Just as the Book of Wisdom was written by a pious Jew reflecting upon the Old Testament, so these little thoughts about Our Lady come from reflections upon all of the Marian apparitions with their messages.


Soon, the evil will burst forth in the Middle East.  The fuse will be lighted in Syria but the destructive powers lie in Iran.  Russia unites their evils, protecting them from the West and insuring their resources to survive.

What an evil relationship of death!  All three hearts are complicit, feeding one another.  Russia is the storehouse of all evils, its soil has been consecrated to the Evil One and soaked in the blood of its own citizens.  The Woman must touch Russia’s heart, lifting this darkness and recalling her to full communion with the Catholic Church.  She must set aside an Orthodox Church which has compromised and cooperated with evil for so many decades.  She can perform her surgery of the heart only after her request for Russia’s consecration is fulfilled and the Church embraces the First Saturday devotion.  Until then, Russia will spread its errors, especially in the Middle East.

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Europe totters but does not collapse unable to pay its own debts.  The greater burdens are its loss of faith, its secular foundations (which are no foundations at all) and the Muslims that it welcomed for so long because of a refusal to have large families.

These systemic evils weaken its fabric and remove all walls of protection.  Europe now sits like a defenseless maiden waiting to be captured by a Muslim who has lusted for her for centuries.  Who can protect her?  These are foreign invaders who already live within her borders and who beckon thousands of others “Come over and help us”, not to preach but to destroy the gospel.  Nevertheless, Mary does not forget the missionaries which Europe has sent forth and the great saints that have arisen from her.

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Mary must reveal many more secrets which lie in her heart until all are manifest.  Time is already moving along.  Each day sees new divisions, new weaknesses, a greater growth of evil and a quicker approach of the release of the evil.

Where is this taking place?  The United States is torn by political divisions which will not be united as in the past.  America has entered a permanent state where the two parties cannot and will not cooperate.  This will sap America’s strength, like a constant fever, making her unable to respond to national and international problems.  Why is this happening?  America has renounced the rights of the unborn and has destroyed the definition of marriage.  So, let the house be divided.    Only repentance can unite and America feels no need to renounce these sins.  Blessed are those who cling to the light of truth.  They are Mary’s children.

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Too quickly, even for words to describe. So much will be swept away in those beginning moments, followed by human attempts to restore order. These beginning moments will be followed by other shocks and bring about a new stage of mankind.

Mary is speaking now of the early moments. She does not speak of despair. She speaks of new hope. She constantly says “the beginning moment”, although coming from the Evil One, will usher in her hour just as Satan’s crucifying Jesus ushered in Jesus’ hour. Those who believe will see. Fortified by the gospel stories, they will understand her words. The events will happen again, not with Jesus but with the Church. This will be her hour, the hour of Cana, when she brings forth for the world (by Jesus’ power), a new wine, the choicest of wines.

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The time is close at hand but few see this. As Jesus said, the world continues to eat and drink, buy and sell, marry and give in marriage as if the world will continue to go along.

No. History will stop. There will occur a discontinuity, a sharp breaking with the past, a before and after moment, when so much of the past is left behind. For this very reason, the Father has commanded Mary to come upon the scene. But what has happened? She comes, but is not welcomed. She speaks, but few listen. Her messages are unknown to most of the world and to many in the Church.

The Church continues on, ministering in a darkness which the Woman could easily lift. The situation is drastic and so she must act. Mary must bring great changes while it is still light, while reserving those greatest favors until the appointed time, as already announced to the visionaries.

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The Evil One will not stop, always spreading his destructive fires everywhere. Where he finds cooperation, he is able to bring forth destruction. Such is the country of Venezuela where he controls those who lead that nation. Let Venezuela be your warning. Satan’s actions there are a preview of what he hopes to accomplish in every nation, according to each country’s unique evil. One by one, nations will fall into the dark fires which they have accepted for years.

What kind of purification lies ahead? A purification brought about by destructive forces or the purification which comes through a Church which accepts Mary’s holy fires, the flames coming from her heart? Mary’s flames are the most gentle of all.

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Some heavenly events will move the human race along Mary’s path to victory. These movements of the Father must be welcomed, received and acted upon. The Church, by herself, will not have the light to see, the strength to act or the courage to persevere. She must enter a new stage of overwhelming humility. Seeing that her past history has been filled at times with an arrogance of self-sufficiency.

Jesus promised that the gates of hell would never destroy the Church and He sent the Holy Spirit to guide the Church, but humans actions have taken center stage, relegating Mary’s lights to the sidelines, where their power and influence greatly diminish. The beginning events will humble the Church, and throw light upon this self-sufficiency. Only when she clearly has no other choice, will she become open to Mary’s gifts. It will be late, very late, but Mary will act immediately to pull the Church along the right path.

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In the modern era, a single person can bring forth hell’s fires and unleash worldwide destruction. Therefore, Mary is so active. The Father has made her Queen of earth to bring forth life not death. Let every heart understand. The whole world is at stake and the future of the Catholic Church lies in the balance. Mary’s word has gone forth but has been muffled. This will end. Soon, she will be free to shout from the housetops, “Follow me to life and victory”.

