This is the year when the Woman moves quickly and powerfully to rescue her church. She must take control or otherwise, evil forces will lay their claim. She will raise up her messengers and set aside those who oppose her. She will bring about events which expose evil.
Just as the Book of Wisdom was written by a pious Jew reflecting upon the Old Testament, so these little thoughts about Our Lady come from reflections upon all of the Marian apparitions with their messages.
The walls will hold no longer, weakened by sin and not strengthened by prayer. Mankind has chosen to be secular, banishing the Holy Spirit and receiving the evil Spirit.
So much will be lost as Satan makes his claims. “This is mine” he will say. “I have paid for it with my blessings of greed, lust, violence and domination.” This is true. Mankind has sold its own soul but the Woman refuses to accept the finality of this purchase, knowing that her Son has paid His Precious Blood as a higher price.
All will be in confusion and the great structures of the Church will have collapsed. Satan will rejoice, not seeing that the Woman has cleverly safeguarded her children and filled them with hope.
Surprisingly, they will not go forth but remain obediently in her heart until she surprises Satan with her counterattack, restoring the Church to the rightful pope and placing it under his care.
Pope Benedict’s death closes the era of protection. The Church now has no safeguard against demonic intrusion. For a while, all will seem the same, but deep-rooted infections will spread unnoticed until it is too late.
Then, the Body of Christ, His Church, will lie mortally wounded, unable to rise, unable seemingly even to survive. Satan will claim his long sought victory. All will be ready to surrender except the Woman and her children. They will be a staunch army, never willing to admit defeat. They will be the only ones who keep faith in the middle of the events which will unfold.
With Pope Benedict’s death, the Church has crossed a bridge into an unknown world. He was the final tie to the past and the tradition of John Paul II. Now that these safeguards of teaching have been swept away by death, the Church faces an unknown world, lacking an important guide.
Some voices will be raised, echoing the same truths, but they will not carry the power nor the light. Yet, they will offer some consolation in the coming year when so many new ideas will come forth and will be accepted by the Synod. Change and confusion will dominate but the Woman has already chosen a future pope whom she will raise up.
Why are the nations breaking apart? Why are divisions multiplying? The Father has been set aside, annihilated in the minds of many. There is no common bonding and no one to resolve disputes.
Weapons of war take the place of the Father. There is no arbiter and no peaceful conclusions. Just endless wars and disputes until mankind faces extinction – a moment which the Father cannot permit. So, He sends the Woman.
The Woman will continue to foil Satan’s plans, stealing from him what he had thought was his, ripping whole nations from his grasp and thwarting his hopes. She does this for the little ones who otherwise would be helpless amid worldwide events. She is always pushing back the time, causing delays so she can gather her army.
The Father is heartbroken to see His children ignore His commands and enter into satanic darkness. He sends lights but Satan covers them over or even puts them out.
So, He sends the Woman who perfectly preserves the Light of the World in her Immaculate Heart. The Woman chooses people, her special messengers, who faithfully receive the light and record her messages. Some are touched by these messages and change but, most ignore her role. So, she will manifest herself in extraordinary ways, worldwide events which no one can ignore.
Very soon, the heavens will open. However, what will shower down? The roses of blessings or the fires of purification? The human race alone holds that answer. Repentance will lead to the roses. Hard-heartedness to the fires.
After all these years, can the human race gain God’s mercy? The time is short. The opportunity is narrow but the Woman will act decisively to give her children a full opportunity to gather in her heart.
War comes to an end at the moment when one triumphs and the other is defeated. It is always the height of battle, to which all the other skirmishes led up to. Both sides realize the importance of this end moment – life or death, total victory or total defeat.
That moment is still far away with many stages still to come. Yet each stage has its own importance, shaping the end moment and even determining the victor.
Does not the heavenly Father offer His children yet another opportunity to turn back to Him? Did He not send His Son? Does He now not send His mother? Will He not send more and more messengers, together with divine signs, to call the church to repentance.
Those signs are only beginning. The great manifestations are soon to come. Always, the Woman pleads “Do not wait to change your lives. Seek your place in my Heart now while all is easy and human life not yet disrupted.”
All is broken. Everything is destroyed. The works of centuries. The strongholds of belief. The moral strength of Christianity. All has been torn down, seemingly overnight.
