Just as the Book of Wisdom was written by a pious Jew reflecting upon the Old Testament, so these little thoughts about Our Lady come from reflections upon all of the Marian apparitions with their messages.


The whole world plunges into unknown fires, unable to control the evil forces nor to choose any other path. Decisions made long ago and constantly renewed have sent earth into a diabolical path.

Only the Woman can snatch humanity from these fires. So, she cries out to all her children “Come. Do not delay. The fires have already consumed many but you who hear my word, I can save.

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As the world crumbles, who will pick up the pieces? How many hands of destruction! Only one hand can save. The Woman would claim the whole world, not for herself, but for her Son.

Even now she goes forth, crying and weeping, begging the Church to exalt her so she can fulfill her mission. Otherwise, countless souls will be lost and the world destroyed. The great moment of total crisis is at hand, not yet present, but at the door.

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The world has become a boiling furnace fueled by sins which multiply constantly. Everything that succumbs to this fire turns to ashes.

Where will the fire end? These flames cannot enter the Woman’s heart. Nowhere else is safe. All must enter quickly. Those who buy and sell will soon see their kingdoms destroyed by hell’s Kingdom.

Let the word go forth. Life exists only in the heart of the Woman who has a place for everyone.

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Will someone drop the bomb? Will someone pull the nuclear trigger? Satan longs for that day, knowing that others must respond.

The days are short. The time narrows. Little room for a mistake. Only the Woman and her little ones have turned this destruction aside.

The situation has shifted. Many more possess these nuclear weapons. No longer just the two super-powers. Can the Woman turn the world away from a nuclear conflict? This is her goal but few are on their knees.

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See what Satan is doing. He arms the nations and brings them together in war. Death everywhere. He rejoices, seeing how many join him in hell.

Satan stirs up the Church. Here, too, one rises against another. Controversies abound. Truth is left behind.

In the midst of this confusion, a small band of fervent disciples of the Woman are dedicated to her and to peace. Attention to her messages. Faithful to her plans. Not yet ready because the moment of a full war has not yet come.

All will move along. The wars will become chaos. The Unity given only by the Woman will dissolve. All will be helpless. Then, she will intervene.

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War has been declared in heaven that will be carried out on earth, a saving war to rescue the little ones from Satan’s grasp. So many prisons and prisoners. So many soldiers and generals. How will the Woman ever conquer?

She will march out her little army and they will suffer martyrdom. When their blood is lifted to the heavens, all earth will be purified.

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The storm clouds gather everywhere but the Woman scatters them and steals their destructive powers. Yet, a time will come when humanity’s sins can only be purified by a storm of fire falling from the sky.

No one must await that day passively. Responding to the Woman will shape world events and lessen the trials. The Church will become the light for the nations only as it listens carefully to the Woman and fulfills her desires. The time is short. No delays. Only the foolish will not listen.

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In these times of trouble, the Woman draws close to humanity, sent by the Father to rescue all her children. Her efforts fail because her words are rejected and human means are used.

Voices are raised but they are small voices, people with little power. Although chosen by the Woman as her messengers, they are set aside. So, the Woman must send a pope whose voice dominates the Church and proclaims the Age of the Woman. Then, her words will enlighten the whole world.

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Who is able to foresee the destructive events? The bombs which now drop foreshadow the greater conflicts. The nations involved are but a few compared with the many who will be drawn into the conflict. Despair will fill the air. People will see no solution.

Then, the Woman will come, brought forth by her chosen priest son whose heart she already owns. He will be a light to the nations, showing all how to enter the safety of her Immaculate Heart. He will seal his words with his own death.

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The world enters into a new darkness where previous solutions will bring no light. No world leader will provide guidance. The darkness will cause new divisions. All will scatter. Powerful forces will divide.  A new moment filled with worldwide confusion. Man has abandoned God and now stands alone in the battle against the Evil One, like a lost child, totally helpless.