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Mary has revealed future events to the Medjugorje visionaries and their dates. Before these events, she will send more messengers. Why will these be rejected when their words must be heard? The Church must place these lights on the candlestick so they shine everywhere.

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Heavenly blessings flow like a tiny stream because human hearts are too small. Although Mary has spoken of blessings and chastisements, no one repents. So, she must go to the byways and bring in the thousands. When they gather in praise, heaven can pour out blessings as a mighty river.

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The future will have three types of events: events of darkness leading many to despair, events of heaven, offering light to those ready to listen and extraordinary events, light for believers and non-believers. During these events Mary’s children must see her invitations and not be overcome by fear. It will be a long time from the beginning events until the final victory when the world is transformed and all see Mary as the Woman, chosen by the Father.

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Our Lady speaks of a world with two powers–a world which Satan will claim as his own and a world filled with her presence and power. In this situation, the Church must act quickly, no longer able to waste time in approving Marian interventions. Otherwise, the door to these powers will quickly close and Satan will lead the Church into darkness.

If the Church has not yet fully opened the Fatima gift, how can it open these newer gifts? The Church must take a new stance–opening Mary’s gifts as soon as she dispenses them.

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Satan does not realize Mary will come forth from the Father’s heart, bringing Jesus’ power to the world in unheard of magnitude. When Satan rises to the height of his powers, he will become vulnerable but the Church must rise to its greatest faith to win the victory. There will be 3 stages. Mary will give great signs, to send forth. She will then lessen the signs, so the Church can practice faith. Finally, all will be silent, as if she had abandoned and forgotten her own words. Then, she will lift up her anointed one and the battle will begin.

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Millions of blessings are withheld every day because men’s hearts are not turned to heaven. However, when the worldwide events begin, God will respond with the Divine Illumination. All will see their sins but retain their free will. They will need the Woman who said “Yes”, these will be her beginning gifts in a long difficult struggle.

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In these hundred years, many Fatima graces have gone forth–saving the life of Pope John Paul II and averting nuclear war, but the deep changes of Fatima are reserved for a future time of world-shaking events. What should have already happened peacefully will be gained by a different path.

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The future events will come like lightning crashing upon the scene and sweeping away invincible structures. At this moment, the Woman will come because the foolish voices have been silenced, the moment she was waiting for, a silence never heard before, a second fullness of time.

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Jesus placed gold coins in Mary’s heart and told her to “trade until I return”. As a faithful servant, she has multiplied these riches and Jesus has told her, “Distribute these coins”. So she travels all over the world, ready to distribute them, but she needs a pope to whom she will give the sword of faith to cut open her heart so they pour out. After that, no one can frustrate Jesus’ plan for His mother’s Immaculate Heart.

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Mary has many safe paths, hidden from the Evil One but revealed to those who believe and love one another. In distressful times which lie ahead Mary wants her children joined by charity so the Evil One cannot enter. Because their hearts are open to each other, they will also be open to her special lights revealing her paths.

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Because of Mary, the Church will be like the Israelites in Egypt, enjoying light while all else is in darkness. Through the Church, Mary will send her light into a secular world bathed in darkness. There will be new missionaries and martyrs offering again to the world a fresh invitation to believe.

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There will be a new “fullness of time” just as there will be a “second hour” because the Father placed new life in Mary’s heart. The Church will become blind and sit by the wayside, crying out, “Mother of Jesus, have pity on me”. The Church will see again , with new faith and follow Mary to Jerusalem for the second fullness of time.

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As the world breaks with the past, the lifelines of faith must stay intact, conserved by a Church which believes in the Age of Mary. When the old lights are swept away, Mary will place new hopes in those who believe. Her riches and blessings are secure in her children’s hearts.

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Years ago, the Arab revolts broke out. All were over quickly, except for Syria. This revolt has destabilized the region as Russia, Iran and Syria have come together. This will ignite the Middle East explosion.

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All sins are buried in history and in the hearts of people. Will they be released by a careful surgeon removing a tumor or will they pour out like contagious waste? Who grasps this crossroad of human history? Mary has alerted many and promised to intervene by signs and wonders, but all must climb the mountain to see her glory and receive her power.

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This wrenching time of great convulsions happens because mankind is sick from accepting signs and must vomit out these evils, the greatly weakened body must be helped. But many forces will rush in, to take advantage of the weaknesses.

This is the moment for Mary’s entrance. Her apparitions will take on new light. How well the Church responds will determine the fourth moment when good and evil clash.

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Although darkness will win many early victories, Mary’s children will enjoy a special hope, knowing that she will come as the Woman. First, she will raise up powerful voices of unquestionable integrity. Secondly, large groups and new movements will spring up in response. Third, her priests will consecrate themselves and her Church will turn fully to her. She will begin her heavenly interventions, building new walls of protection for the faithful. All must remain close to her, leaving little margin for error.

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Mary’s external prodigies and internal blessings will fill the Church and her children. Mary will raise up true voices so people will not be confused. It will be the new Era of the Woman, but much will be demanded to gain victory. When economic systems shake and when false leaders gain power, Mary will light new fires in the Church and fill the whole world with her presence.

