but lifts Him up, while humbling herself. Let no one claim that she substitutes or replaces Him. Rather, she quickens His actions as she did at Cana. How would the waiters have known to listen unless she had told them?
Many fires burn beneath the surface. These evil forces are buried in human hearts and human histories, centuries old divisions which are now equipped with modern technology.
Only the prayers of the little ones have prevented these fires from surfacing. The Woman constantly speaks of prayer and sacrifice. She uses all the efforts of her children to quell these fires. Soon, some fires will break forth, and more will accept the Woman’s role.
All the streams are diverted, not going forth to enrich society. Instead, human efforts are dominated by a selfish spirit. The means of communication are totally misused, allowed to champion what is evil. The moral decay is fed by gigantic sums of money and the Church has lost all power to re-align society.
People agree that the heavenly Father must intervene. They see that the prophet’s message is true. A Day of the Lord must come.
The Father’s presence gives and preserves life, overcoming destructive powers. However, mankind has abandoned His presence and rejected His help. Faith no longer enlightens man’s inner being. The evil One has put out the only light that can overcome his darkness.
Soon, so very soon, all these false lights will be extinguished and mankind will realize that darkness has come. Many will despair. Some will remember the lights of faith. It will be an important moment.
The dates and the times are set, already revealed to the Medjugorje visionaries. The Woman acts so the Church can be ready. However, full approval is withheld and many still do not believe. How blessed would be the world if these gifts were fully opened and all heard the warnings. Much is still muted, heard only by a devout few. Others remain in total darkness, their heavenly mother’s words never made known to them. There is no voice to awaken any urgency. Yet, the events are at the door, forcing their way into human life.
All must prepare for the events but they need a voice a powerful voice that shouts, not from the housetops, but from the top of the mountain. How will anyone get there? Only if the Woman lifts him up. What will he say? Only what the Woman teaches him. How will his voice be heard? Only if the Woman silences all other sounds.
Who understands the heart of the Father who so loved the world that He sent Jesus? Who understands His heart right now as He sees what man has done? Who understands as the Father delays and delays His Justice so man can repent? Who will understand as the Father begins to act?
The world lives in darkness to all these questions. Only the Woman can bring light. When will she come? When will her light be placed on the lampstand?
The doors to the future open one at a time. One stage follows another. Mankind acts only in the present. The past is history. The future has not yet arrived. Yet, mankind looks ahead, trying to see the future and even trying to form it. How dangerous are those who hold the powers of science. How questionable those who form society. Always the great pride – to have changed the world forever. But only the Father holds that privilege and He will give it to the Woman. As His instrument, she will fashion the world to come.
The world is blinded by its own lights. Human reason has produced such prodigies and so altered existence that all have forgotten life’s purpose, absorbed in the world remade by human ingenuity. Man’s heart has been hardened by what he has produced and enticed by the fruits of his hand. He has forfeited the deeper gifts of love, service and family relationships. All have been sacrificed and society can no longer be held together.
The world does not even understand the events which are taking place right now. What it sees as important will soon pass away, and what it overlooks will soon loom large on the horizon.
All events must be judged in terms of good and evil. A tiny seed, can contain much good or much evil and, when broken open, spreads the good or the evil. Such has happened with the pandemic, a tiny virus released upon the whole world.
The heart of the evil lies in the hatred which Satan has for the Woman. From the very beginning his “no” was directed at her, as he saw the divine plan of making her the Queen of Angels and Saints. This brought forth his decision, not to serve and to the form his own dark kingdom.
Now, he sees the Father’s plan for the Final Hour and the Final Battle, what he has tried to avoid for centuries, the fulfilling of the words, “I will set an enmity between you and the Woman.” He does not want to confront her and does all he can to keep her off the scene, knowing that when she assumes her proper place in the Church that the Final Hour will begin and his final casting out will be at hand.