The world enters a new moment, still unable to grasp that it has always been a battlefield between the great adversaries – Satan and the Woman. The virus comes from human decisions taken in the greatest darkness and spreading this darkness everywhere. The Woman is limited, not by Satan but by her children who do not know the mysteries. All must be unveiled. All must see her in battle array, waiting to be invited to come. Until then, the darkness has no antidote.
Just as the Book of Wisdom was written by a pious Jew reflecting upon the Old Testament, so these little thoughts about Our Lady come from reflections upon all of the Marian apparitions with their messages.
The evidence will grow until all are convinced that we live in special times, chosen by God for the Age of the Woman. World-wide difficulties and world-wide apparitions go together. There is no coincidence. Foreseeing the new plight of mankind, (what will happen in these days due to man’s sins), the Father has prepared the Woman, Mother of His Son and star of the Sea. In the coming darkness, her light will illumine every heart that seeks her help. These are the secrets of the Age of Mary.
The powerful river of God’s saving actions flows out abundantly, but many do not believe and others seek their salvation in other ways. These waters must wait, held back by the human walls which determine the flow of history.
How will these waters come to earth? Through the heart of the Woman. How will she act? By raising up her special sons and daughters, flooding them with gifts and sending them forth. They will be a sign to the world, bringing the Woman’s message, and awaiting the flow that always happens when people believe. Her living waters will wash the whole world and prepare for the heavenly Father but they are received only by those who believe in the Age of Mary. The great gift demands great faith to receive.
The signs are everywhere. Easy to read. The world will be changed. Life will not be as before. No one yet sees or understands the full extent of this transformation.
All is a preparation for what must come, a first step into the secrets of Medjugorje (and other places) where the Woman has placed the treasures of her light. Soon, they will come forth, not in the awkwardness of a virus, but in the noon-day clarity of her prophetic words. The Father will gather up all those who allow her words to live within.
As the Father purifies earth, the Woman gathers her children. For decades, she has spoken the warnings and given her commands. Few have listened and few have sent forth her words so that others would listen. The purification can be pushed back only a little while longer. How urgent her pleas. She will act in even more extraordinary ways before the final cleansing so that all have some opportunity to come to her.
Who can stop the tides? Who can still the oceans? Even man, with his great powers, cannot conquer the waters. Only the Lord can say “Be still”. So it is with the future events. Man will have no power. Only those who listen to the Woman, who obey her word, will have the power to change the events and save those who can be saved. How urgent these moments. Who understands?
Suddenly, the breaking through. The building weakened by sin and corruption suddenly collapses. Too late to be saved. This is the democratic party which has totally abandoned the unborn and even those born against the will of the mother. The collapse is so imminent.
Like a gigantic wave, overpowering everything in its path and refusing to return to the sea until its forces are spent. Such will be the events, changing the world and causing mankind to see its powerlessness. Forcibly placed into helplessness, the human race will see clearly the need to repent. Some will heed the call and others will not.
All events, good or bad, happen at the right moment. The Father guides everything – so the good events bring forth the greatest harvests and the evil events both have their least power and open the door to the greatest blessings. Was this not so in the fullness of time when Satan had the Lord of glory nailed to a tree? Such is every event. All serve the Father’s plan.
The fullness of the mystery is held back. Only the messengers go forth to announce its coming. Some bring evil, symbols of Divine Justice. Some bring untold blessings, never seen before in the Church, signs of God’s love. Other messengers will follow quickly, one after the other, until the great mysteries of both iniquity and of the Woman must begin. Then, the great events will happen, all interlocked and each having its own time.
When the seals are broken, the great events will begin, establishing the reign of the Lamb who was slain, an era of new life but brought forth in the full pains of childbirth of the Woman. She, chosen by the Father, as the creature meant to bring forth His Son, has also been chosen for this era. All who want to be born again, quickly and successfully must understand. This is the Age of the Woman giving birth.
The hour has come. The mysteries revealed to many will unfold. The world will be taken on a totally new course, not willingly but by force of the events which it cannot control. It will be an age of despair for those whose hearts are set upon the world and an age of faith for those who believe. The believers must gather, support one another, and pray so that the events bring about the Father’s will quickly. Otherwise, many will be lost.
The cleansing of the world has begun but the call to repentance has not gone forth. Why are voices not raised that call God’s people to come to Him on their knees? The virus spreads unchecked because the spiritual means to halt its progress are set aside. How great will be its destroying power.
