Just as the Book of Wisdom was written by a pious Jew reflecting upon the Old Testament, so these little thoughts about Our Lady come from reflections upon all of the Marian apparitions with their messages.


The union of Russia and China deepens the darkness and marks a new stage on the road to destruction, a new dynamic for which the West is not prepared because the union of Western countries is not based any longer on Christian faith.  This has been relegated to the past. Instead, the religion of converging interests prevails, a fragile basis for any coalition and totally unable to confront the new diabolical union.  Together, these leaders of Russia and China will seek a new world order based on Communist ideas.

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The little ones must not grow discouraged. In their patience, they will win the victory, saving many who are of good will.  When the Woman’s message will go forth in all its brightness, many will repent and seek out the little ones who have never strayed.  They will form a new community of believers and the evangelization of the world will begin again.

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The world will collapse and shatter. Civilizations will be destroyed by the weight of sin which is too heavy to sustain. All human hope cast away. What was strong today is broken tomorrow.  All seems lost. Mankind at the brink, brought there by nuclear arms.

Who will stay the hand of God? Who will turn back His wrath? Who will calm the hearts of man and give light in the darkness.  This is the Hour of the Woman, all too long forsaken and pushed aside. In that dark and horrible moment, she will come forth, clothed in the sun and bringing forth her priest son as a light to the nations.

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Satan will steal the Church but the Woman will place her protecting hand upon it. What is stolen will not be stolen. Only for a moment will this darkness seemingly prevail, a sense that all is lost.

Just as quickly, like the twinkling of an eye, the Woman will raise up a new pope, a priest she has chosen, hidden but perfectly prepared by her. In him, the nations will find the Woman’s light that rescues the church from satanic darkness.

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Only the Father could chastise the world in a way that would save creation and the little ones. His wisdom will guide every step of the way.  The Woman will lead her children to safety.  Some will be safe in her heart for all eternity. Others will be safe in her heart in this world.

Then, she will build a new, purified church and the name of her Son will be exalted everywhere.  The old will give place to the new. Life will replace death.

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When the darkness comes, special lights are needed. Yet the world has abandoned God’s light, believing that reason and technology provide enough light.

When the night comes, all will see that these lights totally fail. Mankind will feel abandoned and lost – until the Woman’s light, placed on the mountain top of the Church, offers light to the whole world.

When will this happen? Only after a great struggle when it seems that Satan’s darkness has overcome even the Church, a darkness from which the Woman herself will rescue her Church by determining the pope.

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The curtain opens on the final act.  All the players are not yet on the scene but the drama itself moves to a conclusion.  The curtain will open again on a new moment of human history. For now, this part will come to a close and a fulfillment.

Some people will be in both parts, the transition from the old to the new, from the final Satanic attempts to destroy humanity to the birth of a new humanity, a new creation, a new heaven and a new earth. The Woman will guide everything, using those who are faithful to herself.

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How much longer will the Father wait? The sins pile higher than the mountains.  The Ukraine war adds daily to the bloodshed. China emerges as a great superpower. Every nation buys weapons. The world is an armed camp and the young are led off to war.

Because the Woman has been by passed, her words have come true. War has come, not peace. She will not give up. She will seek out and save the little ones.

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All the world is encircled by demonic flames. Only a few pathways to life remain open.  Who will control these paths? Who will reveal their existence and their location?

The Woman must quickly lift up a new voice, whom she has trained. Then, her word will go forth for all to hear.

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The Father has not abandoned His Church.  He holds it at the center of His heart, the bride of His Son. He places the Church in the heart of the Woman, who knows the future events and has revealed them to her messengers.  She awaits those events knowing that those who put her aside will then see her with all her power.

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The sins of man are so great that the Father spares the world only because of the little ones. These plead for and save all humanity.  When their number is complete, Jesus will come in glory.

In the meantime, the little ones must remain faithful, sacrificing themselves for the world’s salvation and staying on the road to their own heavenly reward.

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Time and again, Satan has had to change his plans because the Woman foils him. The great victories and the gigantic disasters have not come.

Yet, his is a tide that only once in a while is pushed back. He claims individuals, towns, cities and nations. Each day, the world slips into darkness by surrendering to the demonic. There is the daily compromise with truth, the greater acceptance of evil, and a slow sinking into hell, not noticed by so many.

While Satan claims cultures, the Woman is forced to save individuals whom she calls into her light.

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Satan tries to envelop all in his darkness but some parts resist his powers and remain in the light. The Woman foils his total conquering. Since he can wait no longer, he has begun his victory march, knowing that his claims of a complete conquering are false. He hopes to intimidate the little ones but the Woman will strengthen them and they will resist, even though greatly outnumbered.

