Just as the Book of Wisdom was written by a pious Jew reflecting upon the Old Testament, so these little thoughts about Our Lady come from reflections upon all of the Marian apparitions with their messages.


Who can imagine the destructive powers which will be unleashed this year? Earth will be scorched. All will see the beginning of new trials. Nation against nation. People against people. Vengeance and hatred will capture so many hearts. This will be a greater evil than the physical destruction. Yet, the Woman waits. Not yet the time to come forth.

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Satan has placed his hand upon three world leaders – Russia, China and North Korea. He also has his hands upon the Hamas, and Hezbollah but their powers are limited.

He also has his hand upon Western leaders, unaware of the fatal consequences, who will soon abandon the Ukraine in its valiant struggle. Humanity will then come to the edge of worldwide conflict, with nuclear weapons always being an option.

The powerless Church will be walking in darkness, struggling with issues and deeply divided. The Woman can only look on, excluded from the mainstream, with few understanding her powers.

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Society’s destructive forces lay at its very center, in the hearts of so many, both leaders and followers. Abortion rights claim the hearts of the president. Nuclear threats claim the heart of Putin. World wide domination claims the heart of China’s leader. Many others, also, vie for attention.

Pope Francis wants to rally the forces of peace, but he cannot even unite the Church.  All is in disarray, subject to demonic forces, totally unaware of the Woman. Satan will control the world until the Woman takes center stage and more than just a few, understand the mystery which is still hidden.

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The world has nowhere to go. All the bridges have been burnt. All the decisions, for centuries, have been made. Yet, no one realizes that humanity and civilization have already arrived at this point. New strategies will not work. New ideas will have no power.

Only the Woman has the power to save the Church and humanity. She requires faith so she can teach the Church what to do and have the Church believe her word. Who has believed? Who will believe? They are the important questions.

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All is confusion, No voice rings out. The nations stumble. Satan rejoices, cleverly guiding those he has chosen, lifting them to high places. He spreads them everywhere, in all the centers of power and influence. They rise to the top, commanding positions of great influence, intoxicated by their powers and fully enjoying their position.

Little do they realize that they have sold their soul and that darkness covers their minds.

The Woman marks each of them, restraining their influence and placing her walls around them. Even so, they lead the world into a new phase of darkness.

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All will see the devastation but few will recognize the satanic source because humanity’s eyes are blinded to evil, calling evil good and good evil.

Only the Woman can save humanity from complete despair. Her word will bring new hope and her pope will release her new actions.

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The Woman sees all that is hidden because she has full access to the secrets of thinking. All is clear before her eyes, which weep so fully. Her beloved Church, her Son’s mystical body, suffers wounds everywhere. The lifeblood is drained off by the powerful world culture.

Only because she protects the life giving cells, does the Church continue. How great is the bleeding. How many the sores and infections! Satan gets ready for his final attacks, believing he can kill the Church. Many will believe that he has succeeded when the papal crisis seems insolvable.

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The Woman holds the whole world in her heart, always healing wounds and uniting divisions. But now, the Satanic powers are reaching their zenith. His time is short so he makes his final attempts to destroy creation.

The bombs will drop. All restraints will be thrown away. Defeat seems inevitable. Darkness everywhere. Great despair until the Woman acts. All must believe that this dark moment is the time of her Victory.

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The destructive powers are everywhere, controlled by so many world leaders. No one claims a hegemony. No one controls their flood. Weapons, small and great, pass from one leader to another. The world is an armed camp with many alliances. No longer can America control the world. The path of massive weapons now goes in so many directions.

The Woman foresaw this massive distribution of arms. So, she has planted her lights in every culture, some stronger than others, but still planted well in the hearts of her little ones.

When the destruction begins, these little ones will shine their lights in the great darkness. A total surprise for Satan. Then, the Woman will take other steps, still hidden, that will complete her worldwide response.

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The Woman must move quickly and her children must respond.  The world is being swept up in new fires of destruction, beyond any human control. Presidents and world leaders will look on helplessly. Fires burning on every continent at once.

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Humanity’s sins overflow the chalice and pour out freely upon the earth, destroying the soil and turning even more hearts to evil. Decay and rot destroy the fabric. Ties are broken. Friends become enemies. Violence everywhere.

Who can see what is to come? A humanity ill equipped to respond. A hopelessness never experienced before. Even the Church lies wounded by the wayside.

Who is the Good Samaritan? Who will pour out everything to save humanity. The Woman, for the second time, will offer her priest son in sacrifice. With his death, fresh anointings will pour out, reversing everything.

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Like unforeseen lightning, Satan will soon strike in other places, new wars and new conflicts, not as great as the Ukraine and Israel, but adding to their fires.

