Just as the Book of Wisdom was written by a pious Jew reflecting upon the Old Testament, so these little thoughts about Our Lady come from reflections upon all of the Marian apparitions with their messages.


A darkness lies at the heart of the Church which must be replaced by Mary’s light, because Satan has seduced so many, even in high places. Over the centuries, great crimes have been committed, even the murder of popes, leading to a growing darkness which has never been dispelled.

To purify the world, Mary needs a purified papacy, the reason the Holy Father will be martyred. His death will not be the culminating victory but the final moment of preparation for the battle.

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Satan looks forward to the moment when he releases his evils. How often Mary has foiled his plans! She delays his plans so her children can prepare. For over a century, Mary has planted her seeds, which will find new soil in people’s hearts. More important, a weakened Church will enter a short period of time when Mary clothes the Church in her light, making it ready for Satan’s full force, The Second Hour.

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The world must live in a truth which calls for repentance. America was built upon truth but so many lies have been accepted. Yet, America can be purged and live again. In Europe, some countries still possess truth. Others have followed human enlightenment. They will fall, jeopardizing the European Union.

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This was to be the year when Mary would lead the world to tables of peace. Instead, there will be uncontrolled floods of evil. Then, people will begin to listen to her. As the wars break out and the children are not prepared, many will begin to listen to the Woman.

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The Evil One has weakened so many societies that have been built on God’s word. Now, they are ready to topple into debts. When this happens, Mary will still be in the wings with an army much smaller than Satan’s. However, she will triumph because her children will listen only to her, even if it costs them their lives.

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Mary wants to unify the Church’s forces so the war can be won. To accomplish this, the Holy Father and bishops must see her as the Woman Clothed With the Sun, a title lived out at Fatima. Whoever marches under her banner will be safe. Whoever chooses another will falter.

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The Woman has not been silenced. She speaks in great apparitions and privately to so many souls. Their testimonies coincide. They speak of both worldwide cataclysms and heavenly interventions which will purify the earth. Her final words always focus upon the Church becoming the only light in the darkness because it was the first to be purified.

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Two great forces will clash in human history. Neither will back down. The victory must be complete. Nothing like this has happened before.

Right now, each side gains partial victories, with each one preparing for the great battle which lies ahead. All Mary’s children must understand the need for reparation. The Woman raises up many movements which must go forth before the final battle begins. The time is short.

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With the Trump presidency, the fires hidden beneath the surface will come forth. They were not prepared for this sudden shift, so at first their efforts will be awkward, but later more subtle.

Still, one part of Mary’s plan has been put in place and the central purpose fulfilled—the dark powers no longer hold power.

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The trumpet has sounded in heaven for a call to arms but has not been heard yet on earth. Mary has sent legions of angels to confront these demons released by sinful, human choices.

Donald Trump’s presidency will be a turning point. Although filled with mistakes, he understands light and darkness and is willing to confront the forces of darkness. Such will be the years of his presidency.

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During the events, the Church must give words heard above the din. The Church cannot turn back. The heavenly Father must purify His creation. The path to peace still lies hidden in Mary’s heart. She will send her messenger who will show the way into her heart. Mary will confirm him by signs and wonders.

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Some visionaries know these events. Others know about the secrets. Most know nothing. The “secrets” will begin in the lifetime of most living today. They will affect all, good and bad. Their exact dates are known. The timetable for a purified world is settled.

The period of these events will be different from any other time in history but it is no time for despair. Right now, Mary must come close to her children so they will be ready.

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Turbulent waves will soon beat upon the shores. What will be left of human life? Will they purify or destroy? All depends upon the world inviting the Woman to lead. There are two future realities–the events and the surprising gifts in Mary’s heart. To the Church falls the task to study Mary’s mysteries and to lead the world into her heart.

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The kingdom of heaven and the kingdom of darkness are always at war, carried on in human hearts every day. Far more important is the human soul when it leaves this world, locked into good or evil forever.