Who has brought this about? “The world leaders” people will say, but the people themselves have abandoned heaven and rejected the Father. That is why He sends the Woman with her hour of light, the only light in this new darkness.

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As God said to the waters “Come this far and no farther”, so the Woman has power over Satan’s destructive forces but she can only protect the little ones who are hidden safely in her heart. She has already manifested her powers at Medjugorje during the Bosnian War.

Now, as war spreads everywhere, she is ready to reveal her cosmic powers to the world and offer her motherly safeguards to all. As destruction spreads, so will her powers multiply. As new lands are devastated, her saving actions will increase. All must believe.

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The whole world is exploding. Satan moves quickly, using those he has controlled for many years, awakening those whom he has kept hidden and protected.

Already the war in Israel spreads through unseen channels, reaching parts of the world far distant from Israel.

The forces of evil in the whole world are hearing the drums of war. All listen to a total call to arms. Every nation is on alert, even though the actual battles are still a short time away. All the dynamite remains ready to be lit.

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How the woman wants to come to be with her children and guide them through the many perils they will face.

The Heavenly Father sets the timetable and all the world shares in moving it ahead or holding it back. All the events will be for humanity, the object of the Sacred Heart’s love. All humanity will actively participate. Those who act on the call, move the hour ahead. Those who resist, hold back this heavenly plan, the full redemption of humanity.

Nothing is more important. Nothing so rejected and set aside. Yet, nothing so inevitable – the fullness of the Kingdom!

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As surely as night follows day, so will darkness follow these moments of partial light. This night shall come from everywhere and inflict both the world and the Church. For a while, light will come from nowhere. Then, the beginning rays of hope shining from the Woman’s heart. Then, the raising up of her chosen one. Finally, the Woman is placed on the Church’s lampstand and the night gradually recedes until the final victory. All will come in stages. All must know these words and believe.

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Each day history unfolds. A new chapter of the story is written. All participate. All have free will. The battle is everywhere, within the human heart and in the great marketplace. Some are powerful. Others seem to play a smaller role. Yet, all are important. Every thought and action goes into the book of history.

The Woman works quietly within hearts and also publicly, forming world decisions, preventing destruction and protecting life. She refuses to act alone but calls together her little army. Called “Little” because so few, compared with those who know her not.

She must come forth, enter the world stage, make herself known, and extend her influence. Only in this way can she conquer the Evil One and destroy his plans.

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What is foretold will take place. However, what happens in each person’s heart is still to be decided. This is the battlefield, the inner life, the choices made at the moment of trial.  Who will stir hearts?  Who will strengthen the wills? Who will cast light in the darkness?  Who will gather the little ones amid the trial?

The chosen Servant of the Woman and all those who stand at his side, joined together in the great work of bringing forth a purified Church.

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The Woman calls humanity to conversion but everyone hears other voices. Power, pleasure, wars and destruction dominate. What once was strong is destroyed. What was true is denied. All go their own way, enjoying each day and not worried about the night.

Humanity stands at its crossroads. Only later will this be seen. For now, all are blinded except those guided by the Woman.

Who can save humanity? Protect it? Move it away from destruction? The Woman. However, she must wait in the wings, in the shadows, until the pope places her on the Church’s mountaintop.

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Why the delay? The Woman holds back the clock. She will determine the course of events. Even with men in charge, she blunts their decisions and postpones their actions to save her people.

The Pope’s words are not enough. Leaders have other concerns. Protests are not enough. There are conflicting interests. Only the Woman can halt a war and prevent greater carnage. Even though many do not invoke her or grasp her powers, she will mitigate the violence. The time is not yet at hand for the full devastation.

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Only the Woman has kept the bubble of inequity from exploding and pouring out its evils everywhere, a calamity beyond imagination. Yet, like a sore that must be lanced, this bubble must be broken. Where? When? These are the real questions to which Satan has his answers and the Woman has hers.