He rejoices! Fires everywhere and so many other regions left unprotected by sin. Leaders cherishing hatred in their hearts and seeking followers. Filled with illusions of great power. Ready to spread his fire. The Woman has only a small army but deeply dedicated. They carry a fire of peace, small and seemingly of little power. Yet, when placed on the lampstand, this fire will win the victory of peace.

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Not since the time of Noah has humanity been so threatened – not by water (created by God) but by fire created by man and controlled my man. Only the Woman has preserved earth from these fires. Only she has shielded the little ones and held back the aggressors. Now, the time is short. She must act quickly or the nuclear fire will fall from the heavens. So much needs to be accomplished so quickly. Leaders removed. New leaders raised up, but especially her pope. She must bring him quickly.

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All is shattered. Broken into pieces. Unable to be put together by human hands. The destruction will continue. A world built during the ages of faith cannot hold together. Powerless to overcome these satanic destructive forces.

Faith is placed in weapons, not in God. A disastrous course and the only path chosen. The Woman stands aside, offering an alternative. Not heeded. Her words never touching the mainstream, even of the Church. Only her pope can rectify this situation.

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Humanity has chosen the path of great darkness. Now it stumbles and falls. Soon, it will fall into the great pit, like a helpless child unable to save itself. The powers of man will lie helpless. The great inventions rendered useless. Helplessness on every side. Anguished efforts of no avail.

Suddenly, a surprising light coming from the West, not the East. A new sun of justice, fashioned by the Holy Spirit, perfectly made for this age, and for this moment.

At first, her words will be rejected, a light which no one wants. However, as humanity plunges deeper, as despair multiplies, human hearts will welcome the new light.

It will not be as before – one light among many. All the other lights will shine no more. All will be darkness except for the light of the Woman rising in the West.

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Futile peace efforts. Diplomats everywhere. Society’s fabric torn apart. Powerful leaders gathering their forces. Plotting the next action. Never backing down nor thinking of the other.

No one can push back the final battle which looms on the horizon. Humanity has armed itself. No one is safe. The Woman will divert some destruction, but human leaders do not want peace.

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If the nations foresaw the darkness of this year, they would turn back. Instead, all is hidden from their eyes. The Church’s words are muffled. The lights are put out and the voices of truth are silenced.

Weapons multiply. “We are safe. We can protect ourselves.”

Those fools! You are safe only in the heart of the Woman which will remain open only for a short time until all her children have entered.

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All evil flows from one heart, the heart of Lucifer and the first “No” to God’s plan. His “no” established the Kingdom of Darkness and was quickly filled by other angels who followed him.

Ever since, all evils have come from Lucifer’s heart. If not repented, they carry the person back into Satan’s heart which is now called hell.

When the Word became Flesh, the Father created another heart. Now the two hearts clash, both seeking followers. There is a third heart, the heart of the woman who conquers. All becomes clear. War has broken out in the heavens. Its flames fall daily upon earth. All must choose either Lucifer or the Woman.

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A constant “No” goes up from earth to heaven. “No, we do not want your laws. No, we do not want your presence. No, you did not create us. No, you will not enter our world and you will not judge us. We are a free humanity, out from under the former superstitions, liberated by our philosophers and cared for by our scientists.”

O foolish man. Who will save you from yourself? A second chance. A new opportunity. The Woman. You have rejected the Father. Possibly your heart might embrace the Mother.

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When humanity sees the full effects of its sins, when parts of the world lie in destruction, it will be too late. The decisions will have been made. Humanity has chosen its own fate.

At that moment of darkness, when humanity must accept its total helplessness, a light will arise, small at first, which calls forth all the lights planted by the Woman, offering to each person an opportunity to be saved. A special moment, never before existing.

How will these new lights be understood? The Woman will raise up the church led by her pope. Enlightened by her, he will explain this new moment of the Age of Mary.

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How quickly will all the evil events begin? They will take place in many places, all at once, like an orchestra filled with many instruments. Each event will weaken the will to respond and diminish the resources to overcome.

Even so, humanity will not turn to the Father. Long ago, the door of faith has been shut tight, the demands of love rejected. The Woman will come to forlorn humanity, sitting on its own dustheap. She will extend her loving hand. Will humanity accept her gift?

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The Woman cries out, “Turn aside from this path of destruction.” As the years go on, her voice grows more faint, more easily set aside. Secular voices arise. Human wisdom prevails. Humanity plunges ahead to an unknown fate.

The Woman opens new roads, side paths which are small and require great faith. She speaks and her little ones, only her little ones, hear and walk these hidden ways.

What about the rest of humanity? What will be their fate. They have only human voices leading them on darkened paths. The Woman will not forget them. She will raise up a new, universal voice. A final chance for the whole world.

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The first explosion within the church has already happened. Many, many others will follow. Satan has placed his followers where he wants them. They, in good faith, have exalted his teachings.