The Church is not prepared for the events because the Woman’s pleas have sat by the way-side, able to heal a wounded Church and give salve to blinded eyes. Instead, only a few have wandered to the roadside and found the light and power contained in living her messages.
Only when a pope places her words on the candlestick will the Church have the needed light and power. Until then, the evils will continue to corrupt Christ’s Mystical Body.
How carefully the Woman must guide her chosen souls and with what great attention they must listen to her. The times are dangerous, filled with perils that never existed before and moving into a future filled with complete darkness with faith as its only light. The darkness will be so complete that many will think there is no hope. The little ones will walk in the light given them by the Woman.
Who stands in the way of divine Justice? Who holds back the fires that purify? The chosen souls, the little ones, placed before the heavenly Father by the Woman who herself has prepared them for this task and explained to them their task – to rescue the whole world so that God’s Justice is mitigated by His Mercy.
A moment will come when all will stop. God will manifest His majesty and holiness, a moment when Divine Justice shines and all mankind must acknowledge His presence. Free will is suspended because God’s light reveals all the hidden darknesses. All must look. All will see, willing or not. Then, the return to normal consciousness, followed by free decisions to accept or to reject this light. God has had His moment of intervening. Now, He returns free will to His creatures.
Time moves ever more quickly, rushing to that moment when the darkness invades the light, believing its time for conquering has come. No human force can withstand its onslaught. All will be feared lost.
Gathered in Mary’s heart will be the small portion of people who have responded to her word. These will offer to others that they too can find shelter. How few will know how to respond.
The Father has given to Mary the key to the door to His secrets. She, alone, can open the door, a privilege given to her for this moment. When she opens, the victory over Satan begins and when she opens fully, the victory becomes complete. She has this privilege of opening the door because she opened her womb to the Holy Spirit.
Everything always remains in the Father’s hands. Even though the human will remains free to choose, He never surrenders His sovereign power. Instead, he plunges earth and human history into His mysteries, so His plan for earth comes forth. Opening our eyes by faith, we can see all the events of every day leading to the moment when Jesus returns. Blessed is the person who can live by faith and see clearly what is happening. The Kingdom is coming forth.
The night contains the mysteries of a new heavens and a new earth brought forth by the creative hand of the Father, which must weep away the old before bringing about the new. Only faith can see His plan amid the destruction that will take place but the just man lives by faith.
The night comes quickly when no one can walk except those hidden in Mary’s heart. So, she goes everywhere, crying out in the streets, “Turn here while there is still light, for the darkness comes when no one will see where to walk.” The little ones hear and resume again their devotions and their simple trust in her, not realizing how close they had come to having no light at all.
The cleansing is long overdue. Why the delay? God’s wisdom oversees all things and reaches from one end of the earth to another, encompassing past, present and future in one eternal glance, providing for each soul while keeping in mind the common good. All His actions flow from a Father’s loving heart, especially the sending of Jesus. When the time comes, He will act swiftly and decisively. Until then, the time of mercy predominates.
The time is short and the events will quicken, each one more powerful, more widespread, and in many cases, more destructive. Who will issue the call to prayer and repentance while the time is still opportune? The Woman has put forth this divine invitation and it is still possible to save many. All must listen.
The world is headed into a great mystery, planned by the Father for all ages, a new Redemption when Mary pours out Jesus’ blood and purifies the earth. The Father has entrusted His Son’s blood to her from whose body the blood was taken. How sacred was Mary’s blood, totally sinless, but how much holier and more powerful when her blood became God’s blood. This blood has now been returned to her with her new task.
The night will come quickly, entrapping all in its darkness, far beyond the power of man to cast out. One light will shine – the purest heart of Mary, the enclosed garden, where Satan’s darkness has never entered. Blessed are all those who find their way into that heavenly portal.
What will it take to reverse the tide of human life, which seeks its own destruction? Only God’s power can turn back the evil forces so deeply entrenched. He must act and His people must be ready. Otherwise, the moment will be lost.
How powerful has the world’s voice become, drowning out the tiny whispers of the Spirit in each heart, forcing all to walk the road of darkness, like an army led by commands and stripped of all free will.