Mary always has this vision before her eyes, trying to bring all to eternal birth. She strives to remove earth’s darkness because it leads so many into hell’s darkness. She cannot cease her labors.

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The causes of war vary but all war comes from Satan’s heart and nuclear war is his great hope. Now the world stands at the edge of such a conflict. Leaders are restrained by a force which they do not understand. Only when the full gift of Fatima comes forward, will the nations move away from the edge.

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The heavenly Father must purify the world in a purification of judgement or of love. When the Father sees Fatima, His heart melts. He sets aside His burning fire and uses the healing rays of the sun.

As the Woman Clothed With the Sun, Mary clothes her children each day. When fully clothed, she uses the person to clothe others. All those clothed by Mary will stand firm when the Father purifies the world by fire.

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For years, the Father has delayed this purifying of the Church but the delay has led to greater evils. So, the breaking forth must begin. The Church must see these purifications as the birth pangs bringing forth a new Church.

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Our Lady speaks of events to prepare the Church. The early events will happen this year to purify first the Church. These events of purifying the Church will increase in the three years following. These events are part of Fatima and the secrets not yet released.

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When the darkness arrives, Mary will give new lights from surprising sources. People will accept these lights if the Church speaks out quickly. The lights will be more powerful than any existing lights and Mary asks the Church to accept them so there are no delays. The modern world moves quickly.

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Persons truly dedicated to Fatima places their life in Mary’s hands allowing her to rescue them and even going ahead to remove obstacles. These souls abide in Mary, spread her glory, believe her words, they obey the Church and thirst for the sacraments. Family life flourishes and they welcome children. They belong to her and love her Fatima gifts.

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The great gifts will not come this year but if the Church lifts up Fatima, the graces of light will prepare for future years. The entire timetable is late,  and the Woman has delayed her coming on the scene.  The Fatima celebrations will allow the younger Catholics to hear the story retold.

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The world has so many hidden fires waiting to consume the whole world.  Mary has often poured out the Fatima words, limiting some wars and not allowing others to happen.  During this year, will the Church awaken to the full Fatima gift?  The world events will not wait.

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Mary, herself, has planned for many centuries, carefully leading each pope to the Chair of Peter for a specific length of time.  She will have Pope Francis serve the needed years and then, she will raise up a special Pope of Fatima.  He will bring Mary onto center stage and, by shedding his blood, will protect the Fatima gift for all time.

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Satan looks forward to the coming years when he initiates a series of events which are carefully linked. So many times, the Woman has foiled his plots (as preserving the life of Pope John Paul II).  So, there will be demonic destructions and Mary preserving the foundations of the Church.

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Jesus’ kingdom is implanted in human history, constantly attracting millions to say “yes”.  In the end, only Jesus’ kingdom will remain for Satan will be cast out.  Satan believes that this is his hour when he can cover over and bury the light of Jesus’ rising.

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When hidden evils break forth and can be seen, it is too late.  So much will be washed away.  In this anniversary year, Fatima will come more on the scene and people will thirst for its refreshing waters.  Even though the consecration of Russia will not take place this year, Fatima itself will come into the limelight.

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In the past century, Mary has sent messengers, telling the world how it must turn to her. Few listened and two world wars consumed so many lives. Now, the future is frightening, but seen by only a few to whom she has entrusted her secrets. In a few years, these secrets will be revealed because it is too late for any other course. Nothing else will rescue the human race or save the face of the earth. Such are the importance of these secrets and of the years immediately ahead.

This year will be the year of Fatima. Its graces will go forth and its protection will spread everywhere. This year will be Mary’s final invitation to fully live the basic messages, to enjoy its blessings and to walk its path. Those who listen will receive. After this year, the door will close.

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Evil unites people by a mutual selfishness as all cooperate for their selfish goals. Evil hates those who stand aloof and tries to destroy them.

The Father creates a different kingdom of self-sacrifice.  Human history is formed by the clash of these two kingdoms.  Now, after many decades, evil has hardened and subjected millions.  How can the Father break these systems apart so people can choose His kingdom?  These will be the events of the coming years.