That is the battle. This bubble will burst. Where and when depends upon the supernatural forces (good and evil) which fill the universe. The fate of humanity lies at stake.

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Before the floods come, the Woman acts to rescue her children and the Church, stirring up her chosen ones and alerting the little ones. Yet, a clear voice must speak, so everyone can see clearly and understand her actions.

Her approach will be complete – an inner stirring, a place of protection and a mighty voice which will resound throughout earth. Then all will choose their path.

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See what is happening, the beginning phases of the total destruction of earth. This is Satan’s plan. He gathers his human instruments, fills them with hatred and gives them every possible weapon, waiting for the right moments and the full opportunities.

The world, by its immorality, encourages, equips and cooperates with Satan. Only the Woman raises her clear voice. “If your heart is immersed in sin’s darkness, how can your arms battle Satan? Repent and your smallest efforts will have great effects.” At its center, the warfare is spiritual.

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Each day the stakes get higher. Satan places more on the table, drawing upon his reserves. The sins of centuries have placed people and nations into Satan’s hands. Now, he places what he owns on the table, ready to gamble all, thinking his victory is near. Not so! The Virgin knows how to defeat him and how to strengthen her Church in a surprising way. All must have faith!

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The Woman must act quickly to save those who can be saved. Few have heeded her warnings or taken her counsels to heart. Few have joined her in the task of holding back the satanic evils. So many have cooperated with satan, yielding to his pleasures and sharing in his violence.

Her word, given so lavishly, has not turned the tide.  The great ocean of inequity conquers, coming forth in wars and human sufferings. Soon, the Woman will intervene. For some, this will be too late. For others, ineffective. The daily choices are so important.

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Who will believe what has been declared? Who will believe what lies ahead? Who can foretell the full results of the present conflicts?

All defies the imagination. Yet, reason declares that destructive powers lie in the hands of so many, all enemies of each other, having no trust in the other’s word.

The age of treaties is past. Why concede anything when great powers of destruction are available? The time of reason is past. The age of peace has ended. Only war remains. Nations are too powerful to submit to terms.  Too selfish to accept narrow limits. Too avaricious to be satisfied with what they have.

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What is Satan waiting for? Why does he delay when so many places are in turmoil? He cannot yet see the full and final victory. So, he is not ready to commit all of his forces to the battle.

Humanity does not realize how close is this final moment when the last obstacles to satanic destruction are removed. Only the Woman and her children stand between Satan and his complete victory.

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Why is the earth trembling? Why are the nations shaking? All look to human solutions that will have no results.

Satan has made his decision. He thinks that this is his time, his moment to claim complete dominance over the human race which he totally despises.

The Woman understands and has been given heavenly power.  However, the Church does not grasp her mysteries and chooses human paths. Who will proclaim the Woman’s prerogatives to the church and the world? The great trembling has its purpose – that people be ready to listen to the Woman’s messenger.

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Evil moves from one stage to the next. Always rising higher, more sophisticated and with greater power. So, must it be with goodness.  The goodness of the past is not enough to conquer these new evils.

The Woman always brings fresh treasuries of grace which the Father has hidden in her heart. Those who accept the Woman know and share in these powers. Those ignorant of her mysteries must fight the new evils with inadequate graces.

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Before He intervenes, the heavenly Father, will use every possible means to have people repent so He does not need to chastise. He has sent the Woman who, for over a century, has preached amid gigantic signs and wonders. Only the little ones have converted.

Now, the Father must confront the whole world because it is late. Wars erupt. All of creation is endangered.

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The doors will open that should have stayed closed. God’s laws broken and His walls pulled down. Man tramples upon sacred ground, accepting no limits to his free will.

How long this has happened! How thorough the destruction of his laws! What remains? Only a divine chastisement, the last recourse, the final option.

The Woman still pleads. Cannot some other solution be found? She has her plan, a difficult road but saving all who come to her.