To rescue the world, the heavenly Father has rendered His judgment. He will save what can be saved and rescue what can be rescued from the damage inflicted upon creation by mankind. All will be done in His infinite wisdom, without removing each person’s free will. He has established the Woman, and given her the role of saving her children. The events have already begun. People see the shifts in nature. More important are the divisions and the hatreds, separating, dividing and setting at enmity. Even more important are the weapons of mass destruction being accumulated every day by those claimed by demonic hatred. The age of the Purification has begun, the beginning stages. When will the Woman be properly exalted so she can fulfill her task of rescue?
Many explosions will burst forth but these are not the Father’s interventions. They come from sinfulness placed in nature by man’s own evil. The Father’s interventions are quite different. His presence covers a certain part of His creation and removes the evil, leaving behind life that can flourish now that it is purged.
What lies ahead is for the fall and the rise of many. The powerful will collapse and the little ones will be strengthened. Anger and fear will triumph in many hearts. Only those who know the secrets of the Woman’s Immaculate Heart will not succumb to the trials. All must learn these secrets and put them into practice before the deluge.
A time of upheaval but few understand what is happening. Satan is trying to remove those whom God would want in place. Both see future decisions. Both want those decisions made by people who belong to them. What is now is important for what will come. Those chosen for leadership will be the future instruments of either God or Satan, depending on whom they pay allegiance. How important are these present choices.
The scepter of authority lies in the Church, given primarily to Peter. Although it is good to listen, the teaching gift comes from above, not from below, as if gathered from the collected wisdom. The Spirit Himself guides the Church and those who hold its offices of teaching. They cannot renounce this gift. It clings to them by their very office and they must shine its light.
The world leaders do not bend their knees to the Lord of Lords, so they trip and fall, making serous mistakes and drawing the world under the power of Satan (who also refused to adore Him). The Father has given to the Woman this great task of bringing world leaders under the Lordship of Jesus. Those who obey will remain in power. Those who refuse will be cast down from their thrones.
How long can the world remain on this course until the Father intervenes with Divine Justice? Only the powerful warmth of Mary’s heart can melt the frozen wills that refuse to believe in God and rescue the world from God’s wrath.
All other solutions will fail. They are too weak and filled with their own darkness. She is ready to come. Her Second Hour began over a century ago, but few respond. Her voice must grow louder, refusing to be drowned out by worldly clamor.
Humanity sinks under the weight of its sins, constantly testing the patience and mercy of the Father until the moment comes when only Justice can save. How the Father tires to avoid that moment, purifying by revealing hidden sins, bringing darkness into the light. This way can only purify some aspects. Other parts, saturated with evil, having no part in the Father’s plan and presenting great obstacles, must be destroyed. These strongholds of sin must be pulled down, no matter what the cost.
Like a knife which cuts keenly and quickly, so will the Father’s actions. He will tear down the false altars and destroy the images made to glorify man. He will raise up new models, shaped by Mary’s hands. They will lead the nations into light. They will be in every field – secular and religious. First, must come the purifying moment of illumination, followed by the time of repentance. How important will be the time following the Warning. All will depend on how man responds and how well the Church understands her great opportunity. Unfortunately, many preparations will not be in place.
The storm clouds gather, are dispersed and gather again. The people are lulled into a false security. Humanity has lived for so long a time with the nuclear threats yet nothing has happened. No urgency is sensed. No call to prayer and penance.
Only when the clouds begin to pour out the rain will people awaken but by then Satan will have conquered his millions.
The Church sleeps, concerned with its own crises. Quickly, two events will happen. The events will begin that purify the world. Second, the Woman will rule the Church through the one she has chosen.
(Iran Attack) Clamoring on every side but the big issues facing the world are once again postponed due to God’s mercy. The wrong step would have placed the whole world on a path of nuclear destruction. How many times this has happened in the past. Now again, although few realized the importance of this moment. Calm for now but nothing was settled. The same dangers and dangerous persons are still on the world scene.
Mary holds the Middle East in her heart but evil has so penetrated those cultures and hatred nourished for centuries that spilling blood cannot be avoided. Only for a much later time, after God’s intervention and purifying, will the hatred be washed away.
Now there exist only secondary remedies which limit the blood shedding and protect the innocent. Who will come and lay down their life, as Jesus did, a person of great stature filled with love for all, offering himself as a victim of peace. Only then will the hatred become love and be washed away in forgiveness and trust.
The first steps to the inevitable war have been taken. The path will be longer but war will be the outcome because the world has not listened to the Woman. She will gather her children and prepare them so they remain loyal to her and do not lose their faith. She will also protect their loved ones but others will be caught up in the evils that will be unleashed.