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Mary reveals her plans to her little ones so her powers come forth. These little ones are scattered everywhere. They are the new Israel through whom all the nations will be blessed. Even they do not understand the world-wide role Mary has for them. Through them, her promises will resound in the Church.

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As Satan tries to cast the world into total darkness, he will be surprised by these new lights. In the Second Hour, the Father will again use Satan to bring about the final Age of Mary. All must understand or else they will be like the apostles, confused at Jesus’ death. Her children must learn these new powers, new lights and new voices.

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Mary will raise up a new Church, guided by her priest son. She will also raise up thousands of voices anointed with charismatic gifts, true guides who will serve her people. Because of the darkness, Catholics will respond, not as before when they rejected her graces. She will fill the world with a thousand lights shining from her Church.

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Mary will make her greatest intervention in history, forming her armies of peace. Her worldwide apparitions prepare for her future actions. Let all keep their eyes on her for she will send lights to the end of the earth. With these powers, she will set the Church on a new road that will not swerve from her path to peace.

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When the walls no longer hold back the flood waters, Mary will act. Up to now, she has revealed her messages. She will begin in the Church with those who have listened to her. By their responding, Mary will soon have all the Church turned to her. This will shift the balance of power

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History will soon come to the center of evil which are the hearts prepared by Satan who correctly see themselves as able to change the course of history, sharing with Satan in destroying the human race.

Mary does all she can to prevent this but she can use only those who follow her word.

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Mary must confront the very center of evil because Satan has raised up his instruments to the highest positions. In a given moment, Satan will have them act in collusion (one nation could not do this alone). Their first action will be followed by others, many nations trying to gain a new ascendency but Mary has prepared America, now surprisingly turned to the light.

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Mary sorrows as she sees her children entering a new darkness which they do not understand. She must concentrate on purifying the Church from the dark evils that have entered. Much suffering and ridicule will come but Mary is purging her Church as easily as possible.

Then, she will breathe new life which cannot be stolen. The Church will remember the trials that prepared for the new light.

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The Church must be like Noah and, in faith, seek the heart of Mary as its Ark where their is a new fire which she wants to place in everyone’s heart. Otherwise, all will be swept away.

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Church leaders must have full confidence in Mary, knowing that this is her Second Hour . Setting aside its prerogatives, the Church must become a child looking only to its mother. Her road will demand sacrifices while other roads seem less demanding. the Church’s decision to accept her priest-son will open the door to unimaginable light.

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Minor collapses will allow the full forces of Iran to come forth. This first effort will be blunted but history will move toward other events which Mary has already revealed.

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Only a Church living by faith is ready for new blessings, such will be Mary’s new lights which will require much sacrifice. All must be new–the blessings, the leaders and the sacrifices as the Church goes from one favor to the next.

Soon the gifts of Fatima and Medjugorje will open. The Church must accept these favors without long debates.

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These fires will reveal the truth–what is of gold and what is of straw. The bishops are important and the golden bishops will strengthen their people. The Church itself will lose many members but the purified remnant will invite many. By this time, the first three secrets of Medjugorje will be fulfilled.

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The graces falling from Mary’s heart must be accepted because the times of trial can no longer be delayed. As this begins, Mary will quicken the pace, lift up her messengers and have their voices grow louder and clearer.

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Those who will bring about this second hour are in place, especially Iran backed by Russia. Before this happens, smaller events will occur to distract attention from Iran’s actions against Israel. The first incursion will not seriously cripple Israel but will be a sign that Mary’s Second Hour has begun.

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During these 100 years, Mary would have taken the world by a different path but the revelations have been put aside for other goals. Now, she has spoken in places other than Fatima and has re-established her role. She has readied the Church. It is not all that she hoped for but sufficient to send forth her light when the events begin.

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Mary speaks urgently because the beginning events come into view like actors taking their place on the stage—Russia (the head), Iran (its faithful servant) and Israel (its target). What would happen by a destruction of Israel? A new rise in terrorism and a call to the young to pursue Mohammed’s militant goals. Jerusalem is the center of God’s plan for worldwide peace.

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When the events begin, the Church will realize that its light has little to offer amid such darkness. In these moments, Mary will come with surprising light and take her place. Blessed are those who gather and walk with her.

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Iran with its population and military strength will not accept the present situation. Totally bent upon its demonic actions, Iran has received a flood of new money from a blinded America. When Iran makes its move, the whole world will shift and Mary’s words will take on a greater clarity.

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When the darkness comes, Mary will give the Church a new role. Because the Church is ignorant of her plan, she will reveal her secrets which the Father has placed in her heart. Even now, Mary sends light through her messengers but this future light will become a far greater reality than what she grants now.

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Mankind will enter a new moment when the human race could be forever changed by the total desolation—the complete opposite of the Father’s dream and an irreversible victory of Satan. The existing weapons need only fall into the wrong hands, the instruments of Satan. As the events begin, that moment will come into view as Mary’s path to peace also appears.

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