Generations now deprived of truth. Corruption, lies and selfishness grow like powerful weeds. What has happened to God’s garden? Traditions swept away. Religious practices forgotten. Sunday serves man, not God. All are led astray by this powerful stream.
The Woman does not despair. Although filled with constant hope for her children, she needs some response on their part.
Time is quickly running out. Opportunities squandered. Evil embraced. Divine lights extinguished. Nothing can survive. The only hope comes from a new, surprising light, hidden until now, in the heart of the Woman. Soon, so very soon it will shine in all its splendor, but only as her priest son becomes the pope.
The clouds descend, covering all in a growing darkness not understood by many. Only the Woman sees fully what is happening and what must be done.
She cries out but few listen. She gives light but many reject it. Instead, human ideas come forth – powerless solutions against these demonic forces.
Soon, her Church will be torn apart as it substitutes human learning for divine faith. The Woman will weep to see her Church shattered by divisions and powerless to sanctify. Only in the moment of the greatest darkness, will the Church be ready to accept the priest son chosen by the Woman.
China will emerge as a world power wanting to take its place with Russia and America, able to do this only because of its military might. Demonic events will shift. China will be forced onto the world stage, unable to keep secret its plans for world domination. China will be the demon’s new ingredient to make human events even more explosive.
The Father did not create the world so it could rebel. Submission to His power brings blessings and the fulfillment of His plan. Now all is rebellion, fueled by Satan, and gaining strength until the full outcry “I will not serve” captures so many hearts.
Those following the Woman will not rebel, no matter what the cost. For she will have written on their hearts her own words, “let it be done according to your word.”
The Woman will draw a line and send out her call, inviting all her children to cross over from darkness into her light. She will attract even those far away. Those who cross over the line she will keep safe.
Many, however, will not respond, believing that they have much time and can postpone her invitation. By their own choice, they remain in darkness.
Each day earth’s story is written by billions of decisions, so many hidden and unrecorded. Other decisions are known from newspapers and history books.
Few see the true history – the daily battle between the Woman and Satan, the ultimate war with eternal consequences, a war which molds human history, impacting earth everywhere and at every moment. These decisions are both hidden in the recesses of every human heart and manifest in the decisions of the powerful.
A gigantic shift is taking place. Satan’s plans are being foiled. The Woman takes action to give her children more time. What could have happened is postponed. Freedom enters the world, together with some light. The Woman will not allow Satan to fulfill his own timetable. She has gained a new opportunity for her children to respond.
The heavenly Father has commissioned the woman “Save my children. They are in danger of eternal fires.” She scours the earth. Chooses her messengers. Speaks her messages. Gathers her army. Such a small group but totally dedicated and obedient to her words. Seen by many as unimportant and outside the mainstream, which resists their message. A moment will come, however, when her name is no longer whispered in the shadows but shouted from the housetops.
The Woman pleads with her children “Not much time remains. Prepare for the moment of conflict.” They hear the words but do not understand the urgency.
The Woman appears in daily apparitions. Still, few respond. She does not give up. She will go to greater lengths, with more signs and more wonders. The church will finally understand, and the people will be alert. Then, the battle will begin.
The Woman must press on to her goal -Jerusalem, the sacred city where she offered her First born. She must re-live her agony with her priest son. Even though the whole world will see, it will not yet understand the fullness of God’s power in these events.
The forces of evil are not blind but guided by a great intellect. However, they must come together to be effective. This is the difficulty. The Woman foils this unity and constantly stirs conflict among these forces. The world experiences destructive events but these do not have the power to destroy fully because the Woman stirs Satan’s forces to fight each other.
The world is like an army led away by false generals – gaining the wrong victories and conquering the wrong foes. Setting friends aside and exalting enemies. Now these enemies of the human spirit take control and destroy all who would oppose them.
The little ones who feel so betrayed must receive this message of hope. The victory still lies in the hands of the Woman. Go to her!
This war is endless. There can be no peace treaty between the Woman and Satan. The results are everlasting. Heaven or hell. Eternal victory or endless defeat. Earth has never seen any combat like this. Only faith reveals the consequences. That is why the Woman is tireless in her efforts to save her children.