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All can now see what has been told to the little ones. Satan has begun to destroy. Many are surprised. Yet, all was foretold. The sins of humanity, the human selfishness that destroys, has overflowed the cup.

What will be saved? Whatever lies in the Woman’s heart.  What will be destroyed? Everything that does not. This is the law of purification.

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Today, all the world will see the destructive powers at work. The walls hiding these evils have been torn down to allow the violence to go forth everywhere.

At day’s end, all will see the destroyer and the destroyed. The world will be on alert. Never again the security of past times.

The Church will still not grasp the power for peace which the Woman has placed in the pope’s hands. All that must wait until she exalts her chosen one.

In the meantime, small groups of her little ones can gain lights so some can walk with her.

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No one can imagine what lies ahead. Each day plunges the world into greater darkness and a future with little hope because the Woman’s message of repentance is not proclaimed.

Now, she must take a new approach. Instead of sending out her messengers, she calls them back to keep them safe. As the Medjugorge secrets begin, she, herself, will break into world history. Finally, she will raise up her priest son to explain her actions to the whole world.

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The fires have begun in the Ukraine and in Israel. What other fires will soon burn? What other places will be touched by Satan’s fiery hands?  All is darkness. No one knows. Many places could ignite tomorrow.

The Woman understands his plans and she holds the antidote of peace in her heart. Yet, few invoke her or listen to her message of repentance. A day will come when all will see her as the cosmic woman, bringing down the mighty and exalting the lowly. That will be her great moment of total victory.

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Satan casts his fire over all the earth, a destructive blaze threatening to consume all the earth. Only the Woman stands between him and total victory. She hides her little ones, stirs up those who have power and carefully guards her chosen one.

The events are unfolding quickly. The pace quickens. The time for preparing is over. With the Ukraine and Israel wars the battle has begun. These 2 are only the doors to wider conflicts.

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This year will be filled with violence and events that go far beyond what all have seen thus far. Putin will extend his war. China will make new efforts against Taiwan. Israel will escalate its response. Iran will grow bold, seeing the success of Hamas.

These conflicts will strain all the economies. Some will break under the pressure. The Synod will be explosive, more to the left than anyone suspected. The seeds of destruction will be everywhere and will come to full flowering in 2024.

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When the time comes for all of the events, the whole world will see the power of the Woman and the role she has received from the Father.  Like John the Baptist, she will be announcing Jesus coming, except that His coming will be quite different. Formerly, He came as Messiah and Redeemer. This time, He shall come as Lord and Savior, gloriously triumphant. Human history will not end but will enter a new moment when the Woman, acknowledged by all, shall usher in an age of Peace. Blessed are those who believe even when they do not see. Even more blessed will be those who both see and believe.

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The sun rises slowly upon the day of conflict, the events which will permanently change the earth, purifying humanity and restoring integrity of heart.

The world has not listened to the Woman. She would have led humanity on a different course. Now, she can only rescue her little ones who flee into her heart.

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The walls built by faith are crumbling. Weakened by years of indifference, they no longer restrain the oceans of sins. The city is flooded with evils. Satan claims more and more of public life.

Waiting for the right moment, he readies the flood waters. Soon, all protections will be erased. Evil will be everywhere except in the Woman’s heart where Evil cannot penetrate. All who choose to live there will be safe.

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Suddenly, like lightening flashing across the heavens, the great events will begin. All will be shaken, even though only one part of the world feels Satan’s fist (The Woman has saved the rest).

Many eyes will open, but with no clear direction (the Woman’s great voice – her priest son, will not yet have ascended the Chair of Peter).

The events will continue. The world will be shaken. The church will be in confusion for it has no clear word to offer the nations. Other interventions will happen. All have been told to the chosen visionaries.

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Evils begin with a darkness of hearts that penetrates everywhere. The Woman speaks constantly of a change of heart but people want her to intervene and work miracles.

The little ones understand. What matters most is what happens in their own hearts where the Woman keeps them in light and free from all fear. This is a grace she brings to everyone.