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The human race shares a oneness but some have been called into Christ’s Body by their Baptism.  In the coming trials, Mary will reveal the church’s uniqueness.  The Father has accepted the sacrifice of Jesus and also those who believe in Jesus.  They have a new identity.  Because of these believers, the Father will not destroy the world but, in his ultimate mercy, will bring forth a purified Bride of Christ.  

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Because of daily sins, the pressure against the present structures is always increasing.  What was strong and firm weakens.  Only with the collapse do people realize the full effects of their decisions. What can Mary do?  She cleverly leads them on a different path.  She absorbs their attention and causes them to delight in her.  Suddenly, they set aside what is dangerous, and accept her gifts instead.  During this year of Fatima, Mary will come to all who invoke her, with her arms filled with gifts.  Only in this way, can she lead her children away from all that is dangerous.

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The heavenly Father created the human race that it might spread out over all the earth.  He placed longings which lead people to explore and to build new communities.  These powerful desires remain in man’s heart but are now touched by evil.  They must be purified without being destroyed.  How can this happen when every human heart carries this evil? 

This purification can happen in two ways – with the Woman or without the Woman.  The choice lies with human decisions.  All must see and welcome the Woman.  Otherwise, the purification will take place without her gentleness softening the suffering. 1

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Mary has held back these forces, constantly forestalling their destruction.  Satan is not pleased.  He had hoped to unleash his forces much earlier but she constantly thwarted his plans.  First, she raised her special son, St. John Paul to the papacy. She averted his death (May 13, 1981) and used that event to turn the pope toward the Fatima promises.  He took them into his heart and moved the Church more deeply into the rosary.

However, evil forces in the Vatican constantly blocked his path.  This is the present situation of the Church in this anniversary year.  Fatima has permeated the Church enough to have prevented the vast satanic breakthroughs which would have happened but the great victory which was promised has not come about.  Both the satanic evil and Mary’s full triumph have been postponed.  However, all of that is quite temporary.  All will begin to unfold this year (2017) but only the beginnings.

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Satan has so many people who have given themselves to his evils. These people are hidden and buried in every nation making daily decisions. They are unknown and faceless. Their names are not famous. Satan owns thousands of these people and they are important to him because if the leaders of nations follow the light, they will resist and if the leaders walk in darkness, they will speed the path.

The light has long ago been taken from their hearts because of sinful choices. Each day, they give themselves to darkness and receive their rewards, the pleasures, the power, and the titles that the world can give to them. If these thousands of people are purified, Satan will lose his power to execute his plans. Such is the great gift that can be accomplished only by the Divine Illumination.

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2017 will not be a glorious year of Fatima victory but a year of war and turmoil, leading into an even more destructive year of 2018. By then, all the world will know that the clock cannot be turned back to a more peaceful existence. President Trump will seem inadequate but, these events will go beyond the skills of any American president or any world leader.

Those who have heard Mary’s words will understand. Satan no longer has to hide, realizing that he will gain more by open warfare. Who will preside over the way to peace? Mary reserves this to the Church which listens to her voice and chooses her path of peace.

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A word must go forth, a strong and positive word, from the highest office in the Church, enlightening the world about what is to happen and how to receive the divine gifts which will pour out. Mary will guide that voice, filling his mind with every heavenly light and the heart with the deepest love. She will surround him with those who love, support and guide. She will gather others and their words will be listened to.

What a great future gift this will be to the Church and to the world. Into what great light Mary will immerse this gift. Now, she waits to bring forth this voice. It will not happen in 2017, but the events of this year will cry out for such a gift.

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2017 was meant to be a glorious year, filled with the manifest power of God bringing together all the nations in the greatest peace. Instead, it will be a year of terror, pain and death. The core of this bitterness will be Putin, constantly scheming to regain Russia’s lost glory in a new configuration of powers. China will come onto the world scene, believing that it must act soon to gain its goals and break out of its current restraints.