The night brings fresh dangers except for those who are prepared. For these, night presents only challenges that are overcome because the daylight was used well. This is the Woman’s plea “Use this daylight, for night comes.” Now is not the time to scatter but to be gathered into her heart.
The world does not understand the darkness and makes no efforts to seek the light. So, darkness multiplies, and the human race enters more and more quickly into the arms of night.
Other arms wait. The arms of the Woman, so ready to embrace her lost children, constantly sending forth her messengers to gather them. Some come to her, but most are too entangled in darkness.
When the night comes only one light will remain, shining forth from the Woman’s heart, strong enough for all the nations but hidden from the wise and learned.
Even the little ones will need a voice guiding them into this light, the voice of the Church, the voice of the Woman’s priest son who will speak only her words to the world.
How weak the foundations! How unprepared the army! Who or what will defend the Church. Satan advances, victory after victory, smashing citadels and claiming universities.
Our Lady’s little guard of honor remains faithful to the end, protecting her name and privileges. The others abandon her and lose hope.
She delays. She postpones. She puts off the conflict. Right now, all would be a disaster. A new stirring, a new call to victory must first go forth. Only then will her army be ready, and the battle begun.
When will the bomb drop? Who will drop it? Where will it fall? What will happen afterwards? All unanswered questions but not unforeseeable. What is the world after a nuclear explosion? Unthinkable, beyond anyone’s imagination. The Woman herself cries at the very thought, trying to awake the Church to repentance so that moment will not come.
The walls of the city are rotted, ready to collapse and unable to protect. Satan has destroyed all the safeguards and waits for his chance.
Another wall will appear, the wall of the Woman’s heart, sturdy and without sin, uncorrupted and made strong by her fidelity. For decades, she has offered her heart to the Church. Only when the other walls fail, will the Church cling to the Woman’s heart.
The trumpet blows. The call to arms. The Woman gathers her army – so small and so weak. Yet, she clothes them in her mantle, assuring them that they will conquer.
“Set aside human means. Use only the weapons I give to you and the victory will be won.” They listen, knowing they are few in number. Yet, they are conquerors. Victory against all odds because Christ is their King.
Doors to the future always open, but to which future – good or evil, divine or satanic? That answer holds the key to history and to eternal life or death. These important answers are given every day in everyone’s life and in the lives of communities and nations, all formed by daily decisions.
Many past decisions have formed today’s world, so at odds with God’s loving plan. The Woman alone understands this good and evil. She alone has the wisdom to defeat Satan. Sent by the Father, she possesses every needed power to control and to defeat His armies. Who will place her at the center of the Church so it would be truly a Light to the Nations.
The abyss opens up and so many enter, caught by pleasures, desires and confusion caused by darkness. Only the Woman can rescue them. Yet, she is not totally exalted. Her privileges not proclaimed. Her role not understood.
The Church is in confusion, splitting apart, filled with diverse opinions and unable to send forth the light of Christ. When will the darkness cease to grow? When will evil be pushed back? The mystery lies in the Woman’s heart.
Why the delay? The time is not right. Satan is too strong, and the Woman’s army is not ready. Also, Satan wants to choose the place for the battle, but the Woman will not allow her children to be ambushed. So, she leads her children by hidden paths.
She will suddenly join them when she raises up her priest son. The battle will begin quickly. Her army will attack to destroy the strongholds. Even though many die, the first stages of her victory will be gained. Then, she will raise up others upon which she will build her Son’s Church.
Mankind is a frightened child, unsure of the future and not knowing where to walk. So, it shouts “Let us make merry. Let us indulge our fantasies.” So, all becomes unreal, detached from any purpose and subject to any whim.
Satan easily enters such an unfortified city; its watchmen sound asleep and its people not alert. Like Samson, the world will awake, chained and weak. Only the Woman can save the City of God.
Satan lures the world into his heart, using different strategies. He leads some by lust, others by dreams of power and each according to their weakness. Gathered together in self-interest, they change the culture, satanizing the world.
The Woman has only one choice – to call her children out of this world and into her heart. These little ones need her protection.
Some, of good will, do not see this growing satanization of the world and falsely believe they can survive without withdrawing into her heart.
The order of former ages has been destroyed. The light of faith set aside. The world has become secular, reveling in its freedom and able to write its own rules.