Now, further steps will take place which will shift the very nature of the Church. Many believe that Jesus placed the Church’s formation in the hands of the disciples and, therefore, the forms of church authority are changeable.

Fortunately, many still have positions of authority who will vehemently oppose these changes. They will be outflanked and overruled, but they will not give up. The Woman will bind them together and lead them to choose her priest son as pope.

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A world with no foundations. A false lifestyle. A city built on sand. A future filled with illusions. All is false. All is darkness. Evil penetrates to the heart.

A rude awakening. A people not prepared. Terror, but no understanding of what to. Despair and fear. The foundations are shaken and fall.

Yet, a light, a surprising light, goes forth from the Woman’s Immaculate Heart. This will not be wasted because the Church will be prepared by the pope chosen by the Woman. He is the sign of her power and her loving care. She will not abandon her pope. He will not surrender the Church and the Church will not abandon a world so lost in darkness.

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Church stumbles in a new darkness. Its confusing words guide no one except those who want no guidance. All is lost. No voice of light except those raised far away from the center. The Woman will take the clearest and most powerful voice, lift him up and place him on the Chair of Peter.

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The red fires of satanic destruction touch certain parts of the world. Soon, new fires will break out. Nothing will contain them or extinguish their destructive power.

As they continue, all defenses will be weakened. The fires, emboldened by success, will leap everywhere with varied results. Only the woman understands and knows how to protect those who hide in her heart. All else will be consumed.

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As in Noah’s time, human history is coming to the end of an era. The Woman’s heart is the new Ark, fashioned by the Holy Spirit. Who enter? Only those who hear and heed. Who remain outside? Those who do not hear and those who reject the call.

So, the word must go forth. All must hear. Otherwise, they are condemned to the new flood waters which will wash away this faithless generation.

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The world has lost its way, plunging into unknown darknesses from which it cannot escape, sinful roads chosen again and again, then transcribed into the laws of the nations.

Who said that man was allowed to kill innocent life? Who said that man could build bombs that would destroy nations? Sins are too numerous and choices are made daily.

No hope without the Woman, the Father’s great mystery which He will reveal at the moment of greatest darkness.

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The Woman will not allow Satan to pour out the fullness of his destruction until all her children are safe within her heart. This explains the world scene where a mighty Russian army has been unable to claim a Ukraine victory and where a Hamas surprise attack has not destroyed Israel.

Even so, the satanic roots are not attacked. Evils, especially abortion, spread everywhere. The Woman’s tiny victories are overshadowed by Satan’s gigantic inroads into a world culture filled with new evils.

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So much lies hidden. Only the Woman sees the demonic plans. Only she is able to foil Satan, always gaining more time for her children to turn away from darkness to light. By her appearances and messages, she herself, provides the light. She wants these lights placed on the lampstand to fill the whole house. She wants a people who live by these lights and carry them to others.

Only when darkness covers the earth will many realize the treasure of these lights.

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The world moves so quickly into the deepest darkness, every day losing its way, stumbling and falling. Nothing is safe. The darkness will cover everything except the Woman’s heart where the full light dwells as a King.

As the darkness grows in power, this new light will shine more brightly, unable to be extinguished but seen only by faith.

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The world is deaf and cannot hear the woman’s pleadings nor accept her words. To the wise, her words seem foolish. To the sinners, they are words which they do not want to hear.

Yet hers is the saving word which must be accepted to have power. All else must be silenced. Stillness must come upon the earth. Every voice but hers stilled. Then, her saving action can begin.

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Before all the events, the Woman must protect all those who are precious to her by inner graces and external means.

Oceans of graces will flow out to them, with extraordinary signs. Stories will be told of the woman’s actions, true events never heard of before. All of these will be signs, like people acting to protect their property before the hurricane. The Woman will take special steps to keep safe her little ones.

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When the Father withdraws His hands, forests burn and walls collapse. Creation returns to chaos and life to death. Will this happen? Or, will a remnant be saved, which remembers the things of the past and can teach future generations? The Woman will save humanity, all those enclosed in her heart. She alone withstood the satanic fires and preserved humanity. So it will be.

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When the mountains of nations fall and the hills of governments are uprooted, all will see the false paths chosen by humanity.  However, turning back is now too late and impossible. Humanity is trapped until a new path is revealed – a path of faith, resignation and love, made available by the Woman.

All will be invited but only some will choose this path, the little flock so loved by the Woman.

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The full sources of destruction remain hidden deep beneath the surface. The wars are but a tiny symbol of Satan’s destructive powers. Who can hold him back? Who can gain the victory? Weapons are like toys for him and man’s plans are foolhardy.

Who calls on the Lord? Who invites His wisdom? Human minds are no match for Satan’s intellect, like children babbling nonsense.