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The world walks away from the Father, forsakes His light and plunges into a darkness in which it sees no hope. All converges. In every country, in every group of countries, in all the nations united, all is darkness except for the lights coming from the Woman.

Satan keeps her on the sidelines and in the shadows. Her lights shine, but not on the world stage, not in the rooms of decisions, and not in the markets of money. “She has nothing to say” and “She has no place here” they say. She is banned from the world which she alone can save.

Who will end this foolishness? Who will destroy these sophistries? Who will be humble enough to exalt the Woman?

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The wells must not run dry. The little ones must not lose hope. A moment will come when all will seem hopeless. Yet, from the hearts of the Woman’s children will come living waters, hidden from the Evil One. Far stronger than his fires, they will be able to quench them.

Who grasps this secret that will save the Church? Hidden living waters springing up in the hearts of the little ones will preserve all who gather with them. These wells must not run dry, constantly replenished by the rosary.

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There will be a moment when Satan calls his forces together, a time for a frontal attack upon the Church, an audacious move to place his chosen cardinal on the Chair of Peter. He will partially succeed. Unable to lift high his chosen, he will reach for a secondary candidate, a weak person who opens the Church door to demonic darkness.

At this point, the Woman intervenes. Satan has made a mistake, and gone too far, too quickly.  The Woman’s response will divide the church. Yet, division is better than total demonic control. Her pope will work amid great uncertainty, but he will not be uncertain or confused.

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The walls are already tumbling. The sheep stray into false pastures. The shepherds’ voices grow weak. The Woman weeps. No voice to call them back. The din of the modern world makes all hearing difficult.

All must stop so the permanent sign can be given and the great voice of the Woman’s messenger go forth. She will speak through him.

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Just as day follows day, so event would follow event, except that the Woman will intervene to rescue her children. Those who know this message and stay close to her will be safe. Those who wander will be in great danger.

The Woman wants to draw the whole Church into her heart where she has a resting place, secure from all turmoil. Few know these mysteries and many do not believe, even though they have heard.

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Satan and the Woman are fighting over the heart of one man. He is a good man but he has not committed himself fully to the Woman, not knowing how important is this total dedication.

Yet, the Woman holds him in her arms and wants to place him in her heart. Seeing his importance, Satan tries to block this progress, causing the man to delay his full consecration.  Even so, he dwells in light and is a child of the light, but the light has not been placed firmly on the lampstand. If this happens, his political star will also rise quickly, seemingly out of nowhere. How important is devotion for those in public office.

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The walls are ready to collapse, penetrated with evils. Their strength is gone. The family, the school, the nation, all have grown weak. All are collapsing.

New life springs up. Always from the Woman’s heart where a gentle fire tests, cleanses and strengthens. The Woman’s Gifts to this moment of history.

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Those who trust in the Woman must not grow discouraged, even as they see the darkness spread everywhere.  She allows this so that the full defeat of Satan takes place and the full honor be given to her.

The nations will acclaim her as they see the events which will be explained by the pope. The Church will be the Light to the Nations and all shall gather with her. Divisions will be wiped away and world peace will reign.

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Why has the evil not broken forth? Why has the Ukraine war not spread to all of Europe? Why have nuclear weapons not been used? The Woman restrains the demon, not allowing him to act at will.

Meanwhile, she guides the Church, holding back the evil that has so deeply penetrated its heart, constantly delaying the bringing forth of wild grapes and distorted fruit.

Both of these evils will come forth in mitigated ways, restrained and limited by the Woman.

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The highest buildings will come crashing down and the strongest walls will not hold back the evil. These are symbols of those in power in the Church. First, all must be cleared away.  The problems will be evident to all. Those in highest authority will fall into disgrace. A helplessness will embrace the Church. At that moment, the Woman will bring forth her priest son and turn darkness into light. After he assumes authority, the whole Church will be ready for combat.

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