The spotlight shines on the nerve center, Iran, where Russia’s evils have been stored for many years. The war of words will continue but the full-scale conflicts will not happen. This is meant for a later date, when the stakes are even higher and the very existence of Israel is on the table. Then, the Woman will intervene with extraordinary measures which are now only in the preparatory stage. Yet, some serious wounds can be inflicted even now. Although Trump’s presidency will be questioned, he will emerge with his candidacy intact.
The evil in Iran has surfaced and begins to pour out. They are seeking ways to control the Middle East and to drive America into the sea. The forces are unequal. America with firepower and Iran with people and atomic weapons.
Understand how explosive is this situation, how quickly the fires could spread and how many be engulfed, but if the fire cannot be contained in the Middle East, it will flow out to Europe. The hatred will spew out of their mouths but it is the weapons which are important.
Mary speaks for the sake of the little ones, whom she will guide in these coming events. Some will die, with great faith. Others will persevere in the light. Satan will have no hold on them.
Mary will group them together so they help one another, like the early-day martyrs. They will be a sign to the unbelievers and some will join their numbers. All will be purified and the Church will be a shining light, reflecting Jesus’ heart.
What will happen after this beginning purification? A battle will begin, with great numbers belonging to the Evil One and just a valiant few fighting under Mary’s banner. The few will win the victory by their suffering. By patient endurance, they will bring forth a new creation.
What will be the outcome? Where will all these events lead? Is there hope for a world so enmeshed in evil? The heavenly Father has a stake in what will happen. Jesus has redeemed every person in the world. The Holy Spirit deserves peace! All three Divine Persons constantly act to prevent these evils. They have chosen Mary, as their surprise instrument, to confront these problems. She will more and more dominate the world scene. Her secrets, once revealed and fulfilled, will be like Heaven’s words heard by all.
There will be new moments of heavenly intrusions. The world will separate into two groups, those open to her light and those dedicated to the darkness. Then the battle begins, and her words will guide every step.
The world is a time-bomb, ticking and waiting to go off. No one understands, all is superficial – meetings and treaties, arms buildup and sales, and forming new alliances. Where is the voice that should go forth, a voice that can calm the passions and turn the world to God?
That voice belongs to Mary and she is hoarse from speaking and discouraged from so few listening. She has filled the Church with her promises and begged Catholics to know her ways, but only a few have listened. If her word cannot open hearts then the Events will suddenly be a new moment when the powers of blindness, and hard-heartedness will be broken. In this moment, Mary’s Church must be ready, because it will be just a moment.
Mary turns her heart farther to the future, the unseen part of the road, strewn with death and warfare, a path of great darkness which, even at this moment can be avoided if her people turn to her in prayer and penance.
Mary must move more quickly, lifting up those whom she has chosen and formed, a new army of the Immaculata, not limited to one congregation, but spread throughout the Church in various positions of leadership. They hold the key to unlock the gifts still enclosed in her heart. These priests and laity of the Immaculata are everywhere. They need only a leader to call them forth.
What evil is planted comes forth but sometimes with a limited harvest, because of Mary’s plans concerning these seeds of evil. Will evil reap a tremendous harvest, which covers the whole world or a limited harvest, affecting only those nations which have sown the unrest? All is still to be decided.
How dangerous is this time but so inevitable? The seeds had to come forth but what harvest results will depend on those making the decisions. The Church still does not call the Woman forth onto the battlefield. That will happen but it will be late.
The beginning events rise to the surface. Tensions everywhere. Great shifts among the leading powers. Military deployments opening new wounds, with no peace table to calm the emotions or ease the tensions. World leaders control nothing. A casual incident can suddenly light the fuse of Syria which will explode in Iran and all over the Middle East. The powerful nations will need to rush in, but no one will be clear about their goals.
How Mary sorrows. All the destruction which will result. Satan has plotted this road of fires that will quickly multiply.
How great are the divisions between nations which were formerly closely joined, growing gaps come from lies spoken so easily. Dividing those who should be joined in unity is Satan’s first step. He can perceive that future moment when unity would be so important.
The future crises will be solved by nations which are united. But in those moments, the needed unity will have vanished. What should stand firm, bolstered by fraternal bonds, will, falter and be unable to respond. What has happened to the union among European nations and between Europe and America? This weakening invites the enemy, welcomes their intrusion and prepares for their victory. Can Europe be saved? Only by repentance and by reestablishing its union with America.