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There is no more time. All the options have been set aside. The clash of light with darkness must now take place. The Woman sees the situation and has a short time to gather her children into her heart. All else cannot be accomplished. It is too late. She has set aside many plans and pulled back her great hopes.  She now saves whom she can.

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When all of these evils lead the world into the greatest darkness, the Woman will bring forth from her heart her chosen priest son, perfectly prepared by her to assume the papacy.

He will be a person of light and truth. No deceit will be found in his heart. Lifted on high, the light in his heart will guide the little ones.

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Even with Satan’s greatest efforts, the lights have remained lit because the Woman has pleaded for her children.   Without them, the world would have been plunged into darkness. For now, some lights remain but Satan plots how to extinguish them. One by one he puts them out while the Woman searches for new hearts where she can place her light.

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Satan’s plans would pull the human race into the center of destruction, leaving no hope, truly a hell on earth.

Unwittingly, man cooperates with satan, accepting his ways and fulfilling his desires.

The Woman understands perfectly these diabolical plots and teaches the Church how to prevail. Few listen. Darkness grows. Death approaches. Only one means remains – divine intervention needed to rescue creation. As in the days of Noah, so shall it be in modern times.

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Diverse tensions hold each other in check until one overpowers the other.  Then chaos breaks out, like an unrestrained ocean. These world tensions are equipped with nuclear power which can devastate the world and kill millions in a single moment.

For decades, the Woman has kept this nuclear balance, always protecting a world able to destroy itself. On so many occasions, the demon has been frustrated and foiled by the Woman.

Now, however, he sees his prize pupil, Putin, ready to edge nearer to the nuclear holocaust, threatening to use atomic weapons and withdrawing from the treaty.  Another, even more dangerous, stands behind him, ready to act even more quickly.

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Gigantic openings in the earth’s surface. Nowhere to lay the foundations. A far greater problem than just cracks in the wall, a situation totally beyond human resource. What will be the future of the world? Who will rescue the human race from this calamity?

There is a small light which cannot be extinguished by Satan and a little island which cannot be destroyed. The Woman is mankind’s only hope.

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Mankind runs headlong to his own perdition.  Who will stop him? Who will turn him around? Who will point out the road of light?  He cannot stop himself. His heart is fixed on darkness and his soul on evil. Another must intervene. A clash, a sudden stop before going in a different direction.  All in a worldwide scale, never seen before in history except for Noah.

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Only the Father knows the future. Much is hidden from mankind even though his decisions form that future.  To gain the right road he must walk by faith.

Instead, he has chosen the dark path, the unknown. Setting aside faith, he has used only the light of reason, a very flickering, unsteady lamp which frequently goes out.

Now, as darkness settles, the woman offers again the light of faith to all who seek her embrace.

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The Heavenly Father does not hold back His gifts. However, at times, His gifts are blessings and at other times, chastisement, always according to the state of His children.

He sends the Woman to prepare the children for blessings, but when they reject her word, they are ready only for the chastisement.  Such is the present state. Mankind is choosing chastisements while the Woman pleads with us to seek the blessings.

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The Father holds all history in His hands and has sent Jesus, His Son, into that history.  Yet, He acknowledges man’s free will and, for now, allows satan to influence world events.

Yet, a moment will come, when He must act directly, as in the time of Noah, to make mankind powerless before restoring him to guide history.  That moment is near.  Man, who has assumed total control of the world, will be cast out of this dominating position, and reduced to helplessness, while the Father purifies creation.

The Woman sees, knows and acts because the Father has made her Immaculate Heart the new Ark to save all those who enter.

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All is breaking apart. Foundations once strong are crumbling. Will nothing remain standing? The city of man will be ripped apart by forces he himself has unleashed.

The Church, also, moves into darkness of error and loses its way because so many voices speak up, and are even encouraged. In the world and the Church, all the events come to the moment of collapse.

The Woman will rescue the Church and manifest her presence, but the world will enjoy no such light.

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The future has been taken out of humanity’s hands, stolen first by the demon and soon to be claimed by the Woman who will save the remnants and insure that life on earth continues.

Man has refused to turn back, to convert, to repent and to give up powers that really belong to the Father. Mankind has claimed creation as his own and refused to acknowledge the true owner of the vineyard. Now, earth has fallen into the power of those controlled by Satan.

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Creation returns to chaos and the powers of total destruction lie in man’s power. This process quickens. Satan is bold, seeing new goals in sight.