Iran will move quickly to claim Mideast superiority. Syria, backed by Putin, will continue to maintain control even though confronted by the rebels. Europe will continue to break open under all of its burdens weakened by its past decisions. America will experience many new divisions as the differences between the two political parties increase.

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Each event will test society. Life will change, sometimes dramatically. In time, all will realize what Mary has been declaring, that human history is being drawn into a center of evil by forces beyond its understanding.

Mary will stand outside of these events, her powers waiting to be unfurled. This was not the Father’s plan. The Fatima gift was meant to be widely received and bring forth flourishing devotion. Instead, in these 100 years, wars and weapons have come forth, rising debts and large armies. Yet, people’s hearts never seek Mary’s path to peace. Even the Church, to whom she has committed all her secrets, cannot grasp the importance of this 100th anniversary year and the sharp turn in the road that will begin in 2017.

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The forces will clash. The great evils placed in human history by man’s cooperation with Satan will come to the surface. Only in this way can they be cast out. When these evils crash upon the earth, the Church must be prepared by Mary’s three gifts, set firmly in place because they have been welcomed.

Mary will mobilize the Church and will teach the Church how to release the fullness of her powers. The Church will set aside its concerns about its prerogatives, privileges, financial resources and all the other questions that surround an institution. The Church must die to itself so it can cast out Satan, liberate the world from the great evils, and rise again to its full power. This will be the future Church but many will be the trials before that moment arrives.

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No human mind can see Mary’s path to peace and no human would choose to walk it. Therefore, Mary’s help must become extraordinary. Some glimpses of her special helps have been seen at Fatima, Medjugorje and other places. Let these be signs to all of what she says.

Mary will offer to everyone in the whole world a special divine light, given within each person. She will also give external signs and will raise up that special voice which will, with total clarity, describe what she is doing within each person and in the external signs. These three gifts of inner light, external signs and a clear voice will have the Church full as her foundation and Satan will not be able to topple this structure. All of this she will put in place very quickly, within the next few years, because after that will come the events and , without her threefold gift, no one could persevere.

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Russia is the primary focus of Mary’s Fatima promise. A hundred years ago, Russia was forced to follow a path which it did not choose. Since then, only evil has followed, which has totally shifted the course of history. Few see or grasp the importance of Russia, believing that its time of supremacy has passed. Satan chose to seize upon this nation which extends to two continents and to use its culture for his goals. With Putin, Russia is totally in Satan’s hands. Russia holds Syria and Iran in its hands and, through them, will continue to control the Middle East. Even with resources far less than America, Russia has become again a world power, regaining much of its former supremacy. Now, Putin wants to reestablish Russian dominance. With the Fatima Consecration of Russia postponed, Putin will win many victories in 2017.

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2017 will be the year of new beginnings, the two streams of Communism and Fatima will break forth in new directions. Putin and his allies in the Middle East will see this year as a fresh opportunity. Meanwhile, the Fatima stream will show surprising strength, for Mary will stir many hearts. She will plant new seeds in new fields. The message will be fresh and new, containing a youthful spirit, using this anniversary to call the whole world once again to Fatima’s power.

Let the power of Fatima be released so that 2018 finds the Church prepared for those events.

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What power can banish man’s self-centeredness and restore love to its rightful place?   Who can take the human race from one road and place him on another?    Imagine the magnitude of such a task!   Can this be done in the present order?   Not at all.    The wisdom and the power to bring this change are totally lacking.

So, mankind’s current path cries out for the heavenly intervention which the Woman has promised and described.    No other hope exists.    All of this will begin to unfold in 2017, the 100th anniversary of Fatima.    These 100 years have not brought forth the full fruitfulness but they have prepared a portion of mankind.     The others will begin to learn from what has been hidden until now.

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Beginning in the year 2017, Fatima will come to the foreground with its 100th anniversary.    Later, in 2018, Fatima will not fade.    The 100th anniversary will stay in people’s minds.    Questions will be raised. “What has the Church done in 100 years?     Has the Church heard and accepted the Fatima message?”