The Woman, alone, challenges Satan’s intellect. Her power alone can crush him. All would be victory if she were invoked. Instead, failures, defeats, deaths, destructions and every evil inflict humanity, while the woman’s saving action remains curtailed.

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Although a growing darkness covers the land, small lights go forth from the Woman’s heart. A seeming mismatch. Yet the darkness, with all its powers, cannot destroy these little lights because they carry a life that defies the darkness.

These lights will remain in place, waiting the moment when Mary’s priest son will multiply their presence and their power.

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The sanctifying power of God is restrained and ineffective. Satan constructs walls and blinds people to its presence stored in the Woman’s heart.

A time will come when she will open the gates, allowing these powers to pour forth. Why the delay? Why not now? All would be wasted, Jesus’ blood would fall  to the ground with no one to catch the drops.

First, an awareness must begin. Then, new faith followed by expectancy. Finally, the whole world will cry out to the Woman. “Open the doors of your heart. Allow the blood of Jesus to cleanse us.” How the woman awaits that moment.

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Fire will fall from the sky.  The Woman hurries. She hastens, seeing how close is this time for the fire.

Yet, what voice speaks to the nations? Who proclaims her as the Woman? Who exalts her privileges and her importance? Will it be too late? Will she just come unannounced? Not at all. A voice will prepare her way but it will be late.

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The ways of the world and the paths of the Kingdom are separating, each going their own way, further and further apart. No more joining. No more union.

Satan has captured the world. He always claimed the world as his own but now, the princes of the world and the people of the world yield more and more to his enticements. They are entrapped, unable to find their way to the Kingdom. Only the Woman can gain a new victory by opening a surprising path of light.

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Why do the nations walk in darkness? Because the Church’s light has been dimmed and the Woman has not received her proper place on the lampstand. Her light has been buried under a bushel basket and does not provide light to all in the house.

This reality will perdure until the time comes for the Age of Mary to burst forth. Then, nothing will block her ascendency. Her glories will fill the Church. This will be just the first stage of her total visiting, gained only after much blood has been shed and many made victims, including her priest son, the pope.

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The Woman moves into action, blocking the efforts of those chosen by Satan and, at times, removing them from office. By her actions, she gains time and pushes back the moments of destruction.

Her children, however, do not come forth and do not act, wasting the time gained for them. Only the Woman’s pope can mobilize them, giving them light for the path.

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Why the tumult? Why the destructions? Earth has been changed by sin. The molecules of history rearranged from peace to war, from blessings to disasters.

Oh humanity, do you not see? You have planted the seeds of your own destruction, handed to you by Satan but eagerly accepted by those who sought power.

The dynamite lies ready for the flame. The woman’s heart provides the final layer of protection.

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Satan believes that his plans are impregnable. He sees no holes in his defenses. He sees no target forgotten in his offense. His army is large, added to every day, well trained and equipped.

He sees the opposing forces, small and scattered, having no plan and few leaders. Only the Woman keeps him from striking, placing obstacle after obstacle in his way. She will not allow the full attack until her priest son leads her army.

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One by one the walls have been destroyed, a clever plan, preparing for future destruction. The Woman has built new walls, still hidden from many eyes. They are smaller, unable to be seen without faith. However, they are new walls, resilient and able to withstand Satan’s new forces.

The Woman will save the world but greater faith is needed and a more powerful and clearer voice. She will provide everything. Her children must believe.

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The Woman foresees the future war, where it will break out and where the battles will take place. So, she leads her children to safety by roads known only to her, hidden and secret roads but revealed to little ones.

Later, her priest son will publicly reveal these safe roads, but it will be late and many will already be lost.

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No one can turn back the destruction. Only the Woman holds the key of love which will unlock certain doors of safety until the moment when the Woman’s priest son comes. Then, the Church will become a flowing river, and all can bathe in its waters and be swept along to safety.

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No more time. The hourglass has run its course. Now is a time of waiting. The deadly forces are ready to explode. Already, the first signs appear. The destruction in Ukraine and Israel are the first battles. The great conflicts lay ahead. An unprepared world and a darkened church are able to be rescued only by the Woman.

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Man has discovered powers which can destroy the universe which was meant to sustain him. How did humanity arrive at this contradiction? Satan has twisted the powers given by the heavenly Father – turning life into death, light into darkness and peace into war.

From the beginning, God sent the Woman to rescue creation and to save life. First, she opened her womb to the Holy Spirit. Then, she gave birth to the Messiah. Then, she guided the apostles and disciples. Now, she raises up her priest son as a clear sign that she alone is the Woman of Redemption.

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The Woman will send forth her messenger. He, with clear voice and words which cannot be shouted down, will proclaim “The Woman invites you to a new path. All the devastation and destruction has torn down your false gods. You have nowhere else to turn. Do you not see that this is the day of salvation?” Without his voice, there would be no hope.

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