This disruptive power focuses upon the Church which is totally vulnerable. The human spirit has removed the wall of protection.  The evil forces face no enemy.  They enjoy free reign. This leads to surprising decisions. Some will even call these a “Victory”, when they are really a defeat.

The Woman forms her own small church, people favorable to her who will be criticized at first.  They will remain silent, but faithful to her, not acting on their own but fulfilling her plan by obedience.  The two churches will clash.  The Woman’s smaller church will triumph, destroying what Satan thought was his greatest, final accomplishment.

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All is frustration. Every effort is in vain because the Woman is not invoked.  She completes and brings to fulfillment.  She gives birth and new life flourishes. Nothing escapes her grasp. She is ready to touch all and bring to life.

The Woman is revealing this mystery, proclaiming everywhere the triumph of her Immaculate Heart. Few listen. Instead of great victories, the Church suffers ignominious defeats. Nothing will change until the Woman raises up the pope of her choice.

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The Woman must instruct the nations and lead them to conversion. Her task is difficult. Few want to listen. Even fewer respond. Those who do, she brings into the safety of her heart. Then, she searches for more. She will work tirelessly until the last moment. Then, like Noah’s Ark, the doors must be closed to protect those inside.

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How long will the preparations take? How long will the battle last? All remains uncertain except that war is imminent and cannot be avoided. Other questions are much more important. How do we prepare? What strategy must we use? Whom should we follow? False guides will surely rise up. All is hidden in the Woman’s heart, already revealed to chosen messengers who wait for the signal to speak. These are gifts from the Woman but no one should wait because the time is short.

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The Woman has held back the waves of destruction which threaten to overflow their limits.  The stirrings are now deeper and more powerful, yet coming to the surface for partial destruction.

The Mystery of Iniquity, hidden from so many but totally embraced by a few, will make itself known so it can gather humanity more quickly into its power.

These forces shape daily events and use human persons as their instruments.  Only the Woman understands these forces and can turn them back, but no one listens.

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When will these actions of the Father begin? They would have started years ago except the Woman and her children interceded. Even with this delay, the world has only gotten worse and wandered farther from the Father.  So many have been lost.  The Father can delay no longer. Soon, so very soon, the world will experience His Chastising Hand.  Just a little while longer to allow the Woman to gather some straying children. When all are brought into the Ark of her heart, the deluge will begin.

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All is darkness and confusion. Weapons are everywhere to defend life while life in the womb is offered as sacrifice to false gods.  Is this the message of life – weapons kill enemies and doctors kill children?

Why plead with the Woman to stop the war and allow the war against the unborn to be protected by laws?  The heavenly Father wants a total peace – for the born and the unborn. He will settle for nothing less.

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Why must the Father act?   Why can the Woman plead for mercy only for a limited time?   Man is free.   Opportunities are given but rejected.  Calls go forth, but no response.  Humanity must be purified, by Mercy or by Justice. Man chooses. By rejecting mercy, by not responding to Our Lady’s invitations, mankind condemns itself to divine purifications.

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It is Twilight. The light narrows, soon to fade entirely.  The world sleeps, unaware of the coming midnight. The Woman labors anxiously, trying to awaken her children.  The Church, the keeper of her wisdom, has set her aside, not realizing her important treasure. All must wait for one to come whom she herself has prepared and will raise up.

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Right now, all human efforts are in vain. Mankind is like an animal caught in a net, a useless struggle to escape what could have been avoided.  He can only wait for a deliverer who will cut the bonds and set him free.

The Woman will come, knowing exactly what to do. Some will listen but others will trust their own feeble powers and she will lead to safety those who listen.  

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Mankind needs a new light because what people cherish most is of little value. The Kingdom is the pearl of great price, alone worthy to gain by selling all.

Instead, people sell their souls for much less and lose everything because they have only the world’s light as a guide. When the Woman floods human life with her light, then all will see and enjoy a new freedom to choose this pearl of true value.

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What can still hold the world together when everyone follows their selfish desires? Sin pulls apart the fabric of society and isolates individuals. Left alone, man forms new groupings, based on selfish goals. Society has no center, no gravitational pull which keeps all in order.

Such is the coming moment, a mankind ready and able to destroy itself rather than love. Love is the Woman’s gift. Only love can remake the world. Who will place her message on the mountaintop?

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The road is growing narrow. Many options to peace are now gone. The world has not repented but has chosen darkness. Little light remains. Faith grows weak. The Woman’s army is small.

She has foreseen all these events and has warned of the future which is now present. Soon, the events of great destruction will be unleashed. Satan’s final efforts to gain total control. Only the Catholic Church will stand in his way and his attempts to control and destroy the Church will be met by the Woman in a surprising way, according to her plan. All must believe and not lose hope.