Cut off from the divine, mankind enjoys the first feelings of the Prodigal, free and filled with money. Soon, reality sets in and a moment arrives to return to the Father’s house. This is the Woman’s constant word – “I will lead you back to the Father.”
The already treacherous road will grow more dangerous and darker. The Woman will provide new lights to push back the time. She will not allow the complete collapse to happen soon. Her children need more time to understand and respond.
Yet, she cannot remove the inevitable – the purifying hand of the Father which is so needed. However, she will not stand on the sidelines. She will enter history in extraordinary ways and rescue the Church from Satan’s hands.
The world does not understand the supernatural Kingdoms. It dabbles in the occult, plunges into the demonic and avoids the heavenly Father, declaring itself secular. Oh, where have we come and how did we take this path?
The Woman prepares her own road, a special path back to Jesus, a final opportunity for the world to avoid being swallowed up by hell’s forces.
Before the world is destroyed, the Father must act to remove nuclear powers from human control. He can only accomplish this by removing and destroying much that man has created. His actions will not be understood. He is preserving humanity, not destroying it, saving the world, not annihilating it.
Prophets must arise to explain, and in this moment, the Church will truly become the Light of the world, guided first by the Woman’s priest son and then by others who walk in His light.
See what lies ahead. The foundations are shaking. Peace has abandoned Europe. Putin marches, halted only by brave Ukranians. He is limited for now but plotting future destruction, and hoping to regain all that was lost.
The poor have been neglected. They have no table to enjoy food. If the rich were to take care of the poor, peace would return.
Satan has covered over the path to life, deceiving the whole world by his pleasures. He has bathed all the nations in his darkness and has blinded all to the way to salvation. Soon, all will hang in the balance. The whole world will be in his hands with the light of Christ obscured.
Seeing his plans and understanding his ways, the Woman has forged another road of light, accessible to all who understand this mystery of the Father’s choice.
Each person holds a part of human history in their hands but only the Father holds all of history. He allows the human person to defy Him and to walk sinful paths. He tolerates violence and wars and so many evils.
A moment comes, however, when He must intervene. He acts quickly and decisively, directly and often painfully, purifying, chastising, crushing the evil and startling the world. Even so, many do not see. So, this time, He sends the Woman to prepare the world, to comfort her children, and to strengthen those who are fearful.
All can see the beginning traces of the future, the obscure outline provided by present events. The Russian evil has begun to spill over, checked for now by Ukranian resistance.
Many unused weapons, limited goals, and for now, a united West. Yet, Russia has its own allies, working together for world domination, unchecked by any moral values, perfect instruments in Satan’s hands.
Will the Father just allow human history to take its course, totally determined by the human will, or will He intervene, stopping the process and take history into His own hands?
Even with free will, history has always been in His hands. However, in some moments, His actions become evident to all; extraordinary feats which manifest His power and cause every knee to bend. Such is the future. Soon. So very soon all will see His divine actions.
When the doors of these mysteries open, the world and the Church will begin a new era. Enough will be left for mankind to survive but in ways totally new. These mysteries will also offer the Church an opportunity for new life, never seen before. Only the Woman can prepare the Church for these days since great Wisdom is needed.
When the great moment of destruction changes the course of history, few will be prepared. Careers will be destroyed and false hopes seen as illusions. Society will be in shambles and darkness will cover the world.
Faith will be tested and many will forsake God. Only the believers, anchored in the Woman’s heart, will not be overwhelmed. She will raise up a new pope who will bind them together so the Church survives.
The future is hidden in mystery except for those to whom God chooses to reveal. He has chosen the Woman and shown her everything. She sorrows over what she sees and acts to change what will happen.
She is effective – pushing back the sufferings and changing events, but she needs an army, followers to join in her mission. To these, she reveals her secrets and shows them her ways. They walk in freedom, avoiding all of Satan’s pitfalls and able to save others.
The Woman is a light, piercing deeply into the darkness, revealing the demon’s presence and power. Long ago, she said that Russia must be converted before spreading its errors. No one listened. Now, all can see for themselves.
What lies ahead? Do we continue to set aside the Woman’s light and walk in darkness? When will the Church see? When will it hear? When will it become the light needed for the nations? When it listens to the Woman.