Fatima and all the apparition sites will have a united voice, asking for prayer, penance and reparation.    Later, Mary will then raise up a new voice, her priest son who can gather all these voices into a powerful message.      He will challenge the believers and call many to repentance.

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When the Father sends this Divine Illumination, the Church will wake from its slumber.   A new day will dawn.    She will belong once again to the Woman, locked firmly into her heart.   No longer will the Church wander after other loves or be drawn by other attractions.    This great union is important because, after the Divine Illumination, the war spoken of in Revelation (12:17), will break forth with all its fury.
Angry that the Church has escaped his grasp, Satan will fling all his resources into the greatest battles ever witnessed.   More and more events will happen within the Church that will solidify its oneness with Mary. There will be surprising decisions of light; also, events will shake the established structures of the world.    Both will combine for the final, preparatory gift, as the Woman raises up her priest son to the papacy.          He will consecrate Russia, declare Mary as Co-Redemptrix and prepare the Church to receive all the Father’s gifts.   The years of waiting will be over. Now the years of the great war can begin.

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Human history will be shaped by all the competing forces until that moment when the Father begins to intervene.   Mary is the modern day John the Baptist, preparing the way for Jesus’ coming in glory.   Her task is unknown even to the Church but revealed in words that will be fulfilled.
She is the Woman Clothed in the Sun whose full power and stature remain to be revealed.   She is the Woman of Cana, whose hour is about to dawn.   She is the Woman who stood at the cross and received the Church as her son.   She is Mary, the mother of Jesus, present at the first Pentecost.

These biblical images are well-known but Mary’s full role will come to light only as the Father intervenes.   She has already stepped out from the shadows of the previous centuries.   Slowly, the Father brought her forward. She has visited so many places and spoken with great authority.   Still, she waits to come forth as the Woman in battle array.   These are the future years and blessed will be that Church whose eyes remain firmly fixed upon what the Woman says and does.

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After the illumination, there will be a path which some will walk and others will not see or even reject.   People who join together in their search will find the path in their love for one another.    When love guides the heart, Our Lady always gives light.
There must also be confidence because, what has been hidden and repressed, will command attention. This is the purpose of the Illumination.
The Church will be important if it listens to its visionaries to whom this illumination has been revealed. The Woman has given them wisdom and their voices must be heard.

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The Woman must lead the Church into this mystery of Divine Illumination. She will give a warning, a clear message three days before this heavenly light enters every human heart.   Even more, she will prepare all who listen and act upon her words.
This enlightenment is both a gift and a trial, because what the light reveals is so extraordinary and so overwhelming.   Those who gather with others in faith will be the safest.    Their prayers will protect them from the evil one and their encouragement will provide the needed strength.

When Mary’s word goes forth that the day of Divine Illumination is to occur everything except acts of charity must be abandoned.   Those three days are holy and setting aside everything is a mark of faith and respect.   Then, Mary will show everyone what to do, enlightening each one how to join with others and be united in prayer.   The three days before the enlightenment will determine the effect of the gift itself.

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This moment of divine light will be a beginning manifestation to prepare everyone for the future events. As in the days of Noah, the heavenly Father has a detailed plan to bring the world to innocence.
This divine light will reveal the mountains of sin that reach to the heavens, and the great offenses that cry out for reparation.

Prepared by this light, the world will become ready for the great sign that Mary will place at Medjugorje. All will be able to see this sign, which will be known all over the world. This will be a time of a plentiful harvest that will find Mary’s grain bins prepared to receive them.

These are Mary’s beginning steps. Others will quickly follow.

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Everyone will be caught up in the divine illumination and will see their sins and the need to repent.   Life will then continue but human history will have been turned back to the Father.    A new path, surprising and unseen, will open up. All will retain their freedom to say their “yes” or “no”.

Satan will be confronted by a new divine power placed in the hearts of all who said their “yes”.    Even those who rejected the grace will find that the Father has placed a constant invitation to repentance which will be difficult to erase.

The great battle will still lie ahead. However, this divine illumination will have set the stage, the first step on the Woman’s path of victory.

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