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All is confusion. Humanity sails into a darkness, entrapped by Satan who has used pleasures and powers to form personal and world decisions.

Voices that speak of light have been quieted. All hope is stolen. Mankind lives for today with no eyes on eternity nor faith in God’s Providence.

What will save mankind from this complete darkness? Only the Woman’s light which has been set aside. A moment of great recovery will take place.  The light is safe within her heart but can only help the world when placed on the mountaintop of the Church.

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The preparations must begin at once because the enemy is at the door. Having completed his preliminary work, he seeks to devour and crush everyone and everything that stands in his way of total victory.

The Little Ones, however, will not budge. They will give their lives to prevent his victory.  This takes place even now, where so many martyrs are being created. The woman sees their sacrifices and greatly rewards them. They are an important part of her plan.

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Each day reveals another part of the mystery. Decisions will be made. Choices will open up. Hearts and structures will be formed – for heaven or for hell. When today is done, earth will be quite different, formed by satan or the Woman who have used human decisions as their instruments. The great mystery is of today, of now, and of the present moment when all hangs in the balance.

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The nations have not listened to the word of the Lord but have turned to strange words, that please but lead astray. Now, the world is lost in darkness, plunging ever deeper into its powers.

The Woman offers a surprising light – a last minute opportunity to save the world but her light is hidden and set aside. Who will come to place this light on the mountaintop?

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The opening chapters have already begun.  The beginning events have taken place, with the two world wars and the use of nuclear weapons.  Without the Woman, the world would have been destroyed.

Now, the power of evil has gotten so great that she is calling her children, whom she formerly sent out, to gather in her heart, because evil will pour out, destroy much of the world and cause all to tremble.  The Woman calls but she cannot save a mankind which runs away from her.

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The Woman is in travail to bring forth the Church. Her birth pangs multiplied by the sins of her children.  How can she purify the Church and purge it of darkness?

Her attempts have been frequent and valiant.  The response has come from the few while many remain unchanged.

She will increase her efforts, multiply her appearances, release signs and wonders.  At the same time, she protects her priest son.  A full renewal requires a pope that she has chosen and prepared.

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Why the delay? Why the postponement of the Chastisement? Because the Woman has pleaded for more time. Time and again, the Chastisement has been pushed back.

Many have come into this world and many have left. Who will be living when the Chastisement covers the earth?

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The Father waits patiently but mankind does not repent. He stands ready to forgive and welcome back, but mankind refuses to respond to His invitation.

So, He has sent the Woman who traverses the whole world, finding worthy messengers. These, too, are shunned and turned away. What options remain to call mankind back to the Father when even wars and natural disasters have no effects?

The Father’s actions must move closer to man’s heart. Only when He touches what mankind considers vital will there be a response. At the same time, the Woman will prepare the Church. By her extraordinary interventions, she will place the Church upon the mountaintop as Light to the Nations.

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People do not understand the times and the seasons. They do not see the urgency of this moment, nor the role of the Woman.  With eyes fixed on earthly realities, they do not understand the war being waged between the Woman and Satan, nor that they participate in this war.

Blinded by daily life, they make false choices and do not hear the Woman’s voice which points out a different path. Soon, all will change. The Woman will come onto the world scene with power and might.  She will halt all of history and give forth the Warning.  Blessed are those whom she has prepared. Woe to those who have ignored her messages.

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The time is at hand. All will see the crashing in, the collapse and the destruction.  This will be small at first and people will say “Much still remains. We can survive”, as always trusting in human resources.

But, this is not true. The collapse will continue. The unthinkable will happen. Soon, mankind will doubt the power of human strength.  This will drive unbelievers to despair.  The little ones will understand and flee into the heart of the Woman which they know so well.

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Let no one be fooled by seeing the world continue on because its days are numbered and the human race, as we know it, cannot survive.  When the collapses begin, they will be many, serious and widespread.  Every part of the world will be changed, some directly, others only as a result of events elsewhere.  All will be affected, some more and some less but the changes will be everywhere.

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This year will be the breaking point. Nations will be in disarray. Leaders filled with confusion. The Holy Father will be awash in controversial teachings. Light will ebb. Darkness will grow deeper. Within the Church, the Woman’s light will be protected by her messengers who know that it is not the time.

Long ago, the curtain would have come down except the Woman pushed back the events and pleaded for more time. Now, she moves in another direction.  She has cried out to the world which has refused to listen. Now, she moves to protect the